These Are The Faces Of The 19th Amendment

So, do you call people other than "black people" the n-word? If you just reserve it for people of color, then yes. It IS a racist term. Context also matters. If it's used in anger towards a person of color and no one else, then yes, it IS a racist term. Even if you are just using it for the shock value to shut your opponent up, it's still a racist term.

The term "white nigger" has a history going back over 150 years. In the 1840s and 1850s, Irish Americans were referred to by that term. Robert Byrd, former Klan member AND 60 year elected member of the Democratic party used it twice in a speech in 2001.

I noticed you avoided the question about a black person calling another black person by the terms that offends you. That tends to be the way things are done.

Context does not matter. That's the excuse used by those that have the hypocritical mindset of it's only racist when whites use it. You're claiming the TERM is racist then saying it's not based on who says it.
The term "white nigger" has a history going back over 150 years. In the 1840s and 1850s, Irish Americans were referred to by that term. Robert Byrd, former Klan member AND 60 year elected member of the Democratic party used it twice in a speech in 2001.

I noticed you avoided the question about a black person calling another black person by the terms that offends you. That tends to be the way things are done.

Context does not matter. That's the excuse used by those that have the hypocritical mindset of it's only racist when whites use it. You're claiming the TERM is racist then saying it's not based on who says it.

I am not the only one who is avoiding questions. You never answered mine. What does that word mean to you, and do you only use it on people of color? And yes, context does matter.

What I am hearing from your posts is the more complex version of "well, Jimmy does it, too!!"
I am not the only one who is avoiding questions. You never answered mine. What does that word mean to you, and do you only use it on people of color? And yes, context does matter.

What I am hearing from your posts is the more complex version of "well, Jimmy does it, too!!"

I haven't avoided one. You didn't like the answer so you pretend it wasn't given.

Context does not matter if you consider the TERM racist. The context argument is nothing more than trying to justify how one person doing something is OK and that same person saying it's wrong when someone else does.

If that's what you're hearing, see an Audiologist ASAP. You have it it all wrong, as usual.
I haven't avoided one. You didn't like the answer so you pretend it wasn't given.

Context does not matter if you consider the TERM racist. The context argument is nothing more than trying to justify how one person doing something is OK and that same person saying it's wrong when someone else does.

If that's what you're hearing, see an Audiologist ASAP. You have it it all wrong, as usual.

If this word is so peachy-keen, then why are you getting so defensive? No, you haven't answered them, only posts with deflection and this last one with ad hom.
If this word is so peachy-keen, then why are you getting so defensive? No, you haven't answered them, only posts with deflection and this last one with ad hom.

Who is defensive? I stated facts and you disagree. Not my fault you ignore the truth.

I answered all your questions. You, like so many others, equate not liking the answers with not getting one. Answering doesn't involve answering the way you think I should.

You're the one that said you're hearing things.

Call her the face of the hard-left 19[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment:

March 11, 2019
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: The Face of the Left
By Lloyd Marcus

Will the Senate Censure Crazy Mazie Hirono?
by Jeffrey Lord
May 3, 2019, 12:05 AM


Hirono is not only the result of the 16[SUP]th[/SUP] and 19[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendments, she is surely the face of Freakdom. Basically, Socialism/Communism cannot destroy this country. It is freaks like Hirono et al. that will tear down this country because that is their hidden objective —— not the positions they preach with so much venom. She is not alone. This country is suffering in the throe of freaks with political power.

Were it not for the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment she would be just another bitter woman barely able to hold onto a minimum wage job. Instead of being shunned, the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment elected her, while the 16[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment gave her the income she always knew she was entitled to. There is nothing more satisfying to a freak than sucking up tax dollars like a giant vacuum cleaner.

Bottom line: The 19[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment told Hirono she is morally superior. The 16[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment convinced her she is not a freak.
Finally, if you know nothing else about Democrat ladies know this: Female Democrats show their true colors after they get to Washington. Now if only Americans repeal the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment every American —— except bone-ugly feminazis —— will be better off.

