This trial is fun so far...

He appears to have reduced his Adderall dose.

Agreed, but why? It’s not working for him to be babbling and nodding off in public. My guess is he had to do it for health reasons. Not a medical person, but I’m guessing stimulants like Adderall could be bad for people with weak hearts or susceptible to stroke.
Even if took the perjury threat away (and he would definitely perjure himself) he really cannot testify as then the Prosecutor is allowed to bring in all sorts of evidence they currently cannot, that would speak to his credibility. They could bring up his recent fraud finding by the NY AG and his loss to E Jean in ways that go much deeper than what this judge will now allow.

So while i hope, beyond hope, he does testify, the betting money is greatly in favor of him not.
Those are the reasons why his lawyers don't want him to testify. It’s Trump’s ego and fear of being seen as a loser that will compel him to testify.
What's going to happen here is what happened in the Zimmerman trial. One juror lied to get on the jury, and let him off.
Isn’t that a crime? Was the person prosecuted?

FWIW, Zimmerman deserved to get off. IIRC, most of the jurors agreed even though they didn’t like it. It wasn’t a hung jury.
Agreed, but why? It’s not working for him to be babbling and nodding off in public. My guess is he had to do it for health reasons. Not a medical person, but I’m guessing stimulants like Adderall could be bad for people with weak hearts or susceptible to stroke.

He looks to have had a stroke.

Typical of people who cant pronounce words and keep repeating the mispronouncement over and over again. She was a porn star who didn't want money, and didn't receive any. In fact, she mentioned that she 'hoped he wasn't going to try to pay her' after the 2 minute sexual adventure.

She accepted money. It was after the fact, but she accepted it.
No competent CEO gets involved with Journal Entries in the GL. This is just you democrats refusing to accept the outcome of the 2016 election and engaging in insurrection to try and undo a legal election.

You are determined to prove you are an idiot.
CEO's make a lot of purchases that are journal entries in the ledger. CEO's that lie about what those purchases were for are responsible for the false entry even if they didn't make the entry themselves. If the CEO writes a check to a lawyer and claims it is for legal services when it was really to repay the lawyer for the $100,000 worth of illegal drugs that the shady lawyer provided, that would be causing a false entry in the general ledger when they lie to their accountant who makes the entry.
He looks to have had a stroke.

Typical of people who cant pronounce words and keep repeating the mispronouncement over and over again.
All good Americans can hope, but I doubt he’d be walking around and going through the stress of a trial is he did. Besides, if he did, it’s a perfect excuse to delay the trial.

Again, not a medical expert, but I think age and a lifetime of Big Macs are catching up to him.
Merchan is a Jew?

Dayum, part of that Guatemalan 14th Tribe...


The idiocy you Stalinists trot out.

There is an indictment for being an enemy of you filthy and illegitimate party. This is the brutal rape and murder of American jurisprudence, and you are loudly applauding.

Are you forgetting what you wrote?
You wrote this -
Soros and Merchan, who are attempting to prosecute the political enemy of their shameful party on the basis of an NDA.
Soros has nothing to do with Merchan. Soros has nothing to do with the trial. Clearly you were making an antisemitic post and implying that Soros, a jew, is the one controlling Merchan and the indictment of Trump.

Perhaps you need to get new eye holes in your hood since you can't see what everyone else can. You were blaming the Jews for this trial of Trump.
No competent CEO gets involved with Journal Entries in the GL. This is just you democrats refusing to accept the outcome of the 2016 election and engaging in insurrection to try and undo a legal election.

You are determined to prove you are an idiot.
CEO's make a lot of purchases that are journal entries in the ledger. CEO's that lie about what those purchases were for are responsible for the false entry even if they didn't make the entry themselves. If the CEO writes a check to a lawyer and claims it is for legal services when it was really to repay the lawyer for the $100,000 worth of illegal drugs that the shady lawyer provided, that would be causing a false entry in the general ledger when they lie to their accountant who makes the entry.
I have no doubt Sybil is mentally ill. Not stupid, but not sane either. My guess is Paranoid Schizophrenia.
All good Americans can hope, but I doubt he’d be walking around and going through the stress of a trial is he did. Besides, if he did, it’s a perfect excuse to delay the trial.

Again, not a medical expert, but I think age and a lifetime of Big Macs are catching up to him.

