The U.S. national debt exceeded $33 trillion for the first time ever

You show what is wrong with the Democrat party

DemocratIC Party.

If you're gonna come on a message board and posture like you're some kind of thinker you could at least have a general idea of what fucking words to use in a sentence.

Go suck some tiny Nazi cock you fucking loser.
Trump did not want the lockdowns

Doesn't matter anyway because the economy was already in a recession before any lockdown was ordered, thanks to the tax cuts you morons promised would lead to growth of 3% but actually couldn't even beat Obama.
We need tom cut spending

I agree...we need to cut spending on places that don't pay their way in taxes.

So that means all the revenue the cities generate in your wretched state belongs to them, it doesn't go out to the boonies anymore.

No more free rides.

You live in a red state, chances are you OWE taxes to pay for the services and benefits you've been exploiting that are paid for by the people you hate and target.

You're welcome you welfare queen.
DemocratIC Party.

If you're gonna come on a message board and posture like you're some kind of thinker you could at least have a general idea of what fucking words to use in a sentence.

Go suck some tiny Nazi cock you fucking loser.

You Democrats are the losers that gave us Biden
Doesn't matter anyway because the economy was already in a recession before any lockdown was ordered, thanks to the tax cuts you morons promised would lead to growth of 3% but actually couldn't even beat Obama.

The economy was great until the Democrats and China gave us the pandemic
I agree...we need to cut spending on places that don't pay their way in taxes.

So that means all the revenue the cities generate in your wretched state belongs to them, it doesn't go out to the boonies anymore.

No more free rides.

You live in a red state, chances are you OWE taxes to pay for the services and benefits you've been exploiting that are paid for by the people you hate and target.

You're welcome you welfare queen.

More Democrat hate and lies
Why is it Democrats do not want to lower the debt. It must be done soon or we will become a very poor country

You blame Democrats after Trump ran up $8 trillion in deficits? Two Republican presidents, including GWB, accounted for close to half of our total deficits

The answer TS is that everyone knows the games Republi'cans' play.

They demand any Democrat government be 'fiscally responsible', which ONLY democrat run governments EVER do. And they do that so that the next Republican' govt can then get a more healthy America and spend like a drunken Sailor running up record debt and giving record tax cuts to the rich and corporations.

that is the entirety of the Republi'can' game. Hope they can pressure the Dems to save and fix all the nations problems they almost ALWAYS hand them so they can blow it all later.

That is why the republi'cans' vote against things like big infrastructure spending and Health care that actually benefit the nation and help it grow. They instead want those dollars for tax cuts to corporation and the rich while ballooning the debt even though that harms the country.
Why is it Democrats do not want to lower the debt. It must be done soon or we will become a very poor country

Bet you didn’t have the same opinion when Trump was adding 7.8 trillion to the debt, establishing new records for a one term President
Are we still pretending in this thread that is Democrats who take over government and mismanage it, running up massive amounts of debt?


The absolutely consistent pattern above is that Republican POTUS get handed a health Country absolutely trending towards or already running a SURPLUS, and then GOP POTUS, see all that room on the newly paid down credit card, load it up with immense new debt, that puts the country in absolutely shitty positions, as too much debt does, when any unexpected or outside factors impact the country (like Covid).

if Trump was to get power again, you would see that debt curve spike right back up, as he gave more rounds of massive tax cuts to the rich and corporations while gutting revenues. Running the country the exact way he ran all the businesses he bankrupted. A sugar high on debt, that collapses when the first challenge hits the country.
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You don't actually believe this because if you did, you would have showed up to 1/6 and done something about it.
No need to join the Democrats that attacked the Capitol building. I do not need to be in Washington DC in Jan 6 or anywhere else to say there is no democracy and that the United States was never a democracy.
But instead you hid out here, switched between your socks, and egged the whole thing on from behind the safety of anonymity JPP provides you like a little bitch.
Because that's what you are...a little bitch.
You are describing yourself again.
The Nazis were NATIONAL Socialists, which is what you are and what you've SAID you are several times here.
You are describing yourself again.
The Nazis were Conservatives...they targeted LGBTQ, Jews, women...I mean, that's YOU.
Nazis are not conservatives. You are describing yourself again.
You support a guy who Blood Libeled "liberal Jews" just last week ON ROSH HASHANNAH.
You are describing yourself again.
You are a Nazi coward and you slip up all the time because you're not good at managing these troll accounts of yours.
You are describing yourself again.

LIF. Grow up. You cannot blame YOUR problems on anyone else.
Heres' the ting, man...

You need to have an idea of what you're talking about before you come at me with this shit.

We've been through this several times and you've been humiliated each time, which is why you slip into fallacy spamming.

What always happens is that we get to this point with you where you just shit out stream of consciousness, incoherent rambling to try and make yourself sound smarter than you really are.

You also do this shit to make people think you're BRAVER than you truly are. We know you're not brave or courageous because you won't stand for your principles when the time comes.

Because you're a little bitch.

It's really no more complicated than that.

You are describing yourself again.

Gasoline shortages started in October 1973 with the Arab Oil embargo.
Nope. Gas prices were rising, but there were no shortages.
Who was President in 1973? Nixon.
The long, long gas lines continued from there and lasted all the way through Ford and into Carter.
Nope. You are making shit up again. Shortages didn't occur until Carter implemented price controls on gasoline.
So once again, we have an instance of you making shit up because you don't know what you're talking about but are desperate to be taken seriously.
You are describing yourself again, Sock.
We JUST HAD an economic collapse that resulted in a bailout for capitalism.

A TRUE bailout because not one single DIME of any PPP loan was paid back.


Capitalism doesn't need to be bailed out, Sock. There was no 'bailout for capitalism'. Bailouts are themselves socialism (communism). The current economic depression was caused by DEMOCRATS.
You can't create wealth out of nothing.
You certainly can. Whole cities were created out of the wilderness with nothing more than a few raw materials, innovation, and drive. The computer you are typing on right now was created the same way. tested that theory 15 years ago and it failed. It required a near trillion dollar bailout.
Capitalism doesn't require any 'bailout'. Bailouts themselves are communism, a form of socialism.
Were you in diapers then? Maybe that's why you can't recall it happening.

And since you're so inexperienced you're gonna make the exact same mistakes your Nazi pals made back then.
You are describing yourself again.
Back then, you clowns inflated a housing bubble to make it look like the economy was growing as a result of tax cuts when it was really growing as a result of debt.
You are describing DEMOCRATS again.

It was DEMOCRATS in Congress that ordered the Fed to create the easy money that resulted in the bubble. Indeed, it was DEMOCRATS that CREATED the Fed with the powers it has (unconstitutionally).
LMAO you probably rely on government programs more than anyone here. The loudest are often the biggest hypocrites.
Nope. I own my own company. You are just describing yourself again.
Wrong, they steal from EVERYONE.
Tax cuts don't steal from anyone.
That's why the economy always tanks after a tax cut.
It doesn't. this point it's now a guarantee that a tax cut of any kind is going to result in economic catastrophe.
We are already in an economic depression, started by DEMOCRATS.
We've cut taxes so many times in the last 23 years and never once has it ever delivered on the promises made of it.

Blatant lie.