The Spotify circus

nah. they will give up way before that.

they're weak and cowardly girly men.

They are shit quality people, but they are lusting for UTOPIA and are willing to eliminate as many of us as is required to get there.

Mass atrocities are coming if we dont shut this down soon.
They are shit quality people, but they are lusting for UTOPIA and are willing to eliminate as many of us as is required to get there.

Mass atrocities are coming if we dont shut this down soon.

nah. They's see it's themselves too slated for destruction and stop.

virginia was a blindside. Those are beltway people.
nah. They's see it's themselves too slated for destruction and stop.

virginia was a blindside. Those are beltway people.

Tucker lead tonight with "our leaders know they are weak, that they are losing the people, and they are scared (paraphrase) ".....this is one of the rare times that I dont agree with him.
Their virtue-signaling departures from the streaming platform were more than a little amusing.

Only a truly enormous ego could conceive of the idea to withhold one’s work and effectively silence oneself until the nation’s most popular podcast host is de-platformed.

But, more concerning, the incident has demonstrated the Left’s insidious view of speech.

The hypocrisy is overwhelming:

They will say and do anything no matter ridiculous to try and remain relevant. What is she now 80?

So she has a disease that makes her feel like she is being eaten alive? Unless this disease is a slow eater it should be clear to her that she is not being eaten alive as I assume no parts of her are missing. Maybe they are. This just tells us all we know about leftists that they only care about feelings and couldnt care less about what's actually happening. She needs to be in hospital and heavily medicated.

She is a fucking goddamn NUT!

Bruce Springsteen sold his music rights to Sony Music Entertainment...


Springsteen sucks. His vocals sound like a sick barn animal.
Springsteen sucks. His vocals sound like a sick barn animal.

Meh. He's considered by many to be a great songwriter and live performer. I don't think his recordings ever did him justice.

Anyway, that's not the focus here. I suspect he longs to virtue-signal like the other woke Boomers but he doesn't own his catalog.
To be sure, Joe Rogan has no absolute right to share his thoughts on Spotify.

The worst thing about left-wing demands for his removal isn’t what it would do to him; it’s what it says about how the people demanding his cancellation view his listeners.

Calls for silencing someone’s “dangerous” speech are far less about the speaker than they are about those who want to shut him up.

The impulse to cancel Rogan on the basis that he makes people unsafe stems from the insulting assumption that his listeners are too foolish to think for themselves and must uncritically adopt whatever beliefs the podcast host tells them to.

The people pushing to cancel Rogan are operating from the flawed premise that (other) people are stupid, blank canvases onto which Rogan — or Fauci — can project their own opinions.

And the purveyors of cancel culture want their opinions to be the ones proclaimed as absolute truth.
To be sure, Joe Rogan has no absolute right to share his thoughts on Spotify.

The worst thing about left-wing demands for his removal isn’t what it would do to him; it’s what it says about how the people demanding his cancellation view his listeners.

Calls for silencing someone’s “dangerous” speech are far less about the speaker than they are about those who want to shut him up.

The impulse to cancel Rogan on the basis that he makes people unsafe stems from the insulting assumption that his listeners are too foolish to think for themselves and must uncritically adopt whatever beliefs the podcast host tells them to.

The people pushing to cancel Rogan are operating from the flawed premise that (other) people are stupid, blank canvases onto which Rogan — or Fauci — can project their own opinions.

And the purveyors of cancel culture want their opinions to be the ones proclaimed as absolute truth.

No....the worst thing is that according to the Regressives you are not to hear ideas they dont want you to hear.

You are to be a Serf.
No....the worst thing is that according to the Regressives you are not to hear ideas they dont want you to hear. You are to be a Serf.

The impulse to shut down Rogan isn’t about him; it’s about fear of what his listeners might believe and what they may do as a result.

It seems not to occur to Neil Young and his admirers that Rogan’s listeners could well be tuning in because they want to mock him, or because he’s entertaining, or because they want to understand how others think.

The left's assumption appears to be that every Rogan listener will accept and act upon everything they hear him say, even if it means certain death.

It's projection. They are assuming similarity, because that's how they think, and that's how they behave.

It says more about them than they know.
The impulse to shut down Rogan isn’t about him; it’s about fear of what his listeners might believe and what they may do as a result.

It seems not to occur to Neil Young and his admirers that Rogan’s listeners could well be tuning in because they want to mock him, or because he’s entertaining, or because they want to understand how others think.

The left's assumption appears to be that every Rogan listener will accept and act upon everything they hear him say, even if it means certain death.

It's projection. They are assuming similarity, because that's how they think, and that's how they behave.

It says more about them than they know.

It is nice to be back in agreement with U my former friend.
It is nice to be back in agreement with U my former friend.

I deal in performance, not personalities. It's never personal.

Thanks to their arrogant and insultingly low opinion of other people, leftists want to silence Rogan - not because his views are unquestionably wrong or objectively dangerous, but because they want to reassure themselves that their own idol's version of the truth is the only reality.

That's because they don't think for themselves, and they foolishly assume that others don't, either.

I deal in performance, not personalities. It's never personal.

Thanks to their arrogant and insultingly low opinion of other people, leftists want to silence Rogan - not because his views are unquestionably wrong or objectively dangerous, but because they want to reassure themselves that their own idol's version of the truth is the only reality.

That's because they don't think for themselves, and they foolishly assume that others don't, either.


What ever your glitch is it is certainly interesting.