He could have delayed the trial, but it would have ended his campaign. Sleepy Don cannot accept a delay in the trial if he gives up the campaign, because it would only be a short delay.
Trump looked exhausted and stressed, all the bullshit he has caused himself is catching up with him!
He was crying like a little bitch ,that he couldn't go to DC or his kids graduation!
I think he's getting near a nervous breakdown!
…or so he thinks. Donnie isn’t exactly the brightest bulb in the Trump family tree. He has his talents, but being smart isn’t one of them. He’s gotten ahead in life solely with bullshit and money. That won’t help him in court, especially if he’s caught perjuring himself.

Trump has one outstanding talent. He is uber gifted with hucksterism. Just like in the days of yore with snake oil salesmen and circus sideshow barkers, he can convince not just unsophisticated MAGAT rubes, but even bankers and investors, that he really has the goods. 99% of his current legal woes would have likely not come to light had he kept his TV game show host job and let more honest and competent people run for POTUS. This isn't to say that I agree with MAGAT whining that his woes are the result of a (D) witch hunt. They are not. Would he have tried to pay off a porn star he fucked and then tried to hide it, if not for his campaign? He wouldn't have tried to steal an election, instigate an insurrection, steal and cling to classified materials, threaten a state SOS to "find votes" -- none of that would have happened absent his lust for power and attention. The only legal problem I can see right now that would have happened anyway is the E. Jean Carroll case.

He is his own worst enemy, and America's as well.
He could have delayed the trial, but it would have ended his campaign. Sleepy Don cannot accept a delay in the trial if he gives up the campaign, because it would only be a short delay.
Makes sense, but if he drops dead, he’ll never be President again.

Yes, I think he should risk it. LOL
Trump has one outstanding talent. He is uber gifted with hucksterism. Just like in the days of yore with snake oil salesmen and circus sideshow barkers, he can convince not just unsophisticated MAGAT rubes, but even bankers and investors, that he really has the goods. 99% of his current legal woes would have likely not come to light had he kept his TV game show host job and let more honest and competent people run for POTUS. This isn't to say that I agree with MAGAT whining that his woes are the result of a (D) witch hunt. They are not. Would he have tried to pay off a porn star he fucked and then tried to hide it, if not for his campaign? He wouldn't have tried to steal an election, instigate an insurrection, steal and cling to classified materials, threaten a state SOS to "find votes" -- none of that would have happened absent his lust for power and attention. The only legal problem I can see right now that would have happened anyway is the E. Jean Carroll case.

He is his own worst enemy, and America's as well.

Agreed on all points with a specific emphasis on the last.
this case is really going to expose the depths of his dementia in so many ways.

And we now have it confirmed to be true, by Trump denying it is true.

...The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman delivered a stunning report from the Manhattan courtroom. Trump, she reported, “appeared to nod off a few times,” with his mouth “going slack and his head drooping onto his chest.”

...“He looked like he was nodding off and at one point in a pretty true tell that he was falling asleep, his head nodded down and then he sort of jolted back up at one point,” The NYT’s Susanne Craig also said on MSNBC.

But the Trump campaign later denied the former president had fallen asleep during the hearing — an obvious problem for a candidate who has made the “Sleepy Joe” moniker a key attack line — claiming that the mid-trial snooze never happened....

“This is 100% Fake News coming from ‘journalists’ who weren’t even in the court room,” a Trump campaign spokesperson later insisted....

HE paid her.

Obviously I'm not an attorney. But it seems that his crime wasn't the payoff itself. It was the attempt to disguise it as attorney fees paid to Cohen by falsifying business records.

From AP last year:

“The defendant, Donald J. Trump, falsified New York business records in order to conceal an illegal conspiracy to undermine the integrity of the 2016 presidential election and other violations of election laws,” said Assistant District Attorney Christopher Conroy.
better than a leader who sells his influence in office to our enemies......

The impeachment inquiry is quietly winding down because they could find no credible evidence of corruption, and impeachment wouldn't even pass a floor vote in the House even though it is controlled by Republicans
You are welcome.

I enjoy highlighting how stupid you are.

:rofl2: After having actual intelligent, adult discussions with actual intelligent adults, it's nice to kick back, relax, and wallop some Toxic ass, isn't it? She practically begs for it. Negative attention is better than none at all for our JPP attention whores!