Theology Question

To be honest, Religious Wars are responsible for more deaths- than anything you can pin on any non-believers!

The Christian Crusades killed off about half of the population of the world back in it's day- ALL IN THE NAME OF GOD!


WRONG. Argument from randU fallacy. Stop making up numbers.
The Crusades were an attempt to check the expansionist wars of fundamentalist Islam, which went out of their way to kill 'infidels'. Like today, Islam teaches violence against any not their own and the fundamentalists take that to it's violent conclusion. You should probably read the Koran some time.

The Crusades were not a war. It was a series of wars stretching over a 200 year period. It eventually culminated in the fall of the Byzantine empire. Only remnants of it remain now.

It is unknown how many died in the Crusades.
The highest estimate (which is really silly to make estimates at all over such a period) is 9 million, or about 10 percent of the population of Europe estimated at that time. The population of the world is unknown, and considerably higher, since Europe is a subset of world population. Most estimates are considerably lower, typically around 4-5 million, and as low as 3 million.
While I will agree that many Communist countries attempted to eliminate religion I don't recall anywhere near the body count from that as from religious wars and crusades throughout history.

Stalin didn't just purge religious people, he purged EVERYONE. And it wasn't in service to atheism, it was in service to his own personal power.

Atheism isn't "organized" any more than "not stamp collecting" is organized.

Why do you deny the ginormous body count from countless religious wars? And those were fought EXACTLY IN THE NAME OF THEIR GOD.

you are mistaken.
I'd say the enemy is ORGANIZED religion and ORGANIZED atheism.

Organized is always code for something bad, even at the The Container Store.

Atheism has no organization. It is not a religion.

The Church of No God is a religion and has no formal organization, but is centered around replacing God with government.
I'm going to assume you mean purges in Communist countries
Communism isn't a country or a form of government. It is an economic system based on theft. It is government ownership of markets. It is what the DEMOCRATS want.
in which religion was persecuted. I will have to note that most of those deaths had NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with atheism per se. Stalin wasn't purging Christians, he was purging EVERYONE.
Stalin belonged to the Church of No God, just as you do. He was not atheist, and neither are you.
Now, I'm certain there have been quite a few religious people targeted in that setting but it would have to be an enormous amount to catch up with religion's track record of murder.
Particularly the Church of No God.
* Hitler's Holocaust, the deadliest of the genocides, driven by the Church of No God. 2/3rds of the Jewish population was tortured and killed. Some estimates are 7 million Jews were killed. Another 3.5 million Russian prisoners tortured and killed.
* The Cambodian Genocide, driven by the Church of No God. About 3 million Christians, Buddhists, and Muslim were killed because of their religion.

Let's look at some wars:
* WW2, a non-religious war, resulted in 118 million deaths. The most of any war.
* WW1, a non-religious war, resulted in 40 million deaths. This war did not end in a victory. It ended in armistice.
* The Manchu conquest in China, a non-religious war, resulted in 25 million deaths.
* The Taiping rebellion, a non-religious war, resulted in 30 million deaths (and the fall of China to communism).
* The Crusades, a defensive war against Islam and a religious war, resulted in 3 million deaths.
* The Inquisition, a religious war, resulted in less then 8000 deaths, and many of the Tribunals were not carried out by the Catholic Church.
* Jihad, or the continuing religious wars perpetuated by Islamic radicalists, kills about 26,000 a year.

Souces: Encyclopedia of Wars, the Encyclopedia Britannica.
they kill everyone, as atheists have noted.

they do not value human life.

valuing human life they dismiss as irrational religiousity.

atheism is nihilism when its organized and weaponized.

see necromongers and riddick.

I don't know any atheist that has killed anyone. Atheism isn't organized. It is the only non-religion, by definition. I have met a few atheists in my travels, and they are generally nice people, though sometimes somewhat jaded.
that is the spirituality of communism.

the communist empires are empires of atheism.

Communism isn't an empire or a form of government. It is not a spirituality either. Communism is government ownership of markets. It is a form of socialism. It is an economic system based on theft.

Atheism isn't an empire. Atheism isn't an economic system. It is simply taking the view of no religion (what 'atheism' means). It does not care whether a god or gods exist or not. Science, for example, is completely atheistic. It doesn't care where there is a god or not. It simply doesn't go there. Mathematics is also atheistic. It doesn't care whether a god exists or not. It simply doesn't go there.

I will say that communists, such as Democrats, Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, the leaders of China, etc. tend to belong to the Church of No God. They are religious fundamentalists.
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Communism isn't an empire or a form of government. It is not a spirituality either. Communism is government ownership of markets. It is a form of socialism. It is an economic system based on theft.

Atheism isn't an empire. Atheism isn't an economic system. It is simply taking the view of no religion (what 'atheism' means). It does not care whether a god or gods exist or not. Science, for example, is completely atheistic. It doesn't care where there is a god or not. It simply doesn't go there.

it is a spirituality.
Fuck off. Take your fake-ass religion that you likely don't even believe in and fuck right off.

Christianity isn't a 'fake religion'. It is quite real, just as is your religion, the Church of No God.

I at least acknowledge they my beliefs are based on faith. You don't. You're a fundamentalist.