Theology Question

Hard to take you seriously.

Only for the intellectually impaired. do find it hard to take me seriously, right?

How do you know that he did not ?
Nonsense question. Try reading his post again.
He can so moot
You are describing yourself.
Perhaps the problem is that not everyone wishes to be "happy" and God allows people to chose for themselves.
And you choose to be unhappy.
Conclusion unproven.

God has the ability and also the choice of do or do not based upon the desires of his creation.
And he has given you the choice to be unhappy.
Do you believe the US is utopia right now?
No, because people choose to be unhappy, like you.
(The only sort of response I could find)

I don't think there has been anything like a utopia since the Garden of Eden.
Never expected to see another either, people are not cut out to exist that way.

They are. God put Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Who knows how many years (thousands? millions?) before they decided to leave it by transgressing God?
Eve and by extension, Adam. You, me, everyone else.

Were you ever not happy ? Most people are at various points in their lives.

Happy is a response to the stimuli you find yourself in. You can and do chose your response every single time.

Not happy in your work ? You can find more fulfilling work.

Not happy in personal relations ? You can fix it or end it.

Not wild about that hotdog ? Toss it and get an ice cream cone.

The choice is always yours.

Quite right. The counsel of God, and the right that He has given Man, is the freedom of choice...even the choice to be unhappy, like BidenPresident.
It is Satan that counsels compulsion.
Yes. Your debate skill amounts to, "how cute."

My debate skills amount to MUCH more than that...which is the reason you are so upset. You just fuck up in all your posts...and do not have the brains necessary to cut your losses.

Hey, I am enjoying handing you your ass as often as I do. You are a treasure in one of these fora.

My heartfelt thanks to you.

So, God is impotent.

Not at all. By Him and through Him all things were created (according to the Bible which you are trying to misquote). He gave you freedom of choice, even to choose to be unhappy. That is YOUR choice. Don't blame God for your freedom of choice.

You have freedom of choice. You do NOT have freedom from the consequences of that choice.
My debate skills amount to MUCH more than that...which is the reason you are so upset. You just fuck up in all your posts...and do not have the brains necessary to cut your losses.

Hey, I am enjoying handing you your ass as often as I do. You are a treasure in one of these fora.

My heartfelt thanks to you.


how cute
Not at all. By Him and through Him all things were created (according to the Bible which you are trying to misquote). He gave you freedom of choice, even to choose to be unhappy. That is YOUR choice. Don't blame God for your freedom of choice.

You have freedom of choice. You do NOT have freedom from the consequences of that choice.
go fuck yourself you piece of shit
Not at all. By Him and through Him all things were created (according to the Bible which you are trying to misquote). He gave you freedom of choice, even to choose to be unhappy. That is YOUR choice. Don't blame God for your freedom of choice.

You have freedom of choice. You do NOT have freedom from the consequences of that choice.

But God presumably knows every action you are GOING to take. So God knows the MILLISECOND you were created, everything you are going to do, right? If He does then He creates that which He then needs to punish eternally.

OR God DOESN'T know what your actions will be. Which I find rather interesting theology. A God who doesn't know the future of the universe and space-time which He created.

It is an interesting idea. But most people will recognize that it is a legitimate theological question. Is God impotent to stop you from doing what He knows you will do and for which He will need to torment you for eternity? Or is God another bystander and witness to the random unfolding of reality just like us?
Even if 1/100th of one percent of the human population were legitimately happy, it would have to be at the expense of everybody else.
Why? Happiness is not currency nor wealth.
Even billionaires can't be happy without miserable people working in the service industry to help them be happy.
No, happiness is not currency nor wealth.
No chefs, no bartenders, no wait staff, no happiness, right? Obviously right.
A false equivalence fallacy. You are attempting to equate happiness with wealth.
Anybody who wakes up in this universe, looks around, and sees a universe created by an all-loving, perfectly moral, omnipotent god
was born with serious challenges and impairments. And if it's a different sort of god, why worship it?
I see you are unhappy too. That is your choice.
There's a difference between blind faith,and Faith from the Holy Spirit

Faith is simply faith. Without it there is nothing.

You say your faith comes from the Holy Spirit. I say it comes from YOU. It is by YOUR faith that you even believe there is a Holy Spirit and that it is a powerful influence.
But there is no difference between a blind guess and a blind guess!

Nothing wrong with you blindly guessing there is a Holy Spirit. It is cute. And who knows...your blind guess may be correct.

It very well could be. Like you say, it also could very well be not.

It is not possible to prove the existence of any god or gods. It is not possible to prove they don't exist either.
A blind guess? No, nature itself is a witness to the existence of God. Nature itself is evidence. The Bible is also evidence. Neither is not, of course, any kind of proof.
The assertion that there are no gods...can only be a blind guess.

"Atheism" is just a word some people use as a self-descriptor to denote that they either have blindly guessed that there are no gods...or that they have blindly guessed that it is more likely that there are no gods than that there is at least one.

They do indeed.

It is almost certain that there is a depth to existence that is MUCH GREATER than what humans can see...or even imagine.

So-called 'atheists' that preach there is no god or gods are not atheists. They have a religion. I call it the Church of No God.

An atheist is a-religious. It does not care of there is a god or gods or not. It simply doesn't go there.
I have been discussing the issue for over forty years now...and I intend to continue to discuss it until I die. I have had dozens of op ed pieces published in newspapers...and have debated the issues in a half-dozen on-line fora.

You really have to up your game. Suggesting that I am incapable of discussing the issue is so absurd, I almost feel guilty about laughing at you.



You are certainly discussing the issue now. As for forty years, I'll have to take your word for act of faith.