The Second American Revolution - We The People

you do have a low opinion of average American citizens, don't you..
Too you, only a person with a college degree and is an elitist jerk who treat people who has less worth and education (kinda like you do) is worthy.

There has never been any greater insult to the average American than calling Joe the Plumber representative of him.
There has never been any greater insult to the average American than calling Joe the Plumber representative of him.

Actually with 75% not going to college and half of them maybe dropouts and 98% of them smarter than meme.
Joe prob is slightly higher educated than median Joe.
Scary thought but hey, we have plenty of upside.
Actually with 75% not going to college and half of them maybe dropouts and 98% of them smarter than meme.
Joe prob is slightly higher educated than median Joe.
Scary thought but hey, we have plenty of upside.

like you know if went to college, and here's how much I care..0
and your snobby elitist look down your nose at people is pretty obvious also..:cool:

I'm elitist compared to a boob who's clueless about the economy. Try reading instead of getting all your redneck talking points from Rush and fox.
I'm elitist compared to a boob who's clueless about the economy. Try reading instead of getting all your redneck talking points from Rush and fox.

Is wills gits me infurmation frums anywheres I wish, swiits thengs.
and if what I have to say bothers so much, there is that thing called you won't get nose so outta joint, maybe you should just put little ole me on it..try to have a good day..
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Getting back to the thread topic, here's the deal: "we the people" voted in November of 2008. We didn't vote on any kind of smoke & mirrors agenda. Obama was clear about his plans for a massive stimulus/infrastructure spending; his support of bailouts for the banks & big 3; his proposals for universal healthcare, investment in alternative technology and education.

There is nothing about his budget or any action he has taken since assuming office that has surprised anyone who paid attention & voted for him. I understand that there are people who disagree on a policy level with his actions, but they lost the election. The thing about democracy is, you have to win elections to implement policy.

So - best bet would be to go back to the drawing board, and try to build a working majority. So far, from what I've seen, the GOP has actually diminished their future chances, but there is still time.
Getting back to the thread topic, here's the deal: "we the people" voted in November of 2008. We didn't vote on any kind of smoke & mirrors agenda. Obama was clear about his plans for a massive stimulus/infrastructure spending; his support of bailouts for the banks & big 3; his proposals for universal healthcare, investment in alternative technology and education.

There is nothing about his budget or any action he has taken since assuming office that has surprised anyone who paid attention & voted for him. I understand that there are people who disagree on a policy level with his actions, but they lost the election. The thing about democracy is, you have to win elections to implement policy.

So - best bet would be to go back to the drawing board, and try to build a working majority. So far, from what I've seen, the GOP has actually diminished their future chances, but there is still time.

but a working majority to you all, is that Republicans just have to bend over and take whatever you dictate...

just because Obama won by a slim margin, doesn't mean he is now dictator in chief.

50 million people did NOT vote for all the Socialist programs that this President has in store..
but a working majority to you all, is that Republicans just have to bend over and take whatever you dictate...

just because Obama won by a slim margin, doesn't mean he is now dictator in chief.

50 million people did NOT vote for all the Socialist programs that this President has in store..

By working majority, I meant enough of a coalition that you can actually win an election.

This is a democracy, and that's how things are decided. Your ideas lost at the ballot box, and you're having a difficult time dealing with that new reality.

My ideas lost in 2000 & 2004, and I can tell you from experience, it was NOT an easy 8 years. But it's over now; the ideas that I support, by & large, won, and it's great to see the positive agenda for them moving forward, as it should.

Elections have consequences.
By working majority, I meant enough of a coalition that you can actually win an election.

This is a democracy, and that's how things are decided. Your ideas lost at the ballot box, and you're having a difficult time dealing with that new reality.

My ideas lost in 2000 & 2004, and I can tell you from experience, it was NOT an easy 8 years. But it's over now; the ideas that I support, by & large, won, and it's great to see the positive agenda for them moving forward, as it should.

Elections have consequences.

so now it's the mob I said, 50 million people did not vote for this President and I guess from what you are seeing, they are not just going to sit back and take this mob rules agenda..that is what happens when you live in a REPUBLIC...
so now it's the mob I said, 50 million people did not vote for this President and I guess from what you are seeing, they are not just going to sit back and take this mob rules agenda..that is what happens when you live in a REPUBLIC...

You call it a mob, I call it a majority.

The founding fathers implemented a variety of measures to prevent the tyranny of the majority, including the filibuster in the Senate. Whatever the GOP wants to use to influence measures (as they already have), as long as it's constitutional, I have no issue with it.
You call it a mob, I call it a majority.

The founding fathers implemented a variety of measures to prevent the tyranny of the majority, including the filibuster in the Senate. Whatever the GOP wants to use to influence measures (as they already have), as long as it's constitutional, I have no issue with it.

and if the USSC declares a contested law, spending measure, or program unconstitutional, will you scream about judicial activists?
and if the USSC declares a contested law, spending measure, or program unconstitutional, will you scream about judicial activists?

Is this your new role on the board? "The double-standard police?"

No, I won't. Just as I didn't say the tea party folks were paid for by party operatives.

Get a new schtick.
You call it a mob, I call it a majority.

The founding fathers implemented a variety of measures to prevent the tyranny of the majority, including the filibuster in the Senate. Whatever the GOP wants to use to influence measures (as they already have), as long as it's constitutional, I have no issue with it.

just because you have a majority doesn't give you the right to over run others. President Bush didn't even do what is being done right now with the majority of Democrats in Congress and a Democrat President having the power to just ram through these things without even giving time for the Republicans or the people to see it..

and as you can see, more and more people are becoming very upset with this "mob rules" going on,so maybe you might want to call you party and tell them to cool their jets some....or they will lose in the end, again.