I am not wasting time watching television mouths talking about Democrats. Reading headlines on the Internet is enough to tell me the Democrat Party’s old hags will never be enough to call for repealing the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment, while the new crop of parasites are making repeal necessary.

The new generation of female America-haters make no bones about everything they stand for. Every policy they advocate clearly attacks the country, the Constitution, national sovereignty, and life itself. The old hags stood for the same policies but they were smart enough to hide their hatred for this country. Filthy Hillary Clinton even wrapped herself in the flag whenever it was expedient.

Basically, the old hags were able to disguise their blind hatred in welfare state programs before social media challenged television’s grip on political dialogue. The new faces get the same protection from media mouths the old hags always enjoy, while the new anti-America officials have no choice but to openly display their hatreds because of social media. They figured out that admitting the obvious is a better strategy than the one the old hags used for decades.
To WinterBorn: The majority of your 81.7 women do not vote for Democrat scum.

To WinterBorn: Seven made my point. There are a lot more than 7.

Also, an army of female Democrat bureaucrats operating in the shadows are worse than legislators because their filth goes unchallenged generation after generation.

To WinterBorn: Posting mean, angry, faces best shows what they did to the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment. In practice, they destroyed decent women across the board when the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment gave the country the type of women who eventually acquire a lot more political power and influence than decent women can acquire in a Socialist press.

NOTE: Democrat scum always say “women” as though they speak for every woman in the world. In fact, feminazi freaks speak for a small percentage of women, while they take credit for the contributions made by decent women. Also note that Republican women like Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski will never vote against the feminazi agenda.

Parenthetically, the success of demonstrations engineered and glorified by the press go back as far as the suffragettes who demonstrated for a single cause: VOTES FOR WOMEN.

It took the press more than a century to turn sign-carriers into the parasite class that put fear in the hearts of the innocent. Today, they govern by demonstration and media reporting. Should demonstration organizers not get everything they want by legal means they order obedient sign-carriers to engage in acts of violence à la Communists the world over.

It is easy to see what the vote did for the worst kind of women, but exactly what did the vote do to American men? Tucker Carlson does not blame the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment but he should have:

In case you missed it, Carlson’s stats about education should tell everybody that angry women teach boys in the public schools. Vicious Socialist women control the ED and the teachers’ unions. An analysis of Carlson’s stats should make it clear that women (the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment) deliberately crushed generations of young boys in order to benefit young girls. Angry, bone ugly, feminazis with political power in their hands took penis envy to the next level —— CASTRATION. At least Delilah only cut off Samson’s hair!

Finally, if you know nothing else about Democrat ladies know this: Female Democrats show their true colors after they get to Washington. Now if only Americans repeal the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment every American —— except bone-ugly feminazis —— will be better off.

Now know how Springfield feels about you not taking your lithium.
Correct me if I am wrong here, but from what I am reading here, you DO have a problem with women voting and holding office. Interesting...

You have to understand that conservative men are insecure pussies who are afraid of Women.

The reason why, as Julius Caesar correctly observed. If you give men the key to power (knowledge) they will use it to conquer. If you give Women the key to power they will use it to emasculate.

Now to an insecure conservative pussy this scares the shit out of them which is why they oppose women being political equals. They are that afraid of being emasculated.

Real men don’t give a shit. Why? We don’t live in shit stained fear that a girl might cut out nuts off. We have confidence in our ability to take care of our selves.

What evidence do I have that conservative men are pussies? Well they are afraid of girls for one.
Real men don’t give a shit. Why? We don’t live in shit stained fear that a girl might cut out nuts off. We have confidence in our ability to take care of our selves.

To Matt the Hoople: Real man do not condone brutality against women regardless of female personality traits. It is you and your kind that encourage the type of men that prey on women.

I will wager that you will enjoy watching this guy walk in a few years if he is guilty.


