The reason Palin is demonized, and you're not sure why you don't like her

I skipped it all together,but I can spell college, LOL , actually Top I know it was a typo

So Obama is doing better than Bush did, hmmmmmm, seems y'all were screaming about Gw's reckless spending, Obama beat him at that, LOL, y'all were screaming about the deficit, Obama showed GW how to really run that up also, LOL

As for college I guess you are right, I went to college on the streets of NYC, so now tell me how much more superior you are cause you went to school, LOL, News flash Einstein anybody can go to school, it is what ya do once you are there that makes a difference, and I am not sure you did anything but take up space

I got a million bucks at 46 that's what I did with my MBA.
It's not great, but it's ok for this cajun.
We should declare a new war on bankers, for their treachery against the american people.

Consorting with bankers and espousing keynesian views should be jailable offenses.
If you can cite anything, anywhere that demonstrates bush's intellectual superiority, I'll be happy to read it.

I don't want a "regular guy" as my president. I want better.

Again, we regular guys don't have to go around braggin' on it. We'll leave the intellectual label for your elitist snobs. :)
Sorry pal, but I've been on the Normal Team my whole life. You go ahead and enjoy your late night phone sex with George Michael though.