This trial is fun so far...

Even if took the perjury threat away (and he would definitely perjure himself) he really cannot testify as then the Prosecutor is allowed to bring in all sorts of evidence they currently cannot, that would speak to his credibility. They could bring up his recent fraud finding by the NY AG and his loss to E Jean in ways that go much deeper than what this judge will now allow.

So while i hope, beyond hope, he does testify, the betting money is greatly in favor of him not.

Good point, hadn't thought of that. The judge is also not allowing testimony about how his wife was pregnant/had just given birth, while he was boinking the actresses/models. No doubt that could be brought up if he testifies, right?
:rofl2: After having actual intelligent, adult discussions with actual intelligent adults, it's nice to kick back, relax, and wallop some Toxic ass, isn't it? She practically begs for it. Negative attention is better than none at all for our JPP attention whores!

More than likely yes. The rules the Judge considers, as to what types of 'extra' evidence can be brought in to the case, opens up massively when the person accused testifies, as then the Prosecution ges wide, wide latitude to try and challenge their credibility as a witness. Because by testifying you are putting out to the jury you are credible and to be believed.

When they do not testify, the Judge has to restrict it far more, since the accused is not using their personal credibility to try and sway the jury.
Agreed, but why? It’s not working for him to be babbling and nodding off in public. My guess is he had to do it for health reasons. Not a medical person, but I’m guessing stimulants like Adderall could be bad for people with weak hearts or susceptible to stroke.

From the FDA.

Sudden deaths, stroke, and myocardial infarction have been reported in adults taking stimulant drugs at
usual doses for ADHD. Although the role of stimulants in these adult cases is also unknown, adults have
a greater likelihood than children of having serious structural cardiac abnormalities, cardiomyopathy,
serious heart rhythm abnormalities, coronary artery disease, or other serious cardiac problems. Adults
with such abnormalities should also generally not be treated with stimulant drugs [see
Trump's people knew the payoffs were illegal. So they did bookkeeping crimes to hide what they were doing. That is why he has 34 charges. This was not an action, but a conspiracy involving several other people. Or as said before, Trump being Trump ,doing what he calls "winning".
better than a leader who sells his influence in office to our enemies......

The impeachment inquiry is quietly winding down because they could find no credible evidence of corruption, and impeachment wouldn't even pass a floor vote in the House even though it is controlled by Republicans
Something the minions of Satan will continue to lie about since they worship both the Father of Lies and his son, the Orange Jesus.
You are determined to prove you are an idiot.
CEO's make a lot of purchases that are journal entries in the ledger. CEO's that lie about what those purchases were for are responsible for the false entry even if they didn't make the entry themselves. If the CEO writes a check to a lawyer and claims it is for legal services when it was really to repay the lawyer for the $100,000 worth of illegal drugs that the shady lawyer provided, that would be causing a false entry in the general ledger when they lie to their accountant who makes the entry.

Did not Trump's own CFO do prison time for falsifying business records at Trump's command?
Obviously I'm not an attorney. But it seems that his crime wasn't the payoff itself. It was the attempt to disguise it as attorney fees paid to Cohen by falsifying business records.

From AP last year:

Ding, ding, ding!!! You cut through the crap expertly.


Lest we forget Michael Cohen already went to jail for this exact crime with Trump being "Defendent #1".

So if Cohen went to jail as the accomplice trying to help Trump hide his crime when Trump was the PERPETRATOR, BENEFACTOR and the one who DID THE CRIME, and people suggest this trial should not be happening, that is only proof of the degree of their TDS.

I have been one of the loudest people saying Trump will not serve any time in a jail due to his Secret Service detail, but i am now thinking this judge might just find a way to accommodate a small stay in jail for him. It would be very wrong if the accomplish (Cohen) went to jail and the guy who actually did the crime, did not.

And as Trump continues to defy the Judge's protection order by using social media to go after witnesses, i think it is highly likely he gets sentenced to a night or two in the Courts jail. I think once the seal is broken and Trump and his SS are forced to spend any time, in any jail, that will make other judges less hesitant to do it. So Trump may screw himself again, in that way.

I am moving my betting odds from 0% Trump serves time in jail prior, to a solid 30% he MIGHT now.
Something the minions of Satan will continue to lie about since they worship both the Father of Lies and his son, the Orange Jesus.

The MAGS cult devotion and worship of their Tangerine Messiah is a reflection on their own moral character
He could have delayed the trial, but it would have ended his campaign. Sleepy Don cannot accept a delay in the trial if he gives up the campaign, because it would only be a short delay.

Trump is big on refusing to show any sign of physical weakness. (He shows plenty of signs of a weak personality.) Remember when he had COVID and had to be hospitalized? He insisted on walking to the helicopter even though he could barely breathe, then later kept appearing in the hospital windows and in his limo so he wouldn't appear to be sick. I can easily see him pretending that he didn't have a CVA or cardiac event in order to look like a strongman impervious to body ailment.

Lest we forget Michael Cohen already went to jail for this exact crime with Trump being "Defendent #1".

So if Cohen went to jail as the accomplice trying to help Trump hide his crime when Trump was the PERPETRATOR, BENEFACTOR and the one who DID THE CRIME, and people suggest this trial should not be happening, that is only proof of the degree of their TDS.

I have been one of the loudest people saying Trump will not serve any time in a jail due to his Secret Service detail, but i am now thinking this judge might just find a way to accommodate a small stay in jail for him. It would be very wrong if the accomplish (Cohen) went to jail and the guy who actually did the crime, did not.

And as Trump continues to defy the Judge's protection order by using social media to go after witnesses, i think it is highly likely he gets sentenced to a night or two in the Courts jail. I think once the seal is broken and Trump and his SS are forced to spend any time, in any jail, that will make other judges less hesitant to do it. So Trump may screw himself again, in that way.

I am moving my betting odds from 0% Trump serves time in jail prior, to a solid 30% he MIGHT now.

I think he will likely spend time on house arrest. With an ankle monitor. Like he was able to set up for the Pedo Island proprietor.
The MAGS cult devotion and worship of their Tangerine Messiah is a reflection on their own moral character

Agreed. As JPP proves daily, MAGAts are violent and support “by any means necessary” which includes lying and voting for a draft-dodging, adulterous, oath-breaking pedophile for President.
Trump is big on refusing to show any sign of physical weakness. (He shows plenty of signs of a weak personality.) Remember when he had COVID and had to be hospitalized? He insisted on walking to the helicopter even though he could barely breathe, then later kept appearing in the hospital windows and in his limo so he wouldn't appear to be sick. I can easily see him pretending that he didn't have a CVA or cardiac event in order to look like a strongman impervious to body ailment.
He should keep doing that. He should also slip some speed or other uppers when the doctors aren’t looking. :thup:
He should keep doing that. He should also slip some speed or other uppers when the doctors aren’t looking. :thup:

No doubt he has dealers and/or shady physicians who prescribe when they shouldn't. Like the shady docs who wrote letters pronouncing him in "perfect health" and lying about his obesity.