Ayoola A. Ajayi

Body of missing Utah student Mackenzie Lueck found in canyon
By Jackie Salo
July 5, 2019 | 6:34pm

Mackenzie Lueck’s brutal murder is a tragic reminder that the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment never did a thing for 90 percent of average American women. The 19[SUP]th [/SUP]Amendment did give the women in government parasite jobs, political influence, and respect from the entire Parasite Class.

Bottom line: American women need to campaign for serious punishment meted out to men who harm a women a lot more than they need the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment.

RHETORICAL QUESTION: Where was the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment when the judges cited in this NBC article got on the bench in the first place?

New Jersey judge spared teen rape suspect because he came from 'good family'
July 3, 2019, 10:53 AM EDT / Updated July 3, 2019, 3:41 PM EDT
By Elisha Fieldstadt

Judges James Troiano and Marcia Silva typify mild, or no, punishment that can be traced back to every country and every culture throughout history. Proof: There is not one well-known case in all of history that punished a man for what he did to a woman. Lots of fiction tell us about men being punished. You can even find a few famous cases the public knows about since television turned the subject matter into a moneymaker, but I seriously doubt if judges like Troiano and Silva would have punished Jack the Ripper had he been caught.

NOTE: The accusation alone against Brett Kavanaugh was more than enough for the faces of the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment at his confirmation hearing, yet not one piece of Democrat scum ever proposed legislation calling for more severe punishment for men convicted ——on irrefutable evidence —— of brutalizing and/or killing a woman.

p.s. Charles Manson (1934 - 2017) was sentenced to life in prison because he murdered a well-connected Hollywood actress, Sharon Tate, who herself was the wife of Roman Polanski who fled the country to avoid being punished for raping a child. Had Manson not killed a celebrity he would have been paroled years before he died. You can be sure of one thing. If a victim’s loved one manages to kill the man that committed the crime he will never get out of prison.
To Matt the Hoople: Real man do not condone brutality against women regardless of female personality traits. It is you and your kind that encourage the type of men that prey on women.

I will wager that you will enjoy watching this guy walk in a few years if he is guilty.


Ayoola A. Ajayi

Body of missing Utah student Mackenzie Lueck found in canyon
By Jackie Salo
July 5, 2019 | 6:34pm

Mackenzie Lueck’s brutal murder is a tragic reminder that the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment never did a thing for 90 percent of average American women. The 19[SUP]th [/SUP]Amendment did give the women in government parasite jobs, political influence, and respect from the entire Parasite Class.

Bottom line: American women need to campaign for serious punishment meted out to men who harm a women a lot more than they need the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment.

RHETORICAL QUESTION: Where was the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment when the judges cited in this NBC article got on the bench in the first place?

New Jersey judge spared teen rape suspect because he came from 'good family'
July 3, 2019, 10:53 AM EDT / Updated July 3, 2019, 3:41 PM EDT
By Elisha Fieldstadt

Judges James Troiano and Marcia Silva typify mild, or no, punishment that can be traced back to every country and every culture throughout history. Proof: There is not one well-known case in all of history that punished a man for what he did to a woman. Lots of fiction tell us about men being punished. You can even find a few famous cases the public knows about since television turned the subject matter into a moneymaker, but I seriously doubt if judges like Troiano and Silva would have punished Jack the Ripper had he been caught.

NOTE: The accusation alone against Brett Kavanaugh was more than enough for the faces of the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment at his confirmation hearing, yet not one piece of Democrat scum ever proposed legislation calling for more severe punishment for men convicted ——on irrefutable evidence —— of brutalizing and/or killing a woman.

p.s. Charles Manson (1934 - 2017) was sentenced to life in prison because he murdered a well-connected Hollywood actress, Sharon Tate, who herself was the wife of Roman Polanski who fled the country to avoid being punished for raping a child. Had Manson not killed a celebrity he would have been paroled years before he died. You can be sure of one thing. If a victim’s loved one manages to kill the man that committed the crime he will never get out of prison.

Now Ned. Don’t be getting uppity and remember to keep taking your meds like a good psychopath.