This App Is Awesome!

After 4 tries, I think it got it right.

I'll see, he has got to go. He knew about the lab link to this virus.

Early on and he lied to the American public. He needs to go.
Close. I'm not surprise it missed a proper name.

FAUCI , has got to go. He knew about the lab link to this virus.

Early on and he lied to the American public. He needs to go.
Close. I'm not surprise it missed a proper name.

FAUCI , has got to go. He knew about the lab link to this virus.

Early on and he lied to the American public. He needs to go.

HAHAHAHA. I wanted to see what it transcribes Tony Lip's voice in that scene in "Green Book" and I laughed.

That's the Italian way. Fuck em is their way.

Like in the only way the word is ever used. Okay. Your intonation inflection, your choice of words. Yeah, I got my own problems now. I gotta worry about what people think about the way I talk. There are simple techniques I can teach you that are quite effective. I can help you. I don't need no goddamn out. People like we're talking go take a shit. The profanity is another issue - Ava what way back my balls because you can do better mr. Ballard Lanka. Which brings me to one more Point as the guest of honor. I'll be introduced when entering these intimate events, you will be introduced as well. In my humble opinion that longer may be difficult to pronounce. So I was thinking badly, would be more appropriate, Tony Valley, short, and sweet.

They got a pumper longer than call me. Tony with. These are gentle people, Tony the lip, maybe a little

Well then it's Tony Val long, all these high-class people so much smarter than me with the intelligence to speaking abilities. You tell me to can't pronounce my name, didn't like it, they can shove it up their ass. I'll just wait out saying sound compromise.

The former head of the CDC. Said. He believes that covid-19 is from a lab leak.

He said that he expected politicians to bash him. What he did not expect was the death threats. He received from other scientist.

Of course "they" would bash him and send him death threats.
Scientist investigate the facts and make a decision based on the facts. So saying the available evidence makes him think it comes from a lab is not a bad thing.
Wait. Are you saying that Dr. Fauci is afraid because of the death threats, especially from CCP?
No the former head of the CDC thinks COVID came from a lab leak based on the information that he has seen. He got death threats from other scientist because of his opinion.