These Are The Faces Of The 19th Amendment

To Matt the Hoople: Do a little research:

It is going to get much worse after the first Democrat woman president gets away with starting touchy-feely wars.

To Matt the Hoople:
Helen’s face launched a thousand ships. I suspect she was also a good lay.

Democrat feminazis are bum lays without beautiful faces. The only thing they need to start touchy-feely wars after they become commander in chiefette are pussy-whipped Democrat men.
Okilydokily Ned but you may want to try a larger sample size than Western Europe.

You also evaded my question.

But back to my main point. Conservative men are famous for starting wars... and losing them.

Look at all the great wars of the last century. Most were started by conservative or authoritarian men who lost.

The point being that even the female monarchs of Western Europe who started wars won...and they beat conservative men. LOL

Hell look at all of America’s Wars. All but one (the first Gulf War) were won by liberals or radical leftist revolutionaries. Every war we lost was lost by conservatives.
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you betters
I would never vote for someone because of their gender.

You can deny the sexism in the OP all you want, I don't mind. Just saying that things like this are why the Right has a problem with women.


You can claim there is sexism in the OP all you want. Apparently no one ever taught you that saying it doesn't make it so.

I don't have a problem with women being elected. The problem comes in when people vote for a woman for that reason then, like you, lie about it.
Really...and the chief characteristic of conservative men, a deep seated fear, anger and resentment towards anything not in agreement with their personal paradigm, isn’t emotional?

Why it certainly is comforting to the victims of the most dangerous and violent terrorist in our country, right wing conservative men, died for objective, logical and rational reasons. [/sarcasm] LOL

False premise on your part. LOL

You can claim there is sexism in the OP all you want. Apparently no one ever taught you that saying it doesn't make it so.

I don't have a problem with women being elected. The problem comes in when people vote for a woman for that reason then, like you, lie about it.

The title of the threat is "These Are The Faces Of The 19th Amendment" and then it's a bunch of unflattering pictures of women. So what exactly is being said here? Women shouldn't have the right to vote because they're crazy?
The title of the threat is "These Are The Faces Of The 19th Amendment" and then it's a bunch of unflattering pictures of women. So what exactly is being said here? Women shouldn't have the right to vote because they're crazy?

It's the typical picture of them. The unflattering part is what you get each time.
An army of female Democrat bureaucrats operating in the shadows are worse than legislators because their filth goes unchallenged generation after generation.

NOTE: Democrat scum always say “women” as though they speak for every woman in the world. In fact, feminazi freaks speak for a small percentage of women, while they take credit for the contributions made by decent women. Also note that Republican women like Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski will never vote against the feminazi agenda.

Parenthetically, the success of demonstrations engineered and glorified by the press go back as far as the suffragettes who demonstrated for a single cause: VOTES FOR WOMEN.
It took the press more than a century to turn sign-carriers into the parasite class that put fear in the hearts of the innocent. Today, they govern by demonstration and media reporting. Should demonstration organizers not get everything they want by legal means they order obedient sign-carriers to engage in acts of violence à la Communists the world over.

It is easy to see what the vote did for the worst kind of women, but exactly what did the vote do to American men? Tucker Carlson does not blame the 19th Amendment but he should have:

In case you missed it, Carlson’s stats about education should tell everybody that angry women teach boys in the public schools. Vicious Socialist women control the ED and the teachers’ unions. An analysis of Carlson’s stats should make it clear that women deliberately crushed generations of young boys in order to benefit young girls. Angry, bone ugly, feminazis with political power in their hands took penis envy to the next level —— CASTRATION. At least Delilah only cut off Samson’s hair!

Finally, if you know nothing else about Democrat ladies know this: Female Democrats show their true colors after they get to Washington.

I can't fault these points.