The racism in Obama's left ear


Well...the right is right
This is ridiculous. Democrats need to stand up to Obama, and stop cheering him. If McCain had a racist preacher, he'd be off the stage in about an hour, certainly not getting standing ovations, like Barrack Obama is getting from Democrats after he defends his preacher who is a raving racist, a man who called Italian's garlic noses, who gave an award in his name for lifetime achievement to louis farrakhan, a man who refers to Jew's as 'bloodsuckers', a man who says GD America, America's chickens are coming home to roost, this raving 'black power' lunatic needs to go the way any 'white power' lunatic would. Granted I wasn't going to vote Obama, but what I want to know is Why are the Democrats cheering this man, do you support these comments, and thus Obama's defense of them.

[ame=""]YouTube - Jeremiah Wright - Obama's mentor - Hate speech[/ame]

[nomedia=""]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/nomedia]

[ame=""]YouTube - Jeremiah Wright ' GD ' America[/ame]

"The Italians for the most part looked down their garlic noses at the Galileans."

Wright continued, "From the circumstances surrounding Jesus' birth (in a barn in a township that was under the Apartheid Roman government that said his daddy had to be in), up to and including the circumstances surrounding Jesus' death on a cross, a Roman cross, public lynching Italian style. ...

"He refused to be defined by others and Dr. Asa Hilliard also refused to be defined by others. The government runs everything from the White House to the schoolhouse, from the Capitol to the Klan, white supremacy is clearly in charge, but Asa, like Jesus, refused to be defined by an oppressive government because Asa got his identity from an Omnipotent God." POL20080326a.html
Farrakhan recently received an award in this man's name for lifetime achievement! And Mr. Farrakhan is the cover story of the November/December 2007 issue of Wright’s Trinity United Church Of Christ’s magazine:


Farrakhan’s bigoted and anti-Semitic rhetoric has included statements calling whites “blue eyed devils” and Jews “bloodsuckers” that controlled the slave trade...

Trinity United Church of Christ has also reprinted a Hamas manifesto written by a terrorist fugitive wanted by the FBI. It was published across two pages of the "Pastor’s Page" section of the church bulletin. Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s name is copyrighted at the bottom of the pages.

When will the Democrats stand up to Obama, and send him the way George Allen went!
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Ha ha - you bummed the polls didn't change?

Americans are getting smarter. They realize that this is BS compared to war & recession (nice job on those, btw).
Bummed, try outraged!

Ha ha - most people are outraged because they're losing their homes, and their sons & daughters are dying & being asked to serve multiple tours. Most people could care less about what someone's pastor is saying.

Ha ha. Obama is going to be President.

Ha ha.
This is ridiculous. Democrats need to stand up to Obama, and stop cheering him. If McCain had a racist preacher, he'd be off the stage in about an hour, certainly not getting standing ovations, like Barrack Obama is getting from Democrats after he defends his preacher who is a raving racist, a man who called Italian's garlic noses, who gave an award in his name for lifetime achievement to louis farrakhan, a man who refers to Jew's as 'bloodsuckers', a man who says GD America, America's chickens are coming home to roost, this raving 'black power' lunatic needs to go the way any 'white power' lunatic would. Granted I wasn't going to vote Obama, but what I want to know is Why are the Democrats cheering this man, do you support these comments, and thus Obama's defense of them.

Farrakhan recently received an award in this man's name for lifetime achievement! And Mr. Farrakhan is the cover story of the November/December 2007 issue of Wright’s Trinity United Church Of Christ’s magazine:


Farrakhan’s bigoted and anti-Semitic rhetoric has included statements calling whites “blue eyed devils” and Jews “bloodsuckers” that controlled the slave trade...

When will the Democrats stand up to Obama, and send him the way George Allen went!

Like I'm going to take the word of a racist like you. Racists often call anyone who doesn't believe in their racism a racist. It's some kind of reverse psychology.
Way to cherrypick the polls.

McCain is toast, and you know it. In a year of recession & foreclosure, he is out there saying "I don't know much about economics."

Haha - you're gonna lose again this year. Ha Ha!
McSame has far worse ties than Obama.

You just keep pounding away at the idea that Obama is a racist wrl.

