
That's OK Francis, you go right on believing that.

Here’s how I view you.


Now show everyone how your OCD makes you reply. :D
Of course, the fact that "One cannot use logic, reason, science, or substantiate 'At least one god exists.'" and that there's no evidence for the existence of any gods is itself a logical argument that no gods exist.
I know that they are matters of choice.....those that demand proof have already made their choice not to have faith.......

Faith is just a refusal to accept reality. Or, as Heinlein put it: “Faith strikes me as intellectual laziness.”

Or: "God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks, please. Cash and in small bills."
[Robert Heinlein, "Notebooks of Lazarus Long," from Time Enough for Love (1973).]
Faith is just a refusal to accept reality. Or, as Heinlein put it: “Faith strikes me as intellectual laziness.”

Or: "God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks, please. Cash and in small bills."
[Robert Heinlein, "Notebooks of Lazarus Long," from Time Enough for Love (1973).]

Faith in supernatural beings and their magical powers granting never-ending life, in my honest opinion, is a mental disorder. Teaching such ridiculous nonsense to children as fact, amounts to nothing short of child abuse.
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Dude, you ax'd for anyone to prove it to you, and someone already has, mathematically, scientifically. You haven't bothered to look at the mathematical proof at the link provided, but you want me to explain it to you. What's your specific question?
Of course, that assumes that the basic axioms are correct. Otherwise, it's just the usual wishful thinking that's all that the faithful have got going for them.

The Bible is actually evidence that there is no God. The prohibition on eating pork is clearly based on the observation that some became ill after eating pork. If that was truly God saying that, the command would simply have been to ensure that pork was cooked thoroughly before being consumed. There are other inconsistencies and contradictions in the Bible that serve as proof that it was not inspired by any god. spite of Physical Science and he evidence that the Universe is dying a slow expanding death.....IT NEVER CAME INTO EXISTENCE IT IS ETERNAL YET HAS AN ENDING? Really? I lost interest in your snowflake defections on the very first "impossible hypothetical". Its no wonder you are stuck in a have no articulative cognitive logical thought patterns in your mind. (:

And the fact that you exist, and the Universe exists....does not constitute the prima facie evidence that your very existence requires a CAUSE to that scientific fact? You're not much of a scientist are ya sport? FYI: its not a "guess" when you can objectively reach out and touch the reality that surrounds you. If nature is not capable of defining its own existence....then LOGICALLY there must be a SUPER FORCE TO NATURE...i.e., a Supernatural Force/Cause to the effect known as physical reality.

As I said....until you present evidence that God is not that supernatural force (prima facie/circumstantial truth).....My faith stands firm on the physical law of causality.
Your 'logic' is based entirely on ignorance. We have observed subatomic particles spontaneously appearing in empty space. We don't know, yet, why or how that happens. But that could explain the Big Bang. Once enough such particles had manifested, they would cram together until they had sufficient mass to create the singularity that birthed the Big Bang. There's nothing in that that requires any god. There's no evidence for the existence of any god. Gods are merely a human invention to try and put a human face on the unknown.
I have one suggestion. "IF" you do not want to know the answer, don't ask the question. As all Christians are commanded to give a defense as to why their faith not only rests within their heart but grows with each challenge to that faith. "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, AND ALWAYS BE READY TO GIVE A DEFENSE to WHO ASKS YOU ARE REASON FOR THE HOPE THAT IS IN YOU...with meekness and fear." -- 1 Peter 3:15

That's why I address the fools who actually do not want to learn but simply stir up an attempt to rob others of a faith they themselves do not posses. I guess its true, "misery loves company..." yet.... I am commanded to defend MY FAITH. As for your faith or the lack thereof, that's for you work out....or not, as I have no dog in your personal hunt.

Yes indeed....If you accept physical science as Objective Truth.....the Universe is dying according to the Laws of Physics. Its not a guess its a quantified reality based upon the potential of the elements that make up this physical reality...all of which are commanded by the LAWS OF PHYSICS. As I're not much on Science are you sport?

Perhaps your "atheistic" cohorts can explain the simple in a method that a 5 year old can comprehend it.
You talk a good game, but you don't seem to know what you're talking about.
I have one suggestion. "IF" you do not want to know the answer, don't ask the question. As all Christians are commanded to give a defense as to why their faith not only rests within their heart but grows with each challenge to that faith. "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, AND ALWAYS BE READY TO GIVE A DEFENSE to WHO ASKS YOU ARE REASON FOR THE HOPE THAT IS IN YOU...with meekness and fear." -- 1 Peter 3:15

That's why I address the fools who actually do not want to learn but simply stir up an attempt to rob others of a faith they themselves do not posses. I guess its true, "misery loves company..." yet.... I am commanded to defend MY FAITH. As for your faith or the lack thereof, that's for you work out....or not, as I have no dog in your personal hunt.

