This trial is fun so far...

are the central story of this case.
only if your goal is reducing Trump's popularity among evangelical Christians......if the issue is simply what is claimed, failure to property report a campaign contribution, obviously its not even relevant.....
A leader who fucks porn actresses and Playboy models, flagrantly cheats on all three of his wives, and defrauds his own charitable foundation is the perfect role model and Messiah for MAGA.

better than a leader who sells his influence in office to our enemies......
I agree, unless they call M. Cohen's creditability into question. Which they will.

There's a nice paper trail though. So what's #TheGropingfuehrer's defense going to be? It didn't happen, and paying them off and hiding it was all Cohen's idea?
There are some legit legal cases against Trump. The classified docs case, for example. This is not one of them. This is a waste of time and taxpayer money.

Perhaps. But it is also RETRIBUTION!!!!!!!!! (insert sound of thunder here)

Sorry. I couldn't resist. lol
She says shit, just to say it, can never back her up... She is in the catagory of 'not to be taken seriously' currently.

How true. Writing like a mentally-challenged fourth grader with tons of .... and .... and :) and ;) and :loveu: and using incorrect grammar doesn't help with that impression much.
Judge cites possible witnesses

Justice Juan Merchan gave jurors a brief introduction of the facts of the case before describing their obligations under the law should they be chosen. He then listed witnesses expected to be called at trial, including Stormy Daniels, Michael Cohen, David Pecker, Trump's adult children, Rudy Giuliani, forrmer Trump presidential staffer Hope Hicks and Trump's former chief of staff Reince Priebus.

Trump sat back in his chair with eyes closed and arms folded at his chest, occasionally shifting in his seat as Merchan spoke .

"David Pecker" -- that name just cracks me up, being associated with this lurid case. Were the witnesses the judge cited a mixture of defense and prosecution? I wonder what the ill-begotten Trump spawn have to do with this? You'd think they'd want to stay far, far away. Or did Papa regale them with tales of his encounters, that they'll testify to? *puke*
Judge rules this morning that he is going to allow in evidence of another affair, but will not, at this time, allow in any evidence that Trump's wife was pregnant at the time.

Seems fair to me... So two affairs, but that Trump denies, one with a hooker, are the central story of this case.

People still send money, as he is being prosecuted for illegally transferring that money to pay off his hooker.
There are no hookers in this story

Possibly others, but not this one
She did lose a child...I mentioned implantation....I'm sure you saw that...;)
I did see that. I responded to that.

I mentioned implantation too but know you are too stupid to have understood it.

Many a sperm and egg that fertilize and implant are shed in the day or two or weeks following implantation.

It is very normal.

Those are not numerous children being caught up in the woman's tampon.

I know as a stupid person you would will say they are, but smarter people know you to be stupid and don't take you seriously.
Not for paying Stormy under an NDA.

{In November 2018, Cohen pleaded guilty to lying to U.S. congressional committees about efforts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.In December 2018, Cohen was sentenced to three years in federal prison and ordered to pay a $50,000 fine} 2018, Cohen pleaded,to pay a $50,000 fine.

If you think Donald Trump had anything to do with the General Ledger - there is no wonder you read Marxist trash like Vox....
You aren't very good at reading. From the Wiki article you linked to.
In August 2018, it was reported that investigators were in the final stages of their investigation.[160] Cohen officially surrendered to the FBI on August 21, 2018.[161] That afternoon, Cohen pleaded guilty to eight criminal[162] charges: five counts of tax evasion, one count of making false statements to a financial institution, one count of willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution, and one count of making an excessive campaign contribution at the request of a candidate (Trump) for the "principal purpose of influencing [the] election".[163][164][165]
The illegal campaign contribution was when Cohen paid Stormy Daniels $130,000 which Trump then reimbursed him for by claiming falsely that Cohen was doing legal work in 2017.

I see you are now calling Trump a liar when he says he knows everything that happens in his company.
It's kind of hard to not know you are making a false entry when you sign the check that generates the false entry.

Now we see you are not only lying about what Trump was indicted for but you are also lying about what Cohen plead guilty to by purposely leaving out the majority of his crimes. What are the other lies you are going to tell us?
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you're fantasizing about the wrong case, chuckles......this one is about mis reporting campaign contributions.......
Nope i got it right. The mis reporting had a purpose or was done for an INTENT, and that INTENT was 'Campaign interference'.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin L. Bragg, Jr. today announced the indictment of DONALD J. TRUMP, 76, for falsifying New York business records in order to conceal damaging information and unlawful activity from American voters before and after the 2016 election. During the election, TRUMP and others employed a “catch and kill” scheme to identify, purchase, and bury negative information about him and boost his electoral prospects. TRUMP then went to great lengths to hide this conduct, causing dozens of false entries in business records to conceal criminal activity, including attempts to violate state and federal election laws.

Soros and Merchan, who are attempting to prosecute the political enemy of their shameful party on the basis of an NDA.

I see you have now decided to blame the JEWS...

And you think the leftists are national socialists? It seems to be you that is following the advice of Goebbels. Tell a lie and keep telling it.

There is no indictment for Trump for an NDA. Your lies are nothing but lies.