Theodicy, the problem of evil

There are plenty of posters here who post almost exclusively political propogada, gossip, agitprop, insults if that's more your style.

The fact that you relentlessly read my compositions and use the search function to find threads I authored before you were even here obviously has all the hallmarks of someone who has a fetish for what I write.

I respond to your posts because they interest me. The fact that you MERCILESSLY ATTACK EVERY POINT I RAISE and only do it by attacking me personally is the real problem.

You are an amoral piece of shit. But you do post interesting topics.

Note that most of your OP's are just quoting someone else. It's not like YOU understand anything about it but you want people to think you are smart.

You are a poseur. And a generally awful person.
no....they come down to atheists starting threads attacking what Christians believe.......I've never seen a thread here started by a Christian trying to prove God exists.....

I don't think there are any actual christians here. Maybe Jade.

Trying to prove God exists has a long history in Christianity. Going back to Aquinas, Anselm, and Descartes. And continuing into the 21st century with the creation scientists and intelligent designers.
YES YOU DID, Liar! YOU YOURSELF told me you reported my post! LOLOLOL. You big pussy...running to the mods when you are unhappy and then trying to act like you DIDN'T????

Lying sack of SHIT.
Calm down, Perry. You know that's when you get in trouble. Quote the post so we can discuss it. A PhD should be able to find the post and quote it. A retard, not so much. Let me know if you need any help. :)
no....they come down to atheists starting threads attacking what Christians believe.......I've never seen a thread here started by a Christian trying to prove God exists.....

Like Libhater, you are free to claim you're a Christian, but your behavior proves you are not. Cypress starts lots of threads about philosophy and religion.
I respond to your posts because they interest me.

No, it rises to the level of fetish.

Using the search function to find threads I authored before you were even here is way past the boundaries of general interest, and passes into grudging admiration at best, or unhealthy obsession at worst.
No, it rises to the level of fetish.

Using the search function to find threads I authored before you were even here is way past the boundaries of general interest, and passes into grudging admiration at best, or unhealthy obsession at worst.

FUCK YOU. You aren't even moral enough to take responsibility for your own actions. You are truly a piece of shit. Seriously dude, you are pure shit.
I don't think there are any actual christians here. Maybe Jade.

Trying to prove God exists has a long history in Christianity. Going back to Aquinas, Anselm, and Descartes. And continuing into the 21st century with the creation scientists and intelligent designers.
Jade is one....well, one of the sane ones. Most, like Pmp, claim to be Christians, but I've never seen them act like one.

Agreed on questions about God, the Universe and Everything Else. :) 1988
In a studio setting, Stephen Hawking, Arthur C. Clarke and Carl Sagan (who joins them via satellite) discuss the Big Bang theory, God, our existence as well as the possibility of extraterrestrial life.

Like Libhater, you are free to claim you're a Christian, but your behavior proves you are not. Cypress starts lots of threads about philosophy and religion.

I am currently dealing elsewhere with Russian and European history with a barely educated MAGA who was spoon fed historical talking points Rush Limbaugh.
Seriously you don't remember last week? Wow.

I mean...JUST WOW.
Translation: No, I don't know how to look it up, Dutch, because I'm a ret...well, you know.

No worries, Perry. Don't waste your time looking for something that isn't there. :)
FUCK YOU. You aren't even moral enough to take responsibility for your own actions. You are truly a piece of shit. Seriously dude, you are pure shit.
Mentally unstable with anger issues.

That's how I'm going to walk you to the cliff, Perry, then watch you step off all by yourself.* :)

*If you weren't such a mental midget, you'd know that's what I said last week. Not that I'd get you banned. I'd only walk you to the edge and let you get yourself banned.

You aren't even moral enough to take responsibility for your own actions.

You are truly a piece of shit.

Seriously dude, you are pure shit

I imagine there was stomping of feet and pounding of keyboard when this was typed.
WHy do you waste all that money on books you don't understand? You seem like you are anti-morality, anti-ethics. Is that why you read so much you can be a piece of shit?
Books and streaming video are free from the library, Perry PhD.