The first viable black candidate for the president is a racist?

You are going to kick your own parties ass wrl.
Defend the statements then, how are they not racist, anti American? Also Obama is defending the man, trying to say these are nit picked quotes, not distancing himself from such controversial comments. How is someone supposed to separate the two when Obama defends them.
Its from a Eulogy, dumbass. A eulogy he gave for a VIP. A prominent african american in the community. And if you don't clip out a phrase or two, and put in in context, there's nothing remotely incendiary about it.

You fucking republicans, and your racist bullshit. I knew this is the only way you could get your geriatric warmonger in the white house. By linking Obama to your irrational fears of the black man.

Asa Hilliard A Child Of God

Wright, Jeremiah A Jr
Eulogy for Dr. Asa Grant Hilliard III

Grace, mercy and peace be unto you from Cod our Father and from Jesus Christ our Savior.

The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures. He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul. He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake.

Yea, though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death; I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; oh my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Asa was born in a climate, a context and a country controlled by white supremacy. ....TRUE From its founding fathers some would say "fondling fathers" who defined Africans as non-persons, from its original government to its current government hell-bent on leaving every Black child behind. From his birth in the cradle of dehumanization to his death in the cradle of civilization, Asa lived under a government that like Rome in Jesus' day saw itself and sees itself as an empire.

The government runs everything from the White House to the schoolhouse, from the Capitol to the Klan, white supremacy is clearly in charge,TRUE but Asa, like Jesus, refused to be defined by an oppressive government because Asa got his identity from an omnipotent God.

Asa Hilliard was a child of God. A child of God, when it comes to identity, refuses to be defined by others.

Asa Hilliard was a child of God. Asa G. Hilliard III was a child of God. Baba was a child of God. "Sub" was a child of God. Nana Baffour Amankwatia II was a child of God, and in the language of "he mama" (as the Gullah and Maroons in the low country would say), in the language of the Reverend Dr. Lois Otha Williams or her daddy Bishop Lowe, in the language of the saints of the Church of God in Christ, Asa's religion of origin, it is put this way: "If anybody asks you who I am, who I am, who I am... If anybody asks you who I am, tell 'em I'm a child of God."

Now what does a child of God look like? You can see it in the thirty-three year life of Jesus and you can see it in the seventy-three year life of Dr. Hilliard. First there is the issue of identity. A child of God gets his or her identity from God.

Jesus refused to be defined by others. He knew what other people said about Him. He knew how other people defined Him. Jesus lived His whole life under Roman oppression. The Italians ran everything in Jesus' day from the local government to the Roman Empire.

From Pontius Pilate to Caesar (pronounced "Kaiser") Augustus... from the circumstances surrounding his birth, a decree from the Roman government caused Joseph to have to leave Nazareth to go to his Bantustan in Bethlehem to get a passbook to legitimize his ethnicity... from the circumstances surrounding Jesus' birth (in a barn in a township that was under the Apartheid Roman government that said His daddy had to be in), up to and including the circumstances surrounding Jesus' death on a cross, a Roman cross, a public lynching Italian-style...

From birth to death, Jesus lived under Roman oppression, but Jesus refused to be defined by an oppressive government. Jesus got His identity from an omnipotent God....TRUE... He refused to be defined by others and Dr. Asa Hilliard also refused to be defined by others.

Some of his own people tried to limit him to what they thought he ought to be doing in Nazareth. They asked, "Ain't this the carpenter's kid?" Some of his own colleagues tried to track him for failure.

His disciple, Nathaniel, just heard where Jesus came from: Nazareth? (The Red Light District in Houston? The projects in Denver? Manual Training High School for the Colored?) and Nathaniel said, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" That was Nathaniel's question. Trying to limit the Lord.

