The racism in Obama's left ear

spin away here is the sermon which he screams and yells, America is the terrorists and we got what we deserved on 9/11, America's chickens coming home to roost.


Willie can you please repeat the last line of your youtube? Listen careful for a clue.

Also the sermon starts “I heard Ambassador Peck on an interview yesterday did anybody else see or hear him? He was on FOX News, this is a white man, and he was upsetting the FOX News commentators to no end, he pointed out, a white man, an ambassador, he pointed out that (your youtube starts here)what Malcolm X said when he was silenced by Elijah Mohammad was in fact true, he said Americas chickens, are coming home to roost.”

[ame=""]YouTube - FOX Lies!! Irresponsible Media! Barack Obama Pastor Wright[/ame]
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Lets imagine the near future for a minute:

It a presidential debate between Obama and McSame.

You see them standing next to each other Youthful, alert, Bright , positive thoughful President Obama and old, creaky, angry, war is good, corporate McSame.

The polls will take a dive for McSame.
This is all you got huh WRL. You know that McCain is going to look old and tired on the stage next to Obama, you fear that it will become a popularity contest, which is part it will, but this time, instead of "who would you most want to drink a beer with" it is going to be who looks like he will actually be able to be awake for the 3 pm call let alone the 3 am call. You think Reagan napped, this guy has no where near the energy Reagan had first term, and no where near the charisma or energy of Barack Obama. Polls are already suggesting that the Wright issue and harping on it has backfired on Hillary. I hope the right continues to beat the dead horse. If this is the issue in August it will show a lack of anything of substance to say.
I want to know what you think WRL about the entire sermon? you cherry pick, sort of like your president did in 2003, and take the comments out of context. It is intellectually dishonest to say that this man was BLAMING america. There is nothing in that sermon that is not true and there is nothing in that sermon that does anything but attempt to give 9-11 some context in relation to the Psalm that read at the beginning.
I want to know what you think WRL about the entire sermon? you cherry pick, sort of like your president did in 2003, and take the comments out of context. It is intellectually dishonest to say that this man was BLAMING america. There is nothing in that sermon that is not true and there is nothing in that sermon that does anything but attempt to give 9-11 some context in relation to the Psalm that read at the beginning.

He wont respond because there are no Copy & Paste along with YouTUbe which states that -I maybe wrong on my Copy & Paste.:cool:
Rev. Jeremiah Wright's words: Sound bite vs. sermon excerpt

If you DARE WRL. Go to this website,0,4778852.story

It is the Chicago Tribune's website, and instead of doing the intellectually dishonest thing and playing sound bites, they get you to read the sound bite and then read it in context of the sermon. Do that and then come talk to us about what Wright meant. But that does not fit into the Rightwing plan of attack. Right wingers don't have the attention span for this, so their puppet masters think, so just tell them the shocking quotes but leave out the context.
If you DARE WRL. Go to this website,0,4778852.story

It is the Chicago Tribune's website, and instead of doing the intellectually dishonest thing and playing sound bites, they get you to read the sound bite and then read it in context of the sermon. Do that and then come talk to us about what Wright meant. But that does not fit into the Rightwing plan of attack. Right wingers don't have the attention span for this, so their puppet masters think, so just tell them the shocking quotes but leave out the context.

Maybe he should check this out as well
[ame=""]YouTube - Obama's Pastor loves America and is more than a sound bite.[/ame]
I want to know what you think WRL about the entire sermon? you cherry pick, sort of like your president did in 2003, and take the comments out of context. It is intellectually dishonest to say that this man was BLAMING america. There is nothing in that sermon that is not true and there is nothing in that sermon that does anything but attempt to give 9-11 some context in relation to the Psalm that read at the beginning.

Well said.

