The U.S. national debt exceeded $33 trillion for the first time ever

Biden is giving billions to Ukraine and has his big spending bills like the fake inflation bill and the student loan stupidity

Lol. Do you realize how small a billion is compared to a trillion?


One million seconds = 12 days

One billion seconds = 32 years

One trillion seconds = 32,000 years
The republicans are not trying to lower debt either... The choice we have is between driving full speed or just really fast but not quite full speed towards the cliff, nobody at all votes for the version where we stop driving towards the cliff.

Correct. Neither party is trying to lower the debt.

At this point, it's not really possible anymore. All they can do now is to try to paper over it by printing more funny money.
The time for creating enough growth to cover the deficit spending is past, we either buckle down and do it the hard way or we never will. The way folks vote lately we never will. Republicans are arguing about how much to slow down while driving towards the cliff, but they are not arguing between themselves on how quickly to turn around. Nobody in Congress at this moment is arguing in any way to actually stop the deficit spending.

At this point, there is no 'soft landing'. The government will be reduced in an uncontrolled manner.
They knew what was coming. That's the immorality of the entire Trump administration; putting money over American lives and welfare.

Note that the unnecessary deaths aren't all from COVID; many were simply because of an overwhelmed medical system where there were no hospital beds for patients with other serious medical problems. Still, botching the US COVID response resulted in, from one estimate, over 150,000 unnecessary deaths.
COVID-19’s Other Unnecessary Death Toll
Our bungled national response exposed the fragility of our already broken health care system by keeping people with other fatal diseases from getting treatment

Covid doesn't kill, Sock.
That was part of why Trump's lies cost American lives and, as a result, hurt the economy.

Another part was simply the lies about COVID and the vaccine which ended up costing Americans their lives from the disease itself.’s-coronavirus-deaths-were-unnecessary-180015
More specifically, how many of the half-million Americans who died from coronavirus in the past year would not have died had the US federal government, state governments, and health care providers acted as effectively as their counterparts in other nations did?

Taiwan’s population is a quarter larger than that of the entire state of New York. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, how many Taiwanese have been killed? The number can be counted on the fingers of two hands. It is ten. To repeat: ten out of 23 million. With a population roughly the size of the state of Massachusetts, Singapore has seen 29 deaths compared to more than 16,000 for Massachusetts. South Korea’s population of 52 million includes 28,000 American troops stationed there. Deaths among that population, including the Americans, total less than 1/50th of the per capita fatalities in the United States.

The impact of this failure on other nations’ views of the US has been substantial. The most recent Pew poll found that only 15% worldwide give the US a passing grade in handling this outbreak.

Within the USA, the differences in death tolls among the best and worst-performing states are almost as striking. Had New York’s governor, health department, and health care providers acted as effectively as their counterparts in Hawaii or Vermont did, 42,000 of its former residents would be alive today. Had the dozen worst-performing states seen the same number of deaths per capita as the dozen who have done the best job, more than 100,000 of their fellow citizens would now be looking forward to spring.

DEMOCRATS shut down the economy, Sock, not Trump. Covid does not kill.
Unfortunately for this nation, once trump could no longer hide the information he received on Jan 2 '20, he turned every aspect of Covid preventive measures into a political issue.

So we had morons in MAGA states making mask mandates illegal. They opened up the states to tourism and ended up killing tens of thousands of people in the process.

They love to point to the numbers of deaths in NY/California as proof of efficacy, but they ignore that the trump virus landed in NY and California when he was still keeping it a secret. Once the truth came out, both states took drastic measures to stop the destruction.

There is absolutely no excuse for the increased numbers of deaths after the point when we pinpointed the issue, had vaccines, and a better explanation of how to avoid unnecessary spread.

Trump didn't hide anything. Covid does not kill. Paradox M. Paradox V.
Trump added more to the debt in 4 years than any President ever.

The deficit expanded to a record level three times when he was President. Before that, the last largest deficit belonged to Bush the Dumber. And prior to that, the largest deficit belonged to Ronald Reagan.

Conservatives ruin everything they touch because Conservatism is bankrupt in every single regard.

There has never been a successful Conservative policy in this country that has done the country any good.

There has not been a successful Republican Presidency since Eisenhower, and there has never been a successful Conservative President.

Every single Conservative President has left office either in disgrace or with a stinking economy in their wake.

Presidents don't add to the debt. CONGRESS does.
Joe Biden reduced the deficit from where Trump left it...the deficit Trump left was caused primarily by his tax cuts.

Conservative Perverts loved to say their tax cut would lead to growth of 3% when the truth is that they couldn't even top Obama's best annual GDP growth.

Conservatism is bankrupt in every regard. There has never been a successful Conservative policy that has benefitted the nation, and there never will be. There has never been a successful Conservative President despite MANY MANY attempts, and every single Conservative President since Nixon has either left office in disgrace, or left behind a collapsed and damaged economy. EVERY. FUCKING. TIME.

Conservatism is the problem. It's why the deficit is so large. It's why the debt continues to grow. It's why we can't get good economic growth. Conservatism has no merits and we're seeing those faults play out over and over again.

In order for democracy and our economy to survive, Conservatism must be annihilated like the Nazis were.

Blatant lies.

* Biden did not reduce the deficit or the debt.
* Both DEMOCRATS and REPUBLICANS add to the debt, now approx $33 trillion. It cannot be paid back.
* Conservatives are fighting this reckless spending.
* There is no democracy. The oligarchy you are supporting and that you want is not a democracy. The United States was never a democracy.
* The Nazis were socialists, just like DEMOCRATS. Fascism is a form of socialism. See the writings of Karl Marx and of Mussolini.

You are war mongering.
The best way to produce economic growth is to raise wages and have direct government spending.

We tried your trickle down supply side bullshit for 40+ years and it didn't work.

Time to stop pretending like you know what you're talking about.

That's fascism and communism, both are types of socialism. Price controls never work. They always cause shortages.
Wage controls cause shortages of available jobs. Price controls implemented by Carter on gasoline resulted in shortages of gasoline.

Capitalism always works. Anyone can play. You don't even need a government. It is the only economic system that creates wealth out of nothing.
Socialism never works. It can only exist by stealing wealth from capitalism. Once it runs out of places to steal from, it collapses. Because it's based on theft, it can only be implemented using an oligarchy or dictatorship.
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Slash taxes for the middle class, and cut taxes for corporations that move all production back to the U.S.

Hike taxes for corporations that don't.

It's just that easy.

You can't tax a foreign corporation for business conducted in a foreign nation.

You are ignoring the 14th amendment again. Laws must apply equally to everyone. That includes tax law.
You don't need to cut anyone's taxes because cutting taxes only cuts tax revenue, which then starves social programs and causes them to fail.
Let 'em fail. They are unconstitutional anyway. They also leave people in misery.
All tax cuts do is steal from the future to pay instant gratification, and that goes for every income group, every level.
Tax cuts do not steal from anyone.
The ONLY SUREFIRE WAY we get an economy that grows is by raising people's wages.
Price controls don't work. You'll just cause shortages of available jobs.
We cut taxes in lieu of raising wages in the 2000's and look what that gave us. We did it again in 2018 and look what that gave us.
A better economy.
When are people going to realize that the problem isn't taxation, it's wages?
When you are YOU going to realize the problem is socialism?
And besides, the more you make, the more you pay in raising everyone's wages will result in raised tax revenue to pay for cool things.
Nope. More people will be out of work.