The U.S. national debt exceeded $33 trillion for the first time ever

You have at least 2 that you switch between whenever you get to this point in a thread when you run out of things to say.
He has none. Zero is not equal to two. I've never known IBDaMann to run out of things to say.
You haven't addressed a single thing in my posts, or pointed out a single error with any sort of resource or link or data.
Blatant lie. He's done both. So have I.
It's just you stamping your foot like a petulant child because there is no way in hell you could ever last in a debate with me about policy.
You are describing yourself. You argue like a whiny little child.
That's why you can't defend anything you believe here.
He already has.
You think defending your beliefs and policies is by making impotent, general statements that you don't back up with anything.
He already has.
Because you're a little bitch.
This is what makes you a little write an entire post about how I'm wrong about things but you don't give any just post one line answers because you CAN'T provide any evidence.

It's why every single Conservative're just a fucking loser because you believe in stupid things you won't defend.
....annnnnnnd the name calling. How childish.
You're a fucking coward just like every other Nazi bitch on JPP.
Nazis were fascists, like DEMOCRATS.
I have never known IBDaMann to support fascism.
Everything you believe is utter shit because you're too stupid or too lazy to do the work of being informed you dumb Nazi coward:
Fortunately for all of us, I am not too lazy to provide all the correct information, and to inform you that your problem is that you are a typical, uneducated leftist dumbass who doesn't even understand the fundamental government functions on which he is forming erroneous yet highly emotionally-charged opinions

In your comments below, you clearly reveal your belief that the President determines the budget. Now that's pretty stupid. Congress holds all power of the purse. Congress determines everything about spending and budget, not the President. The President isn't even part of the Legislative Branch of government. The President heads the Executive Branch and doesn't have any say whatsoever in the making of any laws. You really should have learned this when you were young, i.e. I should not be the first person to teach you this. Nonetheless, you amazingly cite the political party of the President during the budgets in question, not the political party controlling Congress when those budgets were crafted.

Let's correct your egregious errors, shall we? (Yes, we shall!) ... and let me add that you are one stupid mofo.

Back in the day, before the DNC takeover of the RNC, when the Republicans controlled controlled Congress, there were budget surpluses and life was good!

Congress: Republican-controlled (both House and Senate)
1999: $1.863 billion surplus
2000: $236.917 billion surplus
2001: $128.236 billion surplus

Jump ahead a few years to when the Democrats seize control of Congress and start bleeding the American people so that Democrat politicians can line their own pockets as well as the pockets of their supporters:

Congress: Democratic-controlled (both House and Senate)
2008: $458.553 billion deficit
2009: $1.413 trillion deficit
2010: $1.294 trillion deficit
2011: $1.299 trillion deficit

The American people, being appalled at the rampant spending of the Democrat Congress, returned the House back to the Republicans for them to start blocking the Democrat hyper-spending and to start driving the deficit down:

Congress: Divided control (Republicans in the House, Democrats in the Senate)
2012: $1.087 trillion deficit
2013: $679.493 billion deficit
2014: $485.442 billion deficit
2015: $438.438 billion deficit

There exists no world in which Conservatives have ever reduced the deficit.
Yep, you're an undereducated, misinformed, indoctrinated leftist moron who needs other people to do his thinking for him. Have a great day.
You have at least 2
Nope. You're just a stupid, misinformed and undereducated leftist who needs other people to do his thinking for him. Your judgement is obviously very poor as well. You can't address the posts of those who express independent thinking so you do the only thing you can do, i.e. pivot to some lame and irrelevant, attempted insult. How did it work out for you? You see, you're still stupid, undereducated and misinformed.

You haven't addressed a single thing in my posts
Obviously when you write "You," you don't know to whom you are referring. I have always bitch-slapped you across the board because it is easy. You are stupid and you don't know anything. I'd beat up on you more if you would post more ... of course, you would be totally wasting bandwidth if you did.

Have you ever considered posting something that is correct? Have you ever considered saying "fuck you" to your slave-masters and just thinking for yourself? OK, maybe you need to slowly ease into it rather than making any sudden drastic changes. I'll give you time. Baby steps.
But he didn't ban travelers from China if 400,000 of them came here between February 2020 and April 2020.
What we can conclude is that the stupid, undereducated and misinformed leftist in you prevents you from reading English for comprehension. Some, many, but not all, travelers from China were banned from traveling to the US. Follow the logic on this, or at least try. There were many Chinese travelers that were banned from entering the US. Hence, Trump banned Chinese travelers from entering the US, as he banned many Iranian and Indian travelers.

You might avoid confusing yourself by citing the number of Chinese travelers who were denied entry into the US instead of pointing to those who were permitted to enter. If the topic is "travelers banned from entering the US" you'd have to be stupid to look at the list of those who were not banned, and then somehow convince yourself that because there were travelers that were not banned, the ones that were banned were somehow not banned.

Let me know what parts you just aren't able to grasp and I'll work with you to understand. Remember, baby steps.
Your problem is that you have linked your credibility to your JPP character so when your JPP character says something wrong, that has the double effect of undermining the good judgment you think you have but don't.

Yet you defend and repeat the lies of Biden and the Democrats
All the money you get in the form of government spending and welfare you didn't pay for.

What money are you talking about. Is this more assumptions on your part. It is likely you are the one collecting money from Government because you are too lazy too work
Nope, that's the truth.

Conservatives have never had a successful Presidency because Conservatives have never had a successful policy.

That's why you can't even come up with one to defend yourself on this thread, little bitch.

More of your hayeful biased partisan Democrat hypocrisy. Biden is a failure and you like his failures
The Fed is controlled by Congress.
The CBO does not report the debt and is also controlled by Congress.

Not quite. The Fed is overseen by Congress but...the Fed is still private. So you're wrong.

As for the CBO, almost no congresscritters are economists and the CBO has a lot of sway with them.
They need to do their job. I called my congressman in July and told his staff they needed to get to work to get the budget done on time

The MAGAts want their shutdown. They, like you, hate the Federal government and want to see it collapse.