The reason Palin is demonized, and you're not sure why you don't like her

What's truly funny is the latest neocon mantra, "Palin is more qualified than Obama because she was a governor".

Somebody clue in these dumb bastards that their qualified future candidate QUIT when the going got tough.

What's truly funny is the latest neocon mantra, "Palin is more qualified than Obama because she was a governor".

Somebody clue in these dumb bastards that their qualified future candidate QUIT when the going got tough.


Nah, the going wasn't tough at all. She could have stayed on as governor, it wouldn't have bothered her a bit. She did what she did for the people of Alaska, so that the state could get on with its business instead of being mired knee-deep in liberals looking for any hint of an ethics case to bring. Her action defused the situation, and Alaskans are better for it. Now the Lt. Gov. can get along with state business and leave the media frenzy and liberal hack lawyers behind. Meanwhile, Palin can tour the country, make speeches, do book tours, etc. She doesn't have to worry about what she says, and how it might affect the state of Alaska, she is not a public official anymore, so there can be no further incursions into her public doings.

But you guys hang your hat on that one! Keep blathering that she is a "quitter" and we'll see how THE PEOPLE respond to that! So far, the more senseless negative shit you hurl at her, the higher her poll numbers go. I think you're pissing off more people than you are winning over to your side, to be completely honest. So I really hope you dimwits continue spewing your vile and disgusting nonsense at Palin.

I'll take this opportunity to point out, once again we have a response from a pinhead liberal without ANY substantive complaint against Palin. Just more of the same partisan hack bullshit we've come to know and love. Keep bringing it bitches!
Yeah I read her record when she was Govenor. I can't quote you every stat off the top of my head because I don't care enough to know it. Some of the stuff she did I liked. Other stuff I question.

She seems to have a cult around her in a way that's almost like Obama where if you say anything not greatly positive about the woman it's like you are attacking someone personally and there is something wrong with you.

I expect that out of Democrats. I don't like seeing it out of Republicans.

You use the word "stuff" as if it has meaning? Her record in Alaska is small government conservative added to a willingness to take on the oil execs and lobby and her own party.

I dismiss those snobbish elitist's or ignorant critics who claim she is ignorant or stupid and yet can't challenge her political record with qualifiers.
What's truly funny is the latest neocon mantra, "Palin is more qualified than Obama because she was a governor".

Somebody clue in these dumb bastards that their qualified future candidate QUIT when the going got tough.


She had already conquered the tough part, and your messiah, Obama, quit the Senate.
I think it's laughably stupid the liberals attacking Palin.

Shit Bristol has now founded a Political Consulting Firm at 19.
Let them keep saying how dumb they are, Bristol will prob make $200,000 in 2010.

The thing of it is, without the opposition to her so constant I doubt she would have maintained the same level of fame.
You use the word "stuff" as if it has meaning? Her record in Alaska is small government conservative added to a willingness to take on the oil execs and lobby and her own party.

I dismiss those snobbish elitist's or ignorant critics who claim she is ignorant or stupid and yet can't challenge her political record with qualifiers.

So nothing she says on the campaign trail or while speaking publicly has any meaning? Because while some people are better prepared than others no one is fully prepared to become President until they actually have the job. Thus a voter must make projections.

I apologize for liking Palin and not loving her.
You use the word "stuff" as if it has meaning? Her record in Alaska is small government conservative added to a willingness to take on the oil execs and lobby and her own party.

I dismiss those snobbish elitist's or ignorant critics who claim she is ignorant or stupid and yet can't challenge her political record with qualifiers.

They can't challenge ANYTHING about Palin! All we get is the same mindless rant about how she isn't qualified, isn't very smart, isn't all that sophisticated or deep! Nothing of substance is EVER put forth to support these claims, it's pure unadulterated politics of personal destruction and character assassination. ...And it's going to bite them in the ass in a BIG way!

I can give the liberal pinheads a pass on this, because we expect this kind of mindless shit from them. They spent 8 years railing on Bush, and they saw how that worked to bring down his popularity, and so now they are trying the same tactic with Palin, but Palin ain't George Bush! The people I don't understand, are those who call themselves "conservative" and say they are for smaller limited government, etc... but they willingly join the brain-dead liberals in their bashfest of Palin, for no real good reason! Well, other than the fact she is socially conservative. Apparently, there are some conservatives who think (still) that we can't win elections without abandoning social conservatism! That's NOT going to happen!
So nothing she says on the campaign trail or while speaking publicly has any meaning? Because while some people are better prepared than others no one is fully prepared to become President until they actually have the job. Thus a voter must make projections.

I apologize for liking Palin and not loving her.

I don't fault you for not being "committed" to Palin at this point. I am not 100% committed to Palin either! I do like what I have heard and seen so far from her, and I will give her every opportunity to state her positions on the issues, should she decide to run for President. My point of contention is with those who continue to lob these empty insults at her, without any basis whatsoever. Those who laugh at the prospects of her winning the White House, as if that can't possibly happen, because she is just too stupid and dumb! It seems these antagonists are on BOTH sides... I can understand people on the left being like that, but people who claim to be conservatives?
I LIKE not LOVE Palin. I'm sorry I don't worship at her feet yet. I didn't realize I needed to put her up on a pedastal in 2009 and 2010 and all hail Queen Palin. And you yourself Dixie can't tell me why you don't like Huckabee or Romney at the same level you do Palin. Why is she sooo much better than Jindal or any other Republican? Don't try and call me out for not supporting her enough and then not defend all that is so much greater about her.

