Theology Question

Do I here a lot of bla bla bla here in your response- or is it just another fried brain that is a sad thing to waste yelping out! :laugh:


atheist history of murder is staggering.

you won't acknowledge it because you're a bad person.
atheist history of murder is staggering.

you won't acknowledge it because you're a bad person.

To be honest, Religious Wars are responsible for more deaths- than anything you can pin on any non-believers!

The Christian Crusades killed off about half of the population of the world back in it's day- ALL IN THE NAME OF GOD!

To be honest, Religious Wars are responsible for more deaths- than anything you can pin on any non-believers!

The Christian Crusades killed off about half of the population of the world back in it's day- ALL IN THE NAME OF GOD!


I'd say the enemy is ORGANIZED religion and ORGANIZED atheism.

Organized is always code for something bad, even at the The Container Store.
atheist history of murder is staggering.

I'm going to assume you mean purges in Communist countries in which religion was persecuted. I will have to note that most of those deaths had NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with atheism per se. Stalin wasn't purging Christians, he was purging EVERYONE.

Now, I'm certain there have been quite a few religious people targeted in that setting but it would have to be an enormous amount to catch up with religion's track record of murder. Organized religions LITERALLY KILLED PEOPLE FOR NOT BELIEVING IN THE SAME RELIGION.

That's the key.
I'm going to assume you mean purges in Communist countries in which religion was persecuted. I will have to note that most of those deaths had NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with atheism per se. Stalin wasn't purging Christians, he was purging EVERYONE.

Now, I'm certain there have been quite a few religious people targeted in that setting but it would have to be an enormous amount to catch up with religion's track record of murder. Organized religions LITERALLY KILLED PEOPLE FOR NOT BELIEVING IN THE SAME RELIGION.

That's the key.

except the regime has atheism as a core fucking value, imbecile.
yes. and atheists are the scariest.

Atheists don't scare me in the slightest. They have taken no position, not caring whether there is a god or not.
Those that call themselves 'atheists' and try to prove there is no god or gods belong to a religion. It is fundamentalist in nature. It is the Church of No God.

Fundamentalists are the reasons the worst wars in the history of the world are ever fought.
Atheists don't scare me in the slightest. They have taken no position, not caring whether there is a god or not.
Those that call themselves 'atheists' and try to prove there is no god or gods belong to a religion. It is fundamentalist in nature. It is the Church of No God.

Fundamentalists are the reasons the worst wars in the history of the world are ever fought.

they kill everyone, as atheists have noted.

they do not value human life.

valuing human life they dismiss as irrational religiousity.

atheism is nihilism when its organized and weaponized.

see necromongers and riddick.
Do you have an example to back up your claim?

Or do you just enjoy running your mouth?

Because I do!

For a man whom history can never forget, Adolf Hitler remains a persistent mystery on one front — his religious faith. Atheists tend to insist Hitler was a devout Christian. Christians counter that he was an atheist. And still others suggest that he was a practicing member of the occult. None of these theories are true, says historian Richard Weikart. Delving more deeply into the question of Hitler’s religious faith than any researcher to date, Weikart reveals the startling and fascinating truth about the most hated man of the 20th century: Adolf Hitler was a pantheist who believed nature was God. In Hitler’s Religion, Weikart explains how the laws of nature became Hitler’s only moral guide — how he became convinced he would serve God by annihilating supposedly “inferior” human beings and promoting the welfare and reproduction of the allegedly superior Aryans in accordance with racist forms of Darwinism prevalent at the time.

......YOU KNOW, Like how Republicans are convinced they are serving God by treating minorities as “inferior” human beings and promoting the welfare and power of White Evangelical Nationalism! Which is totally counterintuitive to true Christianity and the teachings of Jesus!

Hitler belonged to the Church of No God. He was not an atheist. He was not an occultist. Trump is a Christian.
Democrats also tend to belong to the Church of No God. Like Hitler and Lenin, they want to substitute government as 'god'.
It is DEMOCRATS and YOU that treat 'minorities' as inferior human beings. It is DEMOCRATS and YOU that support mandated 'welfare' (communism). This is NOT the teachings of God or Christ. It is the teaching of Satan. It is Satan that teaches there should be no choice.
Hitler belonged to the Church of No God. He was not an atheist. He was not an occultist. Trump is a Christian.
Democrats also tend to belong to the Church of No God. Like Hitler and Lenin, they want to substitute government as 'god'.
It is DEMOCRATS and YOU that treat 'minorities' as inferior human beings. It is DEMOCRATS and YOU that support mandated 'welfare' (communism). This is NOT the teachings of God or Christ. It is the teaching of Satan. It is Satan that teaches there should be no choice.

What in the FUCKING FUCK, leads you to believe Donald Trump is a Christian?

Holy FUCK BATMAN! :laugh:
that is the spirituality of communism.

the communist empires are empires of atheism.

While I will agree that many Communist countries attempted to eliminate religion I don't recall anywhere near the body count from that as from religious wars and crusades throughout history.

Stalin didn't just purge religious people, he purged EVERYONE. And it wasn't in service to atheism, it was in service to his own personal power.

Atheism isn't "organized" any more than "not stamp collecting" is organized.

Why do you deny the ginormous body count from countless religious wars? And those were fought EXACTLY IN THE NAME OF THEIR GOD.