The U.S. national debt exceeded $33 trillion for the first time ever

Jobs are created when there is demand for products.
Nope. Jobs are created when someone creates a company to answer that demand, and maybe even creates whole new markets.
Which is why trickle down is a joke. More money in the hands of billionaires and corporations just brings your aforementioned stock buybacks and CEO pay hikes.
Trump cut taxes for everyone.
Put more money into the hands of the middle class, and you create demand. Thus creating jobs AND income tax revenue.
Which is what happened when Trump cut taxes for everyone.
If you don't want to create more of the criminal profiteering by corporations
Profit is not a crime.
due to lies about increased wages, simply cut taxes on the biggest source of consumption and watch demand increase.
Random phrases. No apparent coherency.
This must be coupled with tax hikes for companies that offshore labor.
Offshore labor happens because of wage controls.
Blatant lies.

Nope, you just believe in a failed and bankrupt ideology.

There has never been a successful Conservatives policy.

That's why you can't name a single fucking one to defend your wretchedness and constant failures.

CONSTANT FAILURES. Every single time a Conservative gets power, they fuck things up because they're fucking stupid, probably due to all the inbreeding.

* Biden did not reduce the deficit or the debt.

Biden reduced the deficit that stood at $3.1T in 2020 and took it down to $1.2T for 2023:

Wow. How damaging to your argument. In fact, that kills it dead. So now comes the fallacy're so predictable.
Conservatives are fighting this reckless spending.

Conservatives DID the reckless spending...that's why Trump left office adding more to the debt than any President ever. 1/4 of what he added to the debt were the tax cuts you promised would deliver growth of "at least 3%" but couldn't even beat Obama's best annual GDP growth.

For the record, that was 2.89% for Obama vs. 2.85% for Trump.

Womp Womp.

Once again proving Conservatism fails even when they put their thumb on the scale.

You had to add $2T to the debt to get growth 0.04% lower than Obama.

Well done.
There is no democracy. The oligarchy you are supporting and that you want is not a democracy. The United States was never a democracy.

You don't actually believe this because if you did, you would have showed up to 1/6 and done something about it.

But instead you hid out here, switched between your socks, and egged the whole thing on from behind the safety of anonymity JPP provides you like a little bitch.

Because that's what you are...a little bitch.

* The Nazis were socialists, just like DEMOCRATS. Fascism is a form of socialism. See the writings of Karl Marx and of Mussolini.

The Nazis were NATIONAL Socialists, which is what you are and what you've SAID you are several times here.

The Nazis were Conservatives...they targeted LGBTQ, Jews, women...I mean, that's YOU.

You support a guy who Blood Libeled "liberal Jews" just last week ON ROSH HASHANNAH.

You are a Nazi coward and you slip up all the time because you're not good at managing these troll accounts of yours.
That's fascism and communism, both are types of socialism. Price controls never work. They always cause shortages.
Wage controls cause shortages of available jobs. Price controls implemented by Carter on gasoline resulted in shortages of gasoline.

Capitalism always works. Anyone can play. You don't even need a government. It is the only economic system that creates wealth out of nothing.
Socialism never works. It can only exist by stealing wealth from capitalism. Once it runs out of places to steal from, it collapses. Because it's based on theft, it can only be implemented using an oligarchy or dictatorship.

Heres' the ting, man...

You need to have an idea of what you're talking about before you come at me with this shit.

We've been through this several times and you've been humiliated each time, which is why you slip into fallacy spamming.

What always happens is that we get to this point with you where you just shit out stream of consciousness, incoherent rambling to try and make yourself sound smarter than you really are.

You also do this shit to make people think you're BRAVER than you truly are. We know you're not brave or courageous because you won't stand for your principles when the time comes.

Because you're a little bitch.

It's really no more complicated than that.

You are a little bitch because you hitched your broken wagon to the shitty wagon train of Conservatism but ran out of ways to defend constant failure so you just try to rewrite the history of Conservatism but that doesn't work either because most people aren't suckers like you are.
Price controls implemented by Carter on gasoline resulted in shortages of gasoline.


Gasoline shortages started in October 1973 with the Arab Oil embargo.

Who was President in 1973? Nixon.

The long, long gas lines continued from there and lasted all the way through Ford and into Carter.

So once again, we have an instance of you making shit up because you don't know what you're talking about but are desperate to be taken seriously.
It is the only economic system that creates wealth out of nothing.

You can't create wealth out of tested that theory 15 years ago and it failed. It required a near trillion dollar bailout.

Were you in diapers then? Maybe that's why you can't recall it happening.

And since you're so inexperienced you're gonna make the exact same mistakes your Nazi pals made back then.

Back then, you clowns inflated a housing bubble to make it look like the economy was growing as a result of tax cuts when it was really growing as a result of debt.
Let 'em fail. They are unconstitutional anyway. They also leave people in misery..

LMAO you probably rely on government programs more than anyone here. The loudest are often the biggest hypocrites.

Tax cuts do not steal from anyone.

Wrong, they steal from EVERYONE.

That's why the economy always tanks after a tax this point it's now a guarantee that a tax cut of any kind is going to result in economic catastrophe.

We've cut taxes so many times in the last 23 years and never once has it ever delivered on the promises made of it.

Price controls don't work. You'll just cause shortages of available jobs.

Price controls work just fine if they're done intelligently.

We just can't leave that kind of responsibility to people like you since you have no fucking idea what you're doing or saying, and you fall for every hair-brained Conservative Nazi scheme there is.

A better economy.

What better economy? Trump's best annual GDP growth rate never topped Obama's.

Trump also created fewer jobs than Obama did before losing 30M because you couldn't decide if COVID was a hoax or not.

Trump also had the slowest market growth of any President BEFORE COVID.

In 2019, manufacturing was in a recession and lost 300,000 jobs.

In February 2020, the rest of the economy followed into a recession the month before any COVID lockdowns were ordered. So you can't blame the lockdowns for a recession that started BEFORE THEM.

Now, I know you're a Conservative Nazi who doesn't have things like object permeance or a conception of linear time, but February comes BEFORE March.

Got it?