The reason Palin is demonized, and you're not sure why you don't like her


We just had eight years of an "anti-intellectual" and look where that got us.
Oh, please. Not that "if Republican, then stupit" shit again. Bush was a "regular guy". I've known lots of "regular guys" who were also extremely smart. They just don't go around bragging on it.
And "elitism" means that certain persons or members of certain classes or groups deserve favored treatment by virtue of their perceived superiority, as in social status, or financial resources.

In other words, the bush clan.

the kennedy CLAN..
John Kerry
Nancy Pelosi and hubby
Albert Gore
shall I go on?
what branch of the republican party has produced a non fat old white dude in the last 30 yrs?

What difference does the color of a candidate have, look we have a scrawny black dude in office and he hasn't done anything different then the white guy before him
Because she's creating a breach in the party between the sane majority and the 20% fringies who think she's God's gift to the country.

Thank god for that. The activist 20% will destroy the elitist rockefeller republican establishment.

I didn't know you were 80% republican.
Oh, please. Not that "if Republican, then stupit" shit again. Bush was a "regular guy". I've known lots of "regular guys" who were also extremely smart. They just don't go around bragging on it.

If you can cite anything, anywhere that demonstrates bush's intellectual superiority, I'll be happy to read it.

I don't want a "regular guy" as my president. I want better.
Palin has to be destroyed because she had the nerve to try and bring up the REAL OBAMA..

sorta like the way they went after Joe the Plumber for asking a question and the REAL OBAMA slipped out..
Don't try to lecture me on core principles or the founding fathers, for that matter. Part of the reason the tea party movement (which is not the only grassroots constituency) exists is because we've always been treated to lipservice on that very subject and no real action.

It was your cheerleading of Big Government Republicans that led to the tea party movement.

If folks like you actually demanded observance of those principles when it mattered, you'd have Republicans in government to this day.

Today, conveniently, every Republican is for small government in the face of Obama and the Democratic Congress. But what happened in the past is an important indicator of what will happen in the future if certain people are fortunate to get power.

It's your crowd and your old message that made Obama possible, and has enabled him to make the situation even worse than the mess George W. Bush started.

The country has changed since the 80s and 90s. If you want a future, you'd better start acknowledging it and not act like Sarah Palin and all she entails means anything to most Americans. That's fine if you feel like you can relate to her...that doesn't impress anyone else either.

In a country that already feels like the GOP pretends nobody else but their base lives in this country, selecting her as the leader is suicidal.

Politically, culturally, and intellectually, she is not what Americans want out of a President, she is not what conservatives need out of a leader, and her past involvement with McCain and the positions she took in that election diminished trust that can she can correct past mistakes of Republican leadership.

Don't blame the people for the sold out nature of the republican party leadership.
Parties exist to serve their base. Not the other way around.

True conservatives are not abiding by the anti-white, anti-american fascist vision the noahides have to offer.
Palin has to be destroyed because she had the nerve to try and bring up the REAL OBAMA..

sorta like the way they went after Joe the Plumber for asking a question and the REAL OBAMA slipped out..

O. M. G. WHO is trying to "destroy" Palin? Think, mimi. She's her own worst enemy. We don't need to lift a finger; we can just sit back and enjoy watching her self-destruct.
What difference does the color of a candidate have, look we have a scrawny black dude in office and he hasn't done anything different then the white guy before him

Can you be that dumb, did you go to colleg in NY or skip all together?
Can you be that dumb, did you go to colleg in NY or skip all together?

I skipped it all together,but I can spell college, LOL , actually Top I know it was a typo

So Obama is doing better than Bush did, hmmmmmm, seems y'all were screaming about Gw's reckless spending, Obama beat him at that, LOL, y'all were screaming about the deficit, Obama showed GW how to really run that up also, LOL

As for college I guess you are right, I went to college on the streets of NYC, so now tell me how much more superior you are cause you went to school, LOL, News flash Einstein anybody can go to school, it is what ya do once you are there that makes a difference, and I am not sure you did anything but take up space