These Are The Faces Of The 19th Amendment


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There are 81.7 million women registered to vote in the US, and you pick 7 legislators (and their most unflattering pics) as the their face?

Ok then.
There are 81.7 million women registered to vote in the US,

To WinterBorn: The majority of your 81.7 women do not vote for Democrat scum.

and you pick 7 legislators

To WinterBorn: Seven made my point. There are a lot more than 7.

Also, an army of female Democrat bureaucrats operating in the shadows are worse than legislators because their filth goes unchallenged generation after generation.

(and their most unflattering pics) as the their face?

To WinterBorn: Posting mean, angry, faces best shows what they did to the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment. In practice, they destroyed decent women across the board when the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment gave the country the type of women who eventually acquire a lot more political power and influence than decent women can acquire in a Socialist press.

NOTE: Democrat scum always say “women” as though they speak for every woman in the world. In fact, feminazi freaks speak for a small percentage of women, while they take credit for the contributions made by decent women. Also note that Republican women like Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski will never vote against the feminazi agenda.

Parenthetically, the success of demonstrations engineered and glorified by the press go back as far as the suffragettes who demonstrated for a single cause: VOTES FOR WOMEN.

It took the press more than a century to turn sign-carriers into the parasite class that put fear in the hearts of the innocent. Today, they govern by demonstration and media reporting. Should demonstration organizers not get everything they want by legal means they order obedient sign-carriers to engage in acts of violence à la Communists the world over.

It is easy to see what the vote did for the worst kind of women, but exactly what did the vote do to American men? Tucker Carlson does not blame the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment but he should have:

In case you missed it, Carlson’s stats about education should tell everybody that angry women teach boys in the public schools. Vicious Socialist women control the ED and the teachers’ unions. An analysis of Carlson’s stats should make it clear that women (the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment) deliberately crushed generations of young boys in order to benefit young girls. Angry, bone ugly, feminazis with political power in their hands took penis envy to the next level —— CASTRATION. At least Delilah only cut off Samson’s hair!

Finally, if you know nothing else about Democrat ladies know this: Female Democrats show their true colors after they get to Washington. Now if only Americans repeal the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment every American —— except bone-ugly feminazis —— will be better off.
Do you actually have an issue with the 19th Amendment and the fact that women have been able to vote for almost 99 years?

To Aimée:
America was the envy of the world before the XVI, XVII, and XIX Amendments. The country has been going downhill since 1913 —— 1920.

Repealing the XVI and XVII Amendments is at least possible, while the XIX Amendment is the most corrosive in that nobody dare suggest repeal. Hell, it is impossible to get Democrats to govern within the confines of the Constitution let alone keep filthy Democrat women out of government. Note that the XVI Amendment pays for everything filthy Socialist women do to this country.

Or, do you just have an issue with women running for governmental office?

To Aimée: I have a problem with hate-filled female Democrat scum using their office to betray this country at every turn. Every one of them is a sick freak who believes the Constitution is a license for them to govern by their personal moral compass.

Note that women voted for the Chicago sewer rat because he ran as a spiritual leader. Every one of the garbage running in 2020 expects to cash-in on the sewer rat’s campaign strategy.

There are 81.7 million women registered to vote in the US, and you pick 7 legislators (and their most unflattering pics) as the their face?

Ok then.

Flanders is a jerk-off.

Charity dictates that ya gotta cut him/her/it a bit of slack!

To Aimée:
America was the envy of the world before the XVI, XVII, and XIX Amendments. The country has been going downhill since 1913 —— 1920.

Repealing the XVI and XVII Amendments is at least possible, while the XIX Amendment is the most corrosive in that nobody dare suggest repeal. Hell, it is impossible to get Democrats to govern within the confines of the Constitution let alone keep filthy Democrat women out of government. Note that the XVI Amendment pays for everything filthy Socialist women do to this country.

To Aimée: I have a problem with hate-filled female Democrat scum using their office to betray this country at every turn. Every one of them is a sick freak who believes the Constitution is a license for them to govern by their personal moral compass.

Note that women voted for the Chicago sewer rat because he ran as a spiritual leader. Every one of the garbage running in 2020 expects to cash-in on the sewer rat’s campaign strategy.

Correct me if I am wrong here, but from what I am reading here, you DO have a problem with women voting and holding office. Interesting...
Correct me if I am wrong here, but from what I am reading here, you DO have a problem with women voting and holding office. Interesting...

To Aimée: You obviously lack reading comprehension skills. For the last time:

To Aimée:
I have a problem with hate-filled female Democrat scum using their office to betray this country at every turn. Every one of them is a sick freak who believes the Constitution is a license for them to govern by their personal moral compass.
To Aimée: You obviously lack reading comprehension skills. For the last time:

Do you even understand what the 19th Amendment is? Somehow I doubt it.

Amendment XIX Ratified 18 August 1920

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Perhaps it is your own crappy writing that is at play here.
The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

To Aimée: Asshole. The Right to vote does not include the Right to govern by their own moral compass.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; . . .

Democrats not only established their religion with tax dollars they are determined to deny everybody else free exercise.

Dumbass. Exactly what do you think moral compass is if not a religion? You are not bright enough to know that every religion’s priesthood, the leader of every cult, every dictator, and every degenerate in the world has a moral compass of their own, while elected Democrats are the only freaks who use the force of government to impose their moral compass on everybody else.
LMAO! To use the words of someone I know: "You, sir, are a fucking idiot!"

Maybe you ought not to have titled your post with "These Are The Faces Of The 19th Amendment." Maybe you ought to tell your side the same thing. Not everyone is a Christian in this country and maybe, just maybe, they don't want to be governed by Christianity's rules. You don't need a religion to have a moral compass, by the way. If you pulled your head out of your ass long enough to take a couple breaths of fresh air, you might have seen that.
Not everyone is a Christian in this country and maybe, just maybe, they don't want to be governed by Christianity's rules.

To Aimée: Where does the First Amendment say anything about Christianity’s rules? Theocracies —— Islam and the Democrat Party’s moral compass —— dictate the rules.

You don't need a religion to have a moral compass,

To Aimée: No kidding!

every degenerate in the world has a moral compass of their own,

Please put me on your IGNORE LIST. You are too goddamned stupid to discuss a topic that is beyond your grasp.
To Aimée: Where does the First Amendment say anything about Christianity’s rules? Theocracies —— Islam and the Democrat Party’s moral compass —— dictate the rules.

To Aimée: No kidding!

Please put me on your IGNORE LIST. You are too goddamned stupid to discuss a topic that is beyond your grasp.

Why would I put you on ignore? You are too fucking funny! You twist in the wind, trying everything to avoid answering my point of why you put the 19th in your title if you didn't mean it at all. I challenged you, and you didn't like it, did you?

I am too goddamned stupid? Have you looked in the mirror lately? Guess not. And no. The government is not a religion as you so claimed.