The U.S. national debt exceeded $33 trillion for the first time ever

Only Republicans understand how decreasing revenue

by slashing taxes on the people least hurt by paying them

is supposed to help pay down the debt.

I should, I suppose,
blame myself for not going to college
in a red state.

Well, allow me to explain. Cutting taxes on those rich job producers means they will use that money to hire more workers, increase wages, and generally pass that on to the working class. Or they might use it for stock buybacks and executive bonuses. But either way, they REALLY need that money.
Banana republics are fascist, not communist.
It would have been nice to learn what words mean before posing on the internet
but that's not a Reichtard thing, I know.

Fascism and communism are NOT forms of government.

ALL countries have capitalism, fascism, and communism.

You WANT fascism and communism.
IMO, history will show that by denying and delaying the US COVID response for personal reasons, that he caused tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths, but also fucked up the economy. The effects of which are still with us.

Covid doesn't kill, Sock. It was DEMOCRATS that shut down the economy over Covid fear mongering, Sock.
Without question. The idiot thought he could ride Covid right to winning the White House, but screwed it up so badly that the idiot got his ass kicked. His aids were begging him to feign compassion for all of the sick and dead, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. The supposed actor.
He showed his true colors when he lost total interest in the vaccine because it didn't come to market in time for him to take credit. So he blocked Biden's team from any briefings during the lame duck, putting the nation's security and health at stake.

And he thinks that he's going to win in '24?

Trump has never lost an election.
Well, allow me to explain. Cutting taxes on those rich job producers means they will use that money to hire more workers, increase wages, and generally pass that on to the working class. Or they might use it for stock buybacks and executive bonuses. But either way, they REALLY need that money.

Trump cut taxes for everyone, not just the rich.
Without question. The idiot thought he could ride Covid right to winning the White House, but screwed it up so badly that the idiot got his ass kicked. His aids were begging him to feign compassion for all of the sick and dead, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. The supposed actor.
He showed his true colors when he lost total interest in the vaccine because it didn't come to market in time for him to take credit. So he blocked Biden's team from any briefings during the lame duck, putting the nation's security and health at stake.

And he thinks that he's going to win in '24?
I'd toss in that Trump was looking at realigning his portfolio in a pandemic economy so he hid the coming catastrophe for financial reasons, not just reelection reasons.

Yes, he was arrogant and stupid enough to believe that would work for him.
I'd toss in that Trump was looking at realigning his portfolio in a pandemic economy so he hid the coming catastrophe for financial reasons, not just reelection reasons.

Yes, he was arrogant and stupid enough to believe that would work for him.
That's actually something I hadn't thought of. I know most of Congress did just that.
The former federal government is already broke. It's already too late. There is no way it can pay back that debt. All it can do now is print LOTS of funny money to paper it over, destroying the currency.

The time for creating enough growth to cover the deficit spending is past, we either buckle down and do it the hard way or we never will. The way folks vote lately we never will. Republicans are arguing about how much to slow down while driving towards the cliff, but they are not arguing between themselves on how quickly to turn around. Nobody in Congress at this moment is arguing in any way to actually stop the deficit spending.
That's actually something I hadn't thought of. I know most of Congress did just that.

They knew what was coming. That's the immorality of the entire Trump administration; putting money over American lives and welfare.

Note that the unnecessary deaths aren't all from COVID; many were simply because of an overwhelmed medical system where there were no hospital beds for patients with other serious medical problems. Still, botching the US COVID response resulted in, from one estimate, over 150,000 unnecessary deaths.
COVID-19’s Other Unnecessary Death Toll
Our bungled national response exposed the fragility of our already broken health care system by keeping people with other fatal diseases from getting treatment

The direct losses nationally from COVID-19—over 180,000 mothers, fathers, grandparents, sisters, brothers, children and friends gone—are devastating. Those who died from the virus and their families are not the only ones to suffer from the poor national response to the pandemic, though. We are now seeing the second wave of death and morbidity in our hospital—but not from COVID-19 itself, where our case numbers have been in the single digits to low teens for several months. This next wave of is from delayed care because of the prolonged effects of the virus on our troubled health care system.

COVID-19 is currently the third leading cause of death in the U.S. But that means there are two scourges that are still causing even more morbidity and mortality: heart disease (the number one killer in America) and cancer (number two). Over the summer, in my work as a hospital-based geriatrician, I have managed multiple deaths from end-stage heart failure, and made several new cancer diagnoses in more advanced stages of disease with limited treatment options. The amount of death and suffering I’ve witnessed this summer, not having worked directly with COVID-19 patients in months, is amongst the worst I’ve seen in my entire medical career.

A Washington Post investigation found that there were 8,300 more deaths from heart disease in five states (New York, led by hard-hit New York City; Massachusetts; New Jersey; Michigan; and Illinois) between March and May, about 27 percent higher than would be predicted from previous years. New York City alone saw more than 4,700 excess deaths from heart disease. As hospitals in New York City were overwhelmed with COVID-19, they were unable to care for anyone else. This included people suffering from heart failure, complications of cancer or possibly undiagnosed cancer, and other conditions. There were simply no hospital beds in the entire city....

...When the pandemic is over, it will be clear that the hundreds of thousands of deaths from COVID-19 will be just the tip of the iceberg. In the space we were given between stimulus and response, collectively America did nothing, and instead of growth and freedom, we will have witnessed the suffering and death of millions of Americans. However, another space has now opened up: Is an empty hospital bed $3,000 in profit lost that day, or instead a place available to provide lifesaving care to a person in need? We have the power to choose our response at the ballot box.