This trial is fun so far...

It is difficult to not jail Trump when Cohen was hit with 3 years for following his orders and Weisselberg is doing his 2nd stint in jail for following Trump's directions. The ring leader should get more time. How could a judge justify giving him less time?

That is why i moved my odds of him serving some jail time upwards. It is only because Cohen and Weissenberg have gone to jail for doing his bidding which i think will make the judge think very hard on this, because judges like to believe they system treats all people equally, even though we know it does not.

I think that without those two already jailed, there would be zero chance and the judge would cite 'first offense' as to why he was not sending the former POTUS to jail. But both of them went to jail on there 'first offenses' so it leaves no room, except exposing system hypocrisy, to not also jail Trump.

I am going to stand on my 30%.
Well good thing this case is not about an affair with Stormy Daniels and the prosecutor has made that clear from the start.

Trump and his team have done their best to convince everyone that is what it is about and sadly a lot of media has fallen for it and repeated it, I give him credit on that point as he did the same mischaracterizing the Letitia James case, to his benefit.

What this case IS ABOUT, is 'Election Interference'. It is about a number of actions Trump took all to one ends, which was to ensure voters would not hear certain damning information in a few cases, that might suppress his vote just enough that he would have lost to Hillary.

And arguably his election interference worked. The election with Hilary was that close.

The claim is that the coverup was to impact the result of the election.
If that's not a stretch, it should be.

There was no shortage of real reasons, obvious ones, to vote against Trump.

Anyone who'd decide to not vote for him because of where he pointed his Mr. Johnson
has no business being allowed in a voting booth.

I think that at least a Bachelor's degree from an accredited university should by a requirement for voting.
Even that would let a few screwballs from Oral Roberts or Liberty Baptist through, but at least it would help.
Yes, considering this forum was largely created for speculation and discussion of current news events.

QPeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, derp, derp, derp,
agreed, and I find reading you MAGAt's postings very comical. It must be a relief valve for all your pent up fear and pain.
I listed your lies.

I shall repeat; this case is the BRUTAL rape and murder of American jurisprudence by the filthy, shameful democrat Reich. Tyrants lusting for absolute power have ended the rule of law. And you cheer them, because you think they might throw you scraps, and hurt those who have done better than you.

You are so fucking cute in your delusional stupidity!

First I was in the Reich.
Now, a Stalinist.

Delusionally stupid. You’re number 1!

Question: Is dumber a Nazi, or a Stalinist?

Answer: Yes.

Standard Disclaimer: If offered a brain transplant with a mouse, which would quintuple your intelligence, turn it down. You're more fun and the forum retard!
QPeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, derp, derp, derp,
agreed, and I find reading you MAGAt's postings very comical. It must be a relief valve for all your pent up fear and pain.

... says the guys who bumps his own 10 or more threads every few days and who still has not accepted Trumps loss to Biden. :laugh:
... says the guys who bumps his own 10 or more threads every few days and who still has not accepted Trumps loss to Biden. :laugh:

QPeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, derp, derp, derp,
Only for poking you Trumpkins.
Stalling seems to be their strategy for a first line of attack.
He's fucked. He HAS to win in November and he knows it.

Innocent people want speedy trials.

Also...most guilty people don't have the money for nonsensical challenges that will certainly fail. trump convinces poor people to fund his reality show antics.
He's fucked. He HAS to win in November and he knows it.

Innocent people want speedy trials.

Also...most guilty people don't have the money for nonsensical challenges that will certainly fail. trump convinces poor people to fund his reality show antics.
If Trump’s Sheeple are stupid enough to send their money to Trump, they deserve what they get.

The good news is that Trump is taking all of these donations and also the Republican coffers to fund his legal efforts. This leaves little money leftover for both the Presidential campaign along with all the Congressional campaigns the Republicans need to win this November.
I see no way Trump can escape this trial. He had a 9-month affair with Stormy. He kept promising her he would put her on the Apprentice. He also had a long affair with McDougal, even longer than the Stormy affair. These were no moments of weakness but a way Trump took advantage of women. He was married and his wife was pregnant with Baron.
Then when he ran for president he was involved in a plot to hide the affairs. David Pecker said he would print the stories if they wrote them. He had no intention to do it. It was called catch and release. Pay them for the stories and then bury them in filing cabinets or burn them. In the contracts, they were not allowed to discuss the affair.
This is paying them to be quiet about what Trump was doing because it would have harmed his chance to win the presidency.
Cohen was charged with paying the women off. He was caught and served 3 years for his part in the crime. He was following Trump's orders.
He’s flying the defense that Cohen told him the money was for legal expenses, :laugh: