Theology Question

Nah, given that you are just flailing right now I'll wait until you provide some actual information. I don't do other people's work for them. You made a claim, if you don't want to back it up I'll just assume it's pure bullshit.

It's already been provided to you. RQAA.
Nah, given that you are just flailing right now I'll wait until you provide some actual information. I don't do other people's work for them. You made a claim, if you don't want to back it up I'll just assume it's pure bullshit.

this is why you're losing.

denying the mass murder of communist (atheist) regimes is absurd.
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Losing? What am I losing? Some dispute with a sub-intellect on an anonymous forum online? Well, color me sad.

I love how you deny the millions killed in the name of religion.

i don't deny it.

religion is not spirituality. i make a distinction.

you do deny communist mass murder however.
i don't deny it.

religion is not spirituality. i make a distinction.

you do deny communist mass murder however.

I never denied that some religious folks were killed in communist regimes. I just don't see how it can compare with the millions upon millions of people over the space of millennia that have been killed in the name of religion.

Why do you think people will discuss stuff with you if you can't be honest about other people's points?
I never denied that some religious folks were killed in communist regimes. I just don't see how it can compare with the millions upon millions of people over the space of millennia that have been killed in the name of religion.

Why do you think people will discuss stuff with you if you can't be honest about other people's points?

communists kill everyone.

this is a selling point, according to communists.
No thanks, Sybil, but you be right about being cray-cray. :thup:
I never denied that some religious folks were killed in communist regimes. I just don't see how it can compare with the millions upon millions of people over the space of millennia that have been killed in the name of religion.

Why do you think people will discuss stuff with you if you can't be honest about other people's points?
communists kill everyone.

this is a selling point, according to communists.
If the commies killed "everyone", Patsy, who will work the factories? Type the memos? Kill the Jews?

The communists attempted to stamp out all religion per Marx's “the opiate of the masses” maxim. The fascists, be it Nazis or Trumpers, attempt to stamp out everything but select religions; mainly those that agree with them and all who disagree with them.

Pastor Martin Niemöller was initially a Nazi supporter ("Law and Order"), but became disenchanted with Nazi bigotry and anti-Christian ideals that he spoke out against it...resulting in imprisonment in a concentration camp.
Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) was a prominent Protestant pastor who emerged as an outspoken public foe of Adolf Hitler and spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camps, despite his ardent nationalism. Niemöller is perhaps best remembered for the quotation: “First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out...”...

...Niemöller's sermons reflected his strong nationalist sentiment. He felt that reparations, democracy, and foreign influence had led to damaging social fragmentation and an overemphasis on the individual in German society. Niemöller believed that Germany needed a strong leader to promote national unity and honor. When Hitler and the National Socialist Party emerged, touting nationalist slogans and advocating autonomy for private worship of the Christian faith, Niemöller voted for the Nazis—both in the 1924 Prussian state elections and in the final national parliamentary elections of March 1933.

Hitler espoused the importance of Christianity to German nationality and Christianity's role in a renewal of national morality and ethics, leading Niemöller to enthusiastically welcome the Third Reich. Niemöller later confessed that even Hitler's antisemitism reflected a more extreme version of his own prejudice at that time.

Niemöller's conflicts with National Socialism emerged out of his opposition to the German Christians, a pro-Nazi faction within the German Protestant Church that sought to apply Nazi racial dogma to church membership in such a way as to bar so-called non-Aryans (people considered Jewish under Nazi racial laws) from the ministry and from religious teaching positions.

The ideology of the German Christians was expressed in the speech of one of their leaders, Dr. Reinhold Krause, at the 1933 Sports Palace Rally. Depicting Martin Luther as a militant symbol for the preservation of German race and culture, the German Christians embraced Nazi racial ideology and demanded that all Jewish elements, including the Old Testament, be excluded from Christian theology. This rally was seen as blasphemous and led to a radical drop in support for the German Christians. But attacks on “non-Aryan” church members had already led Niemöller and others to establish the Pastors Emergency League (PEL) in September 1933. The PEL opposed the introduction of racialized criteria for clergy and combated the German Christian agenda.
Look, I like that you have your faith. It is good for you, but don't for one second think your one-liners are a substitute for the decades of my spiritual journey.


Not a substitute for anything just pointing out a basic flaw. Better luck in your decades to come.

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?

he gave you a choice to reject didn' are neither able or willing to avoid evil........why not call you stupid...