And Dixie the Republicans lost in 2006 because of outrageous spending and the growth of government under Bush and the Republicans in Congress. They didn't lose because they weren't socially conservative enough. They didn't lose because they didn't try and pull more Terry Shivo's.
I don't fault you for not being "committed" to Palin at this point. I am not 100% committed to Palin either! I do like what I have heard and seen so far from her, and I will give her every opportunity to state her positions on the issues, should she decide to run for President. My point of contention is with those who continue to lob these empty insults at her, without any basis whatsoever. Those who laugh at the prospects of her winning the White House, as if that can't possibly happen, because she is just too stupid and dumb! It seems these antagonists are on BOTH sides... I can understand people on the left being like that, but people who claim to be conservatives?

I haven't lob any insults at her. All I've said is I don't love her as a candidate. I also said right now I don't love anyone as a candidate. I don't buy this Palin has no faults. I could support her down the road. I have not ruled her out. I'm just not going to be forced into having to state my support for her now.
So nothing she says on the campaign trail or while speaking publicly has any meaning? Because while some people are better prepared than others no one is fully prepared to become President until they actually have the job. Thus a voter must make projections.

I apologize for liking Palin and not loving her.

No one shives a git that you don't love Palin, wacko. Debate her credentials and track record. No one seems to want to do much other than talk about her wardrobe and the mischaracterized comment about seeing Russia from her backyard.

It's stupid meaningless shit that the Dems claim they don't want to hear EXCEPT when they are spewing it..

I believe Sarah Palin is dead in the water, but I admire anyone, especially a woman who is a mother, who can stand in a shit storm and still maintain her dignity and composure.

I have admiration for Hilary Clinton as well. A woman who will take on the Good Ol Boys Club (Dems and Repubs) and not back down gets points in my book.

She does however, have the ugliest legs I have ever seen in a dress though. :palm:
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I LIKE not LOVE Palin. I'm sorry I don't worship at her feet yet. I didn't realize I needed to put her up on a pedastal in 2009 and 2010 and all hail Queen Palin. And you yourself Dixie can't tell me why you don't like Huckabee or Romney at the same level you do Palin. Why is she sooo much better than Jindal or any other Republican? Don't try and call me out for not supporting her enough and then not defend all that is so much greater about her.

And Dixie the Republicans lost in 2006 because of outrageous spending and the growth of government under Bush and the Republicans in Congress. They didn't lose because they weren't socially conservative enough. They didn't lose because they didn't try and pull more Terry Shivo's.

I don't think I am "worshiping" Palin! I am merely calling people out who are trashing Palin without ANY justification or basis for it! Since when does defending someone who's being relentlessly and unfairly attacked, equate to "worship?"

I can tell you why I like Palin, why I like Romney, why I like Jindal, why I like Huckabee... MORE than I like Obama and the Socialist SCUM who are now running our country into the ground!

The only "extra bump" I've given to Palin, is the fact she is WILDLY popular, and has the potential to defeat an incumbent Obama resoundingly in 2012. That's not to say that another Republican couldn't do the same between now and then, just that Palin leads the pack at the moment, in my opinion. Jindal is too "new" ...possibly a good VP pick for Palin... Huckabee is too Social Conservative... Romney is not Social Conservative enough... that's my take on it... I like them all! I would support ANY of them over Obama! I just think the one with the best chance to derail the Obama Train, is Palin.
Dixie, stop. You have gushed over Palin like no other; I have rarely seen such unabashed worship.

One thing I do agree with usaloyal on is that anyone who can take the kind of complete trashing that she has taken deserves some credit. Yes, they make the decision to step into the arena & subject themselves to that, but it still says something about them, and the personal nature of what goes on these days is way, way over the top. It's a drag, because it certainly dissuades a lot of good people from getting into politics. I don't know why any intelligent person who is sound of mind would subject themselves to it....
Dixie, stop. You have gushed over Palin like no other; I have rarely seen such unabashed worship.

I don't see Dixie as gushing over Palin, he is asking legitimate questions from people..

now if you want to see gushing and unabashed worship, just look at the Obamabots, and the State run media when they talk about Obama..:palm:
I don't see Dixie as gushing over Palin, he is asking legitimate questions from people..

I'm not talking about this thread.

Once the election is over, Dixie tries to shift into "objective" mode. There are some threads on this board from last fall that are so absurdly over-the-top, as only Dixie can do. I would have thought Palin was really Christ...
No one shives a git that you don't love Palin, wacko. Debate her credentials and track record. No one seems to want to do much other than talk about her wardrobe and the mischaraterized comment about seeing Russia from her backyard.

It's stupid meaningless shit that the Dems claim they don't want to hear EXCEPT when they are spewing it..

I believe Sarah Palin is dead in the water, but I admire anyone, especially a woman who is a mother, who can stand in a shit storm and still maintain her dignity and composure.

I have admiration for Hilary Clinton as well. A woman who will take on the Good Ol Boys Club (Dems and Repubs) and not back down gets points in my book.

She does however, have the ugliest legs I have ever seen in a dress though. :palm:

You must because I keep getting called out for not being strong enough in her camp.

I apologize for not having a photogenic memory. I can go back and listen to her speeches and tell you the parts I thought were more populist in rhetoric and not based in conservative economics. I don't have it all at the top of my head.

I admire her story. She didn't come from money had to work hard to put her self through school. She didn't get daddy to pay for an ivy league education like many politicians did. It's also not easy to raise a family and run a state at the same time. Those are all admirable personal qualities and things I like about her. She also happens to be very hot which I like as well.

But when she's out speaking publicly that counts just along with her record in Alaska so to imply that's off limits I don't buy.
No one needs to make up their mind about Palin right now..We don't even know if she's running..

I will support her because I've seen and lived with her record in Alaska, and it is impressive..Alaskans still hold a favorable view of Palin.. and as we've been seeing she can draw people to her, just look at her book put all these together and you have Lefties shitting their britches..