His enemies had their opinions about Him. The Italians for the most part looked down their garlic noses at the Galileans. His enemies had their opinions about Him. Pon-ti-us Pi-la-te. Y'all call him "Pontius Pilate." In Italiano, Pontius Pilate looked at the Palestinians as peasants. His enemies had their opinions about Him. His Jewish enemies! Yup, Jesus had enemies among His own people. .true OMG, this is worse than the Neocon crybaby who was whining about some spraypaint on army recruiting offices. So Wright called the cruel and oppressive Romans, "garlic noses". Big fucking deal. It's the romans. It was 2000 years ago. They were cruel to Jesus, and most christians would agree that Jesus roman oppressors were worthy of insult[/b]

Why do people under oppression always seem to turn on each other rather than turning to each other? [/b]Could a part of it be the way they are taught to hate themselves and hate each other? What Reuben Fuerstein the Jew and Asa Hilliard the African call "socially mediated learning"

What Carter G. Woodson called the Miseducation of Africans in America, what Baffour Amankwatia called the making of a sheep dog? Not because of benign neglect but because of malignant intent. Does being fed a constant diet of self-hatred cause people under oppression to turn on each other? Jesus had folk who looked just like he looked. These were not Italians. These were Palestinians who were His enemies.

Those of us in the Christian church, when we read the sacred texts, we really get ticked, because we find out that one of the hardest pills to swallow is the fact that most of Jesus' staunchest enemies were "church folk." Not the "Bros" who hung out in the brothels and the bars, and the Jerusalem taverns, but the saints who hung out in the Synagogue and the sacred precincts of the Jerusalem temple! Amen, Pastor Wright. Jesus was more comfortable hangin out with prosititues, criminals, and the poor. Because he knew who the hypocrites were

Jesus' enemies tried to limit Him by what they said about Him and what they thought about Him, but Jesus' identity was intact because He knew He was a child of God and He refused to be limited by what the world said about Him or thought about Him.

And Asa? Asa was just like Jesus-"a sacred text," Wade Nobles says-"to be exegeted." Asa refused to be limited by what the world said about him or thought about him. Asa refused to be limited by other folks' low expectations of him.
TRUE see they believe this black power garbage! I'll treat it with the same disdain I do white power bull.
TRUE see they believe this black power garbage! I'll treat it with the same disdain I do white power bull.

You truly are a dumbass.

The entire eulogy was about the solidarity of people who are oppressed. Jesus was on the side of oppressed people.

And it's not about skin color. Wright explicitly said in his eulogy that black people can be oppressors, just like some jewish people were oppressive of their fellow jew, Jesus.
Defend the statements then, how are they not racist, anti American? Also Obama is defending the man, trying to say these are nit picked quotes, not distancing himself from such controversial comments. How is someone supposed to separate the two when Obama defends them.

I don't have to defend anything. I'm not voting for Reverend Wright from Trinity Church in Chicago. I'm voting for Barak Obama.

Who is going to win, btw. Ha ha.
Wow, you all get pretty Rated "R" or "unrated extended version" on both sides of the coin. I doubt that any of the candidates would appreciate the tone of this internet debate. I don't think Barack Hussein Obama is a Racist anymore than I think Hillary Rodam Clinton or John McCain are. I do think that many of Pastor Wright's statements are Racist and Devisive in any context. People like Sharptin and Jackson who are quick to jump on others like "Imus" and label them as Racist, look hypocritical when they then turn around and support Pastor Wright.

I believe Obama's judgement which he himself had "elevated" in contests with Hillary on the war, is now just a little questionable for "undecided voters". Not that he has overly poor judgement, but that his judgement now looks ordinary. He has distanced himself from Wright's views, and I actually credit him with not throwing Wright under a bus at this point in the campaign. I have little reason to doubt Barack's sincerity, just his judgement. I don't believe he can attack Hillary's or John's judgement with the same vigor anymore. He has shown that he is not perfect (as the media portrayed for so long). Now Barack looks human and we will see how that works for him in the next Primaries. I'm voting for McCain, but I credit Obama with making this a very interesting race. Without him, it would be boring Dem v. Repub.... and that's about it...
WRL actually has another error on his C&P

"I heard Ambassador Peck on an interview yesterday," Wright declared. "He was on Fox News. This is a white man and he was upsetting the Fox News commentators to no end. He pointed out, a white man, an ambassador, that what Malcolm X said when he got silenced by Elijah Muhammad was in fact true: America's chickens are coming home to roost."
spin away here is the sermon which he screams and yells, America is the terrorists and we got what we deserved on 9/11, America's chickens coming home to roost.

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