The reason Palin is demonized, and you're not sure why you don't like her

And Adam said he wants an intellectual running. That's not the crowd Palin is gunning for nor do I think she would claim she's an intellectual herself. Because one is a Republican does not mean we all want the exact same thing and it doesn't make Adam wrong for wanting it nor is it a personal attack on people who support Palin.

Again I don't know how she developed this Ayn Rand like following.

Seems to me, we have an "intellectual" in office now, and his intellectualism isn't doing us much good. Perhaps and "intellectual" is what we DON'T need?

What Palin has, is a clear understanding of what the average mainstream American family goes through on a daily basis, because much of this is her life! She is not some elitist who is out of touch with common people! She is not some life-long political fossil who is accustomed to business-as-usual deal making and sausage grinding in Washington! How she developed such a following, is by speaking in a plain-spoken manner to average people who relate to what she says, which is core conservative values and principles.

I don't have a problem with legitimate complaints about substantive issues Palin has taken a position on and you disagree with her... put it out there, let's discuss those things, I am all for that.... what I am having trouble with, is this continued ramping up of the rhetoric perpetrated against her by the left, and perpetuated by so-called 'conservatives' who want to pull the party away from social conservatism. You have no basis for it, you just don't "like" Palin for whatever reason, and you can't really tell us why! But it's to the point of outright consorting with the enemy... agreeing with the pinhead liberals that Palin is not "qualified" to be president... I am calling you all out on it... tell us what fucking qualifications she is lacking that OBAMA has?
I like Palin as a candidate but don't lover her. I agree a little bit too with the faux-conservatism that you referenced because she comes across to me more at times as a populist without real conservative/libertarian economic credentials. Now she still has time to show her stuff if she is thinking of running for the highest office but you are right she is going to have to appeal to more than just the right-wing if she has aspirations for winning and right now that's all her appeal is too.

My issue with her populism is what are her principles behind it? How deep are her convictions?

We need a populist now with "too big to fail"-ism turning our nation fascist.
Well, if you want an actual conservative leader who will limit government, respect free enterprise, and put our country on a sound financial footing for the long term, you can't pick someone as your standard bearer who has never promised, focused, or even much thought about doing that.

And especially someone who will not be able to convince 50%-plus-one-vote of the public that they're worth giving a chance to do it.

George Bush's victory over Kerry should be instructive that the country isn't going to get rid of any bad or misguided President just to get a new bad and equally misguided and out of touch President. If you want a second Carter, you need another Reagan in both form and substance.

And frankly, it doesn't matter if we win in 2012. Assuming a GOP victory this year in Congress, I'm not sure the events will align where it will even be possible.

All that matters is if we win or lose for the right reasons.

Why are you so scared?
I'm sorry you took my post so personally. It was not written with that intent. I was strictly commenting on what we had been discussing not trying to make a personal attack.

Saying/implying/intimating that I think Palin is the best for the GOP is putting words/thoughts/ideas in my mouth that I didn't utter.

I take that personally.

Like Dixie, I choose to hold off on who I will line behind. I like Sarah Palin. she has moxie, other than that, I am more concerned with the guy seated in the White House who we have to keep a close eye on these next 3 years.

I see my country spiralling towards a new order that I find frightening. My focus is on the deals we're being forced by our leaders to accept.

The most frightening part is our voice and vote seems to matter less than before. Not that it mattered much to begin with.
anti intellectuals like majority and Dixie are the funniest posters here by far.
Unfortunately for progressive dems it will take more than teabaggers and NASCAR morons to get Palin the nod.
anti intellectuals like majority and Dixie are the funniest posters here by far.
Unfortunately for progressive dems it will take more than teabaggers and NASCAR morons to get Palin the nod.

Intellectual just means 'elitist'. The stupidest people ive ever encountered are self proclaimed intellectuals.

As she begins her book tour for her new autobiography, “Going Rogue,” the long knives are out to deny her even a modicum of celebrity status. The media is especially in full search-and-destroy mode, as they echo Democrat talking points and mumble their mantra of maliciousness.

For example, supposed “conservative” columnist David Brooks of the New York Times has called Sarah Palin a joke. Actually, Mr. Brooks, the joke is on you and we are laughing at you, not with you. And speaking of jokes, Chris Matthews of MSNBC couldn’t help but notice the “monochromatic” face of the throngs waiting to get a signed copy of Sarah’s book. That ain’t monochromatic Mr. Matthews, that’s our America.

Evan Thomas of Newsweek insists that Pallin is hurting the GOP. Yes, Mr. Thomas, Sarah Palin does hurt the GOP from an elitist’s perspective and that is a definite problem for the myopic view of the way they want the party to be. Then, there is the article in Newsweek featuring Sarah Palin in flattering jogging attire with the innocuous headline, “How do you solve a problem like Sarah?” Surely, no conclusions as to the intent of the article can be drawn from that lede.

That which truly drives this visceral disgust for all things Sarah is the fact that not only do they despise her for her colloquial style, they also recognize that she both connects with and energizes that great unwashed in the middle. Those who have ascribed unto themselves the status of “elite,” would just as soon this crass segment of our population be disqualified from voting for much more than dogcatcher.

So, while Sarah Palin’s critics are busy with their campaign to demean her, shredding what remains of the very fabric of their objectivity and simultaneously exposing the shallowness of their arguments, she continues to accomplish the very thing that causes the left to display their primal screams. Sarah Palin energizes and motivates the thinking, working, and productive segment of this nation.

It is this energized and motivated majority of Americans that really scares the hell out of the left, not Sarah Palin. It is also why “they” are so rabid in their hatred for this woman.
Because I want to grow the next generation of the conservative movement, and I don't think we can do it if we assume the future movement looks, thinks, and acts exactly like the one from the 80s and 90s.

How is palin from the 80's and 90's?

You're starting to sound like an obama "change" parrot.