Yes indeed....If you accept physical science as Objective Truth.....the Universe is dying according to the Laws of Physics. Its not a guess its a quantified reality based upon the potential of the elements that make up this physical reality...all of which are commanded by the LAWS OF PHYSICS. As I're not much on Science are you sport?

Perhaps your "atheistic" cohorts can explain the simple in a method that a 5 year old can comprehend it.
Didn't actually read the aricle, did you.
Don't believe.....its your soul not mine, you are endowed with free will....but your NON FAITH effects my You are hardly defined (according to your inarticulate records) as a brilliant philosopher. Anyone that claims that such as this (*) disgraces all formats of Physical Science.

*: the UNCAUSED CAUSE..i.e., the Universe. Just like all atheists you attempt to discredit those of faith by declaring your NON-FAITH attempting to side step the actual question (FYI: the topic of this thread) and ignoring 2 primary laws of Logic and Physics 1. The Law of Cause and Effect which has never in history been breeched in its logical statement by men such as PLATO, etc., great minds of history all agree in relation to the Law of Cause and Effect when it comes to physical science. 2. The Law of Thermodynamics.

Example: W.T. Stace, a professor of philosophy at Princeton University authored "A Critical History of Greek Philosophy" quoted as such, "Every student of logic knows that this is the ultimate cannon of the sciences, THE FOUNDATION OF THEM ALL. If we did not believe the truth of causation, namely, everything which has a beginning has a cause, and that in the same circumstances the same things invariably happen, all the sciences would at once crumble to dust, every scientific investigation this truth is assumed...." i.e., THE LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT.

Now you are deflecting away from the science of asking the question....what caused the effect known as the physical universe by suggesting the UNIVERSAL was an effect caused by an unknown and Uncasued cause? Really?

But then again....I suppose you are much more intellectual than either Plato or :laugh: Reality: The Universe physical exists therefore it must have CAUSE. 2. The Laws of thermodynamics demonstrate that the energy that drives the universe is slowly decaying/dying. Yet you can't explain nature via natural essence making anyone's claim of being an atheist.....a laughable scam. If everything were natural as your personal philosophy suggests...then nature could explain and define its own CAUSE. Logically speaking......only a Super (natural) to Nature caused the effect of physical reality.

Who Caused God? God is not physical, he's a spiritual entity and therefore not bound by natural laws. As I said....until you or anyone can prove beyond doubt there was no supernatural Cause....the prima facie evidence of existence stands as truth to a creating cause. My personal faith is not BLIND like yours.
Your personal faith is quite blind. If God exists, and really cared whether or not we believed in Him, it would certainly be within His power to demonstrate His existence to all of us. That He doesn't do so means one of two things. Either He doesn't exist, or we mean nothing to Him. In either case, your faith is based on what you want to believe, not on any reality. don't accept Physical Science as a you? Science proves that the universe had a beginning as evidenced via the demonstrable fact that it is dying. Nothing eternal dies. Emotion and Logic never serve one another....its like water and oil. You either believe in Science Actual as I do....or you do not, nothing is more objectively quantifiable than SCIENCE ACTUAL.

I am not much on the pseudo sciences that live within the realms of philosophy...i.e., theory, conjecture and speculation..... Science never contradicts confirms it. This circular ride is now officially over. There is nothing within the laws of physics that prohibits my faith (as its based upon evidences not blindly) in the God of Creation, call it what you want. But the Scriptures within the Chistian/Judea philosophies are the only scriptures that remain "UNBORKEN" after 3500 years of existence.

The universe is not "dying". It will continue to exist forever, as near as we can tell. It may even, at some point, collapse to a singularity again and start the whole process over again. Your faith is based on a human creation., the error is in ignoring everything else in the Bible so you can pretend Christianity doesn't believe Jesus is God incarnate.......even atheists, if they have any knowledge of theology are aware of the things they refuse to believe.........if you refuse to believe but don't even know what you are refusing to believe you are an idiot.........

Typical refusing to believe what the Bible says so that you can believe what you want to believe.
Your personal faith is quite blind. If God exists, and really cared whether or not we believed in Him, it would certainly be within His power to demonstrate His existence to all of us. That He doesn't do so means one of two things. Either He doesn't exist, or we mean nothing to Him. In either case, your faith is based on what you want to believe, not on any reality.

Or you left out a possible third reason and that would be that there is no reason for him to demonstrate anything.

Plus I'm sure that there are many more reasons, then just the two you're comfortable with. :D
It seems to me that any 'religion' worth twopence is concerned with the way we treat one another. It is a great pity that so many of them have got themselves mixed up with prehistoric versions of reality. 'Gods' of the sort primitive tribes imagined seem extremely unlikely, don't they?
That's OK Francis, you go right on believing that.

Here’s how I view you.[IMG]

Now show everyone how your OCD makes you reply. :D[/QUOTE]

My name is not Francis...I do not do "believing."

You are my pet, US. Here is how I think of you:
