This trial is fun so far...

"David Pecker" -- that name just cracks me up, being associated with this lurid case. Were the witnesses the judge cited a mixture of defense and prosecution? I wonder what the ill-begotten Trump spawn have to do with this? You'd think they'd want to stay far, far away. Or did Papa regale them with tales of his encounters, that they'll testify to? *puke*

Apparently his children have factual information to share.
Try this unusual move for yourself, ignorant fuck. Why don’t you actually take the time to INFORM yourself of the charges rather than publicly demonstrating your stupidity?


The irony of you calling anyone else "stupid" is beyond the pale, dumber

The bogus charges claim that paying a NDA with Daniels is illegal because the accounting department classified it as a legal expense when Soros wants to call it campaign related.

What we are witnessing is the brutal rape and murder of American jurisprudence by the filthy National Socialist democrat party.
You aren't very good at reading. From the Wiki article you linked to.

The illegal campaign contribution was when Cohen paid Stormy Daniels $130,000 which Trump then reimbursed him for by claiming falsely that Cohen was doing legal work in 2017.

I see you are now calling Trump a liar when he says he knows everything that happens in his company.
It's kind of hard to not know you are making a false entry when you sign the check that generates the false entry.

Now we see you are not only lying about what Trump was indicted for but you are also lying about what Cohen plead guilty to by purposely leaving out the majority of his crimes. What are the other lies you are going to tell us?

No competent CEO gets involved with Journal Entries in the GL. This is just you democrats refusing to accept the outcome of the 2016 election and engaging in insurrection to try and undo a legal election.
I see you have now decided to blame the JEWS...

Merchan is a Jew?

Dayum, part of that Guatemalan 14th Tribe...


The idiocy you Stalinists trot out.

And you think the leftists are national socialists? It seems to be you that is following the advice of Goebbels. Tell a lie and keep telling it.

There is no indictment for Trump for an NDA. Your lies are nothing but lies.

There is an indictment for being an enemy of you filthy and illegitimate party. This is the brutal rape and murder of American jurisprudence, and you are loudly applauding.
Judge rules this morning that he is going to allow in evidence of another affair, but will not, at this time, allow in any evidence that Trump's wife was pregnant at the time.

Seems fair to me... So two affairs, but that Trump denies, one with a hooker, are the central story of this case.

People still send money, as he is being prosecuted for illegally transferring that money to pay off his hooker.
This charges are STUPID and should have never been brought. Any "lawyer" that thinks this trial is stupid. It is sad to see our legal system abused this way.
I know Trump is old, but they are saying he fell asleep at his table this morning at Trial...

Geesh he really is frail.
Why didn’t he take his Adderall? Is it affecting his health? He has more gaffs at his rallies than usual. He lacks pep and being present.

Notice Melania is home in Florida sunning herself and watching Reality TV. Oh, the irony. LOL
Uh…. Yes, stormy was a hooker. She was a porn star who didn't want money, and didn't receive any. In fact, she mentioned that she 'hoped he wasn't going to try to pay her' after the 2 minute sexual adventure.

The irony of you calling anyone else "stupid" is beyond the pale, dumber

The bogus charges claim that paying a NDA with Daniels is illegal because the accounting department classified it as a legal expense when Soros wants to call it campaign related.

What we are witnessing is the brutal rape and murder of American jurisprudence by the filthy National Socialist democrat party.

Yep, just as I knew would occur.

You didn’t, and won’t avail yourself the opportunity to inform yourself. Intellectually lazy. Willfully ignorant.

At least you’re consistent, Buford.
This charges are STUPID and should have never been brought. Any "lawyer" that thinks this trial is stupid. It is sad to see our legal system abused this way.
Does anyone really believe ExLax had a medical degree? Or is it more likely he’s a melon-picker from Milam, Texas dreaming about being rich and angry at the world because he’ll never get there?

The same demented bullshit was posted by the same demented bullshitters before, during and after the fraud trial. Never, “maybe he’s a little guilty”, “Yeah, that was dishonest, but sentence was extreme”, etc. It’s always the same shit Trump is spewing: the charges are fraudulent with a corrupt judge and a corrupt justice system picking on po’, po’ little Donnie.

Anyone stupid enough to believe Trump is honest and isn’t arrogant is clearly in need of a caretaker so they don’t hurt themselves.

Not true. My family owns a farm in East Texas and watermelons are our number one crop. If we don't shoot the feral pigs that live on the property they will decimate our melon fields. They do tens of thousands of dollars on damage. The best tool for that job is a AR15 with a night scope. Sometimes the roaming herds of wild pigs will number more than a hundred. It is important to shoot as many as you can as quickly as you can before they scatter and return another night to destroy the fields. Pigs are pretty smart if you shoot a bunch of them they won't come back very soon.

To me AR 15s are tools, not unlike tractors or plows.
I did see that. I responded to that.

I mentioned implantation too but know you are too stupid to have understood it.

Many a sperm and egg that fertilize and implant are shed in the day or two or weeks following implantation.

It is very normal.

Those are not numerous children being caught up in the woman's tampon.

I know as a stupid person you would will say they are, but smarter people know you to be stupid and don't take you seriously.
This is just too priceless not to quote...thank you!!
This charges are STUPID and should have never been brought. Any "lawyer" that thinks this trial is stupid. It is sad to see our legal system abused this way.
It truly is...the way this trial is going to backfire on Big Al and Co., however, will be spectacular...
Wait for the Graduation Scene...;)
It truly is...the way this trial is going to backfire on Big Al and Co., however, will be spectacular...
Wait for the Graduation Scene...;)
As long as justice is done, I’m good with it. That said, I doubt it will “backfire” spectacularly or otherwise. Like OJ, whom I’m guessing you lusted after, I think Trump’s Dream Team of lawyers will get him off even if he committed murder.
Does anyone really believe ExLax had a medical degree? Or is it more likely he’s a melon-picker from Milam, Texas dreaming about being rich and angry at the world because he’ll never get there?

The same demented bullshit was posted by the same demented bullshitters before, during and after the fraud trial. Never, “maybe he’s a little guilty”, “Yeah, that was dishonest, but sentence was extreme”, etc. It’s always the same shit Trump is spewing: the charges are fraudulent with a corrupt judge and a corrupt justice system picking on po’, po’ little Donnie.

Anyone stupid enough to believe Trump is honest and isn’t arrogant is clearly in need of a caretaker so they don’t hurt themselves.

She was never a nurse of any flavor, either. She's just a bullshitter who tries to look cool and instead barely manages to look literate. :laugh:
We wish. More likely "He was here reading the Bible to his grandchildren at the time the prosecution claims he was boinking Stormy and doctoring the books." :laugh:
Trump says he wants to testify, but his lawyers are against it…for obvious reasons.

Will he or won’t he? I’m guessing he’s delusional enough to do it.