The racism in Obama's left ear

Nice to see you haven't changed Little Willie. Why the hypocritical support for McCain? You had nothing but contempt for him a few years back when he was critical of your super hero W.

What's really asinine about your post, little willie, is that it is just simply guilt by association. Well isn't Bush then a traitor due to his families investment in Saudi Oil? Isn't Bush a racist because of his ties to Bob Jones University? Please explain to me, how is Rev Wright any differant than Bob Jones III? Please rationalize that with your peculiar brand of hipocracy? Why is it outrages that Obama has not denounced Rev Wright but we haven't heard any calls from you for President Bush to denounce Bob Jones III?

Put your balls were your mouth is. I"m publicly challenging you to demand that President Bush publicly denounce Bob Jones III as the agent of racist intolerance that he is.

Either have the balls to do that or shut the fuck up you slimy partisan hipocrit.

One more thing. Don't support McCain. An honorable man like him does not need the support of a bigoted hack like you. Go back to Bushland where you belong.
little willie;

How comes I'm not surprised you didn't answer my challenge you chickenshit hipocrit?
I could give a ton of speechs, I throw in a couple GD Americas, and 'white power' call a few Jews bloodsuckers, insult all Italians, you bet that's all that gets played, no one wants to sit through an entire sermon, or several in this case, to hear the more radical/ racist points... And since their isn't a good context for such outrageous statements, I'm not going to post the entire sermons.

Come on little willie you piece of chickenhawk hipocrit. When you gonna denounce Jerry Falwell, Bob Jones III, Pat Robertson, Tim LaHaye, Jimmy Swaggert, Oral Roberts and all the other bigoted and morally corupt descendants of Elmer Gantry??? Walk the talk you moron. OH....I forgot.....there's a big differance to you between these guys and Reverand Wright. Their white!
Oh you where being serious, I just thought you took the time to insult me...

I'm gonna ride you on this issue like a rented plow mule. You know you cannot give an honest answer to me with out proving your hipocracy but also proving that your intellectually dishonest and morally bankrupt.
Come on little willie you piece of chickenhawk hipocrit. When you gonna denounce Jerry Falwell, Bob Jones III, Pat Robertson, Tim LaHaye, Jimmy Swaggert, Oral Roberts and all the other bigoted and morally corupt descendants of Elmer Gantry??? Walk the talk you moron. OH....I forgot.....there's a big differance to you between these guys and Reverand Wright. Their white!

what are you talking about, I don't even know who half those people are, I call a spade a spade, all I can say...
Wow, is that what you got?

I watched all three and felt my religious roots (I am an atheist who was born baptist) peaking out again. That's a preacher to which I could listen.

Okay so some retarded warmonger like WRL does not like Obama. What's the negative here?

I couldn't agree more. Since I took the time to watch the entire youtube clips, and not the 15 seconds Fox News ran over and over, I've been thinking from the outset that this preacher is offering a compelling and largely truthful dissertation on the issues of oppression, poverty, and war .

It is interesting that the WRL-crowd is clinging to the accusations of alleged racism.
I bet it'd be funny to watch a dog shit in your mouth.
Just. Wow.

I bet it would be funny to watch you fall of a ski lift like the "agony of defeat" guy on CBS Sports.

I'd even watch that on TV. I'd not be so interested in watching anybody eat poo.

Now if you want to watch that I hear that there's something about two chicks and a cup.
Just. Wow.

I bet it would be funny to watch you fall of a ski lift like the "agony of defeat" guy on CBS Sports.

I'd even watch that on TV. I'd not be so interested in watching anybody eat poo.

Now if you want to watch that I hear that there's something about two chicks and a cup.

It's not really the eating that's amusing, it's watching the dog do it.