The Spotify circus

It surely is not Tucker!

Nobody said that it was, did they?

I'd would it label compromise, and who knows if it will work for them, and the appeasement thing in history is interesting, but not relevant to this topic And you believing is irrelevant, you asked, and I told you, the facts, not my fault you want to believe otherwise

Poor Anchovies.
Hey, he is the "copy and paste," it is his wheel house, seldom ever offers much in terms of content, and doesn't do much of a job defending any of his copy and pastes posts, but if you want a picture or cartoon off of the right wing blogsphere, he's your man

Poor Anchovies.
Nobody said that, Anchovies that it would. Except for Y O U, of course.

Congrats on spelling "Fox" correctly, BTW.

Poor Anchovies.

"Nobody?" Well then a whole lot of people here are misguided including yourself cause nearly daily we see this forum peppered with the likes of Sean, Tucker, Alex, Laura, the Fox and Friends crews and others cited as authoritative sources
You could listen to Racheal Madcow. She thought Trump was a Russian spy. :laugh:

Actually never have, I don' listen nor watch anything via cable infotainment shows nor personalities, they are all demogogues, both sides, entertainers appealing to a select audience, only in it for the money
"Nobody?" Well then a whole lot of people here are misguided including yourself cause nearly daily we see this forum peppered with the likes of Sean, Tucker, Alex, Laura, the Fox and Friends crews and others cited as authoritative sources

Is that so, Anchovies?

Then, even you should be able to produce some quotes containing the language specified in your claim.

Here it is, for reference.

Oh, but having your own TV hour on Fox does make one an infallible arbiter of information

Get busy, Anchovies.
Actually never have, I don' listen nor watch anything via cable infotainment shows nor personalities, they are all demogogues, both sides, entertainers appealing to a select audience, only in it for the money

So you say, Anchovies.
Joe Rogan continues to be public enemy number one because he’s not in the Fauci-DEMOCRAT-leftist media panic porn camp on COVID.

Neil Young wanted his music removed from Spotify, the streaming service that hosts Rogan’s podcast.

Young tried to force the service to boot Rogan.

It failed miserably.

Spotify will take a brief hit, but the service won’t collapse because Young’s music is gone.

Joni Mitchell demanded they remove her songs as well.

The only thing this little game has done is remind people that these two aren’t dead yet.
I'm guessing "the boss" won't be joining the self-boycott circus


Bruce Springsteen sold his music rights to Sony Music Entertainment...

The Revolution will not stop until they get Rogan and Tucker, this level of speaking outside the approved by power narratives can not be allowed.
Young and Mitchel are costing Spotify millions, and now Foo Fighters and others are threatening to join, meaning billions, and if you don't think it is effecting Spotify, them and Rogan are making changes hoping to appease

They are filthy cowards who won't stand you to the idiotic bullies. It's amazing how putrid you people have become.