This trial is fun so far...

No doubt he has dealers and/or shady physicians who prescribe when they shouldn't. Like the shady docs who wrote letters pronouncing him in "perfect health" and lying about his obesity.
Trump knows better than the doctors and the generals. He should ignore them all and do as he pleases. :thup:

I recommend the same for all MAGAts. :)
This charges are STUPID and should have never been brought. Any "lawyer" that thinks this trial is stupid. It is sad to see our legal system abused this way.

The reality is we no longer have a legitimate legal system. Tyrants have ended the rule of law in their lust for absolute power.
Making shit up usually isn't sufficient for a court of law, but with Soros clown Merchan presiding, who can tell?
Sybil; an expert on everything except how to pull his head out of his own ass.

When will you stop being a coward and man-up, son?
shut the fuck up you stupid troll

Another uplifting and inspirational quotes from the JPP motivational speaker.

BTW I want to register a complaint with you. I resent being last in your thread ban list. I would think since you wish that I be violently murdered that I'd be #1 on that list. But you'll keep me last just to "get back at me" am I right? Of course I am.
"David Pecker" -- that name just cracks me up, being associated with this lurid case. Were the witnesses the judge cited a mixture of defense and prosecution? I wonder what the ill-begotten Trump spawn have to do with this? You'd think they'd want to stay far, far away. Or did Papa regale them with tales of his encounters, that they'll testify to? *puke*
The Judge has ruled to allow most of National Enquirer evidence including the 'Magazine covers and stories' they would run to hurt Trump opponents and the flattering stories they ran to boost Trump up.

PECKER, reportedly will testify spilling all the beans on how thru his long friendship with Trump, he weaponized the National Enquirer in a way it had never reported prior, by going after and manufacturing stories about Trump opponents, to make them look bad, and then posting flattering ones about Trump, all for the purpose in helping him in his primaries (they went after Ted Cruz) and in the election (they went after Hilary).

He will talk about the reach the Enquirer had being at almost every grocery store cash register line or airport concession, where they could get an impactful image out to an audience better than almost all other forms of media. That 'Earned media' would cost a candidates 10's of millions to try and get similar placement.

So no jury is going to have much of any issue as seeing the intent here as ELECTION INTERFERENCE, no matter how much the magats will cry it was not.




Pecker is going to stand at attention, and stiffen his resolve and do the right thing, spilling his beans all over Trump.
I think he will likely spend time on house arrest. With an ankle monitor. Like he was able to set up for the Pedo Island proprietor.

that is what i have always said was the most likely outcome of any Trump guilty verdict.

That he would be forced to choose one primary residence (he would pick Mar A Lago) and confined to that location. I hope if that is the case, the judge confines him only to certain areas so he cannot just golf and socialize in the areas he likes at all times.

Heck maybe Letisha already took and sold Mar A Lago and his NY penthouse by that point, if we are lucky.
Yep, just as I knew would occur.

You didn’t, and won’t avail yourself the opportunity to inform yourself. Intellectually lazy. Willfully ignorant.

At least you’re consistent, Buford.

I listed your lies.

I shall repeat; this case is the BRUTAL rape and murder of American jurisprudence by the filthy, shameful democrat Reich. Tyrants lusting for absolute power have ended the rule of law. And you cheer them, because you think they might throw you scraps, and hurt those who have done better than you.
I listed your lies.

I shall repeat; this case is the BRUTAL rape and murder of American jurisprudence by the filthy, shameful democrat Reich. Tyrants lusting for absolute power have ended the rule of law. And you cheer them, because you think they might throw you scraps, and hurt those who have done better than you.

What support do you have for this claim? A grand jury indicted Trump and the prosecutor is giving him a trial. That’s how the system works.
that is what i have always said was the most likely outcome of any Trump guilty verdict.

That he would be forced to choose one primary residence (he would pick Mar A Lago) and confined to that location. I hope if that is the case, the judge confines him only to certain areas so he cannot just golf and socialize in the areas he likes at all times.

Heck maybe Letisha already took and sold Mar A Lago and his NY penthouse by that point, if we are lucky.

Generally, house arrest around here does not allow on to go outside
It is difficult to not jail Trump when Cohen was hit with 3 years for following his orders and Weisselberg is doing his 2nd stint in jail for following Trump's directions. The ring leader should get more time. How could a judge justify giving him less time?
It is difficult to not jail Trump when Cohen was hit with 3 years for following his orders and Weisselberg is doing his 2nd stint in jail for following Trump's directions. The ring leader should get more time. How could a judge justify giving him less time?
The judge may decide the sentence, but the jury decides if guilty or not.