They want an America where...

The Felon followers want an America where it is perfectly legal to hide payments to Porn actresses in order to get elected.

They want money to be more powerful than the rule of law.

Personally I like living in an America where hiding such payments to support a campaign is illegal, I like knowing more about the candidates than less. I like being an American who knows how your campaign money was spent and if it was an attempt to hide facts from the voters.
rats ass.jpg
Voting for Trump.
The Felon followers want an America where it is perfectly legal to hide payments to Porn actresses in order to get elected.

They want money to be more powerful than the rule of law.

Personally I like living in an America where hiding such payments to support a campaign is illegal, I like knowing more about the candidates than less. I like being an American who knows how your campaign money was spent and if it was an attempt to hide facts from the voters.

One of your more stupid posts.

Remember when the GOP was OUTRAGED by the news that Clinton had an affair?

Remember when the DNC bent over backwards to defend it and attacked the women Clinton sexually assaulted?

Remember when the GOP was OUTRAGED when it came out that Gary Hart had an affair?

Remember when it was Democrats who kicked Gary Hart to the curb?

Why no GOP outrage when Trump had his affairs?

That's easy peasy halfwit; because Trump and Stormy denied it ever happened. See how easy facts and reality can be. Instead of wallowing in delusional lies fed to you by MSNBC, you should try growing up and thinking for yourself.
Has the democrat Junta made it a felony to vote against the party candidate yet?

And Trump didn't commit any felonies. He was accused of a bookkeeping error that is a misdemeanor 3 years past the statute of limitations.
That misdemaenor (like the felony version) requires a crime that the falsification of the books too place to cover.
It's a bit like a gun law that adds penalties for using a gun in a crime, but guns themselves are not illegal.

Jarod (and no one else) has ever specified the crime.
It didn't make any difference, since the rule of law is over.
It is in the SOTNY, and more people are becoming aware of that.

One law for party members - a very different law for Trump.

I mean, this IS the same allegation, correct?

{The Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign have agreed to collectively pay $113,000 in fines to settle a Federal Election Commission investigation into whether they violated campaign finance laws in describing funding for opposition research on Donald Trump, according to documents posted by an attorney for the conservative group that filed the complaint.}

It's just not the same LAW, because Sieg Heil.
The Democrats do not recognize and discard the Constitution of the United States, including the 14th amendment.
False, Biden does not call America names, he does not hate America.

He calls his political opponents names. He obviously hates America, or he wouldn't be trying to destroy it with his misguided foolish policies and banana republic DOJ trying to imprison his political opponents.

He's not a felon.

He will be when all the investigations over his families grifting operation are completed and Trump is in the White House. ;)

But in Biden's case, unlike Trumps, he has committed real felonies.
Trump having sex with porn stars makes me think more of him not less. Everyone who has been paying attention to Trump over decades knows that Trump loves women, has had sex with lots of women, which leads me to believe this was a porn star shaking Trump down...she likely should be in jail.