The prestigious Institute for Creation Research


"Cypress you motherfucking whore!"
At first I thought this was parody, but this is actually f$cking serious and for real.

Institute for Creation Research: Our Approach to Scientific Investigation

The Institute for Creation Research is unique among scientific research organizations. Our research is conducted within a biblical worldview, since ICR is committed to the absolute authority of the inerrant Word of God. The real facts of science will always agree with biblical revelation because the God who made the world of God inspired the Word of God.

All origins research must begin with a premise.1 ICR holds that the biblical record of primeval history in Genesis 1–11 is factual, historical, and clearly understandable and, therefore, that all things were created and made in six literal days. Life exists because it was created on Earth by a living Creator. Further, the biblical Flood was global and cataclysmic, and its after-effects therefore explain most of the stratigraphic and fossil evidence found in the earth’s crust. It is within this framework that ICR research is conducted.
Why does this matter to you?

When rightwing interest groups stop trying to introduce creationism and it's permutations into public science classrooms, using the junk science these so called institutes provide, I will stop caring.
Maybe people with any commonsense don't want to see science perverted; this of course, is beyond the level of comprehension of a low IQ Magatard.

Any idiot who thinks science has already been perverted isnt very bright. Stfu dick wad
When rightwing interest groups stop trying to introduce creationism and it's permutations into public science classrooms, using the junk science these so called institutes provide, I will stop caring.

But you're quite alright with left wing interest groups using "science" to convince kids their gender is a choice and they should lop off body parts because of their feelings. Sorry but I don't buy your bullsh*t
But you're quite alright with left wing interest groups using "science" to convince kids their gender is a choice and they should lop off body parts because of their feelings. Sorry but I don't buy your bullsh*t

I've never been in a science class that taught people should switch genders, and I have never met any parent that taught their kid to get a sex change operation.

You are attempting to make a gigantic mountain out of a little tiny molehill.
At first I thought this was parody, but this is actually f$cking serious and for real.

Have the perps responsible for this organization been rounded up

and isolated from the general population?

Probably not, and there's yet another indication that this republic is doomed.

Tolerance is regarded a virtue, and the general population

is infested with people who will tolerate this nonsense.
Have the perps responsible for this organization been rounded up

and isolated from the general population?

Probably not, and there's yet another indication that this republic is doomed.

Tolerance is regarded a virtue, and the general population

is infested with people who will tolerate this nonsense.

One has to wonder if grifting people's money is what's really lurking at the foundations of this "institute"
One has to wonder if grifting people's money is what's really lurking at the foundations of this "institute"

One doesn't have to wonder in terms of its founders.

As for those from whom the money is being extracted, C,

we don't have to wonder about them either.
Maybe people with any commonsense don't want to see science perverted; this of course, is beyond the level of comprehension of a low IQ Magatard.
Right, ergo why I will gladly continue to correct the Church of Global Warming's perversion of science any and every chance I get. :)
What the religious fanatics won't do to mask theology as science.
You got THAT right! Them damn Church of Global Warming members just won't stop trying to mask their theology as science. At least Christianity can preach a different sermon each Sunday... the Church of Global Warming just preaches the same handful of sermons over and over and over again.... BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORINGGGGGGGGGGGGG.....................
Right, ergo why I will gladly continue to correct the Church of Global Warming's perversion of science any and every chance I get. :)

What is it that you drink??? What ever it is, maybe you ought to consider laying off the stuff.
When rightwing interest groups stop trying to introduce creationism and it's permutations into public science classrooms, using the junk science these so called institutes provide, I will stop caring.
Where is this happening?

I'm not trying to push anything of the sort. I want science to be science and religion to be religion.

Ergo, why I want the Global Warming BS out of science classrooms...