This NeoCon desparation is so WEAK. Wright was talking about the Romans, who oppressed and executed Jesus and the christians. The romans DID look down their noses at the chrisitians. The "garlic noses" was obviously a cheesy insult I guess. Maybe there's a theological context I'm not aware of in that insult. One thing I've learned about McCain fans, is that they'll post a comment or youtube snippet from Wright, and clip out any context, or scope. Who cares? At worst, it was a cheesy insult on the ROMAN oppressors of the christians.

Here's some Cherry picked quotes from Martin Luther King.

Today's conservatives and reactionaires would react to Martin Luther King, they same way they react to Pastor Wright: They would tag MLK as unpatriotic, unamerican, and divisive. And they DID at the time. The same way that Cons have always reacted to members of minority communites and disenfranchised communities, who speak truth to power:

MARTIN LUTHER KING: "I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today: my own government. For the sake of those boys, for the sake of this government, for the sake of the hundreds of thousands trembling under our violence, I cannot be silent.

Now let me tell you the truth about it, they (the vietnamese) must see Americans as strange liberators...They watch as we poison their water, as we kill a million acres of their crops. They must weep as the bulldozers roar through their areas preparing to destroy the precious trees. ..We have destroyed their two most cherished institutions: the family and the village. We have destroyed their land and their crops. This is the role our nation has taken.

There isn't a single official of our country that can go anywhere in the world without being stoned and eggs being thrown at him. It's because we have taken on to ourselves a kind of arrogance of power. We've ignored the mandates of justice and morality.
Those quotes actually got MLK Jr. uninvited to the Whitehouse. We give lots of lip service to dissent in this country but we have NEVER meant it. Countries also have the myopic inability to see the beam in their eye but with great accuracy locate the mote in the others eye.

Those quotes actually got MLK Jr. uninvited to the Whitehouse. We give lots of lip service to dissent in this country but we have NEVER meant it. Countries also have the myopic inability to see the beam in their eye but with great accuracy locate the mote in the others eye.

are you babling about now? Darla give ya a little on the side? Go ahead and dissent all ya want...the only pussy ya will get is from old hags dressed in dirty nightgowns...protesting at recruiting you really want to show up there with your ho?
I am sure you are talking to me but you might want to save the bandwidth cause:

This message is hidden because Battleborne is on your ignore list.
You are even dumber.............

I am sure you are talking to me but you might want to save the bandwidth cause:

This message is hidden because Battleborne is on your ignore list.

than a rock...yeah right you can't see me but you can read me...what a idiot you are soco!
OMG you have to be kidding me, Jews are 'bloodsuckers' Italians look down their garlic noses, America promotes and uses terrorism, and thus 9/11 was our fault, NOT GOD BLESS AMERICA GOD DAMN AMERICA, the honoring of other racists like louis farrakhan, and the dims are on here defending this garbage!

These are not cherry picked quotes, the thread is long and clearly establishes a pattern, not a one time incident.

Oh it's repulsive how you people defend these anti American racist rants over partisanship, ehh, I need a bath.
He wont respond because there are no Copy & Paste along with YouTUbe which states that -I maybe wrong on my Copy & Paste.:cool:

No because it's a non starter, you took an non offensive segment, I'm sure/hope their where a few sane moments in that church as some silly dismissal to the mountain of evidence contrary to the 'this has been snipped' argument, which is an argument of defense, not retraction, or denunciation. I'll shoot down you point right here, when he starts talking about 'chickens coming home to roost, half the congregation starts cheering before he finishes the sentence, don't even try and act like this was a rouge man, or just a out of context quote when obviously with louis farrakhan on the cover of the church's magazine, and the congregation already knowing this racist rhetoric before it's spout, it was the norm and why people attended that church.
WRL. Please shut the fuck up and realize that actions have consequences. 400 years of slavery and some people may be a bit bitter. Denying them the legitimacy of their feelings is not the road to reconciliation.
Funny.....when you stir the shit in the Democrat stockpot....the SCUM comes to the, desh, cypress, onceler, socrtease, asshat, etc....