This trial is fun so far...

There are some legit legal cases against Trump. The classified docs case, for example. This is not one of them. This is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
What is illegal is claiming they payment to the person that signed the NDA was not a payment to Stormy but instead was legal fees paid to the lawyer.

It isn't the payment that was illegal and it isn't the NDA that was illegal. It was falsely claiming that no payment occurred by hiding where the money went through falsifying documents.


While the allegation isn't remotely true - even if it were that wouldn't be a felony, much less 34 felonies.

Do you REALLY think America doesn't see right through this attack on democracy and free elections by your party?

While the allegation isn't remotely true - even if it were that wouldn't be a felony, much less 34 felonies.

Do you REALLY think America doesn't see right through this attack on democracy and free elections by your party?

If the allegation isn't remotely true then why did Cohen go to jail?

The indictment lists several times when Trump signed checks or caused a claim to be added to the general ledger that said Cohen was being paid for ongoing work. In fact Cohen was not being paid for ongoing work but was being reimbursed for a payment he made to Stormy.

Do you really think that Americans can't see that you are lying about the actual indictment?

4. After the election, the Defendant reimbursed Lawyer A for the illegal payment
through a series of monthly checks, first from the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust (the
“Defendant’s Trust”)—a Trust created under the laws of New York which held the Trump
Organization entity assets after the Defendant was elected President—and then from the
Defendant’s bank account. Each check was processed by the Trump Organization, and each
check was disguised as a payment for legal services rendered in a given month of 2017 pursuant
to a retainer agreement. The payment records, kept and maintained by the Trump Organization,
were false New York business records. In truth, there was no retainer agreement, and Lawyer A
was not being paid for legal services rendered in 2017. The Defendant caused his entities’
business records to be falsified to disguise his and others’ criminal conduct.

Baby killer, supported by baby killers.
If the allegation isn't remotely true then why did Cohen go to jail?

Not for paying Stormy under an NDA.

{In November 2018, Cohen pleaded guilty to lying to U.S. congressional committees about efforts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.In December 2018, Cohen was sentenced to three years in federal prison and ordered to pay a $50,000 fine} 2018, Cohen pleaded,to pay a $50,000 fine.

The indictment lists several times when Trump signed checks or caused a claim to be added to the general ledger that said Cohen was being paid for ongoing work. In fact Cohen was not being paid for ongoing work but was being reimbursed for a payment he made to Stormy.

Do you really think that Americans can't see that you are lying about the actual indictment?

If you think Donald Trump had anything to do with the General Ledger - there is no wonder you read Marxist trash like Vox....

America knows what this is, we saw the Khmer Rouge, the Cultural Revolution, Stalin's Purges. We see EXACTLY what your party is and what you are doing.

Judge cites possible witnesses

Justice Juan Merchan gave jurors a brief introduction of the facts of the case before describing their obligations under the law should they be chosen. He then listed witnesses expected to be called at trial, including Stormy Daniels, Michael Cohen, David Pecker, Trump's adult children, Rudy Giuliani, forrmer Trump presidential staffer Hope Hicks and Trump's former chief of staff Reince Priebus.

Trump sat back in his chair with eyes closed and arms folded at his chest, occasionally shifting in his seat as Merchan spoke .
I'd ask the fake lawyer, but my dog has more legitimate legal expertise than Jarod - so I'll ask you: What is illegal about paying a lawyer to put together a non-disclosure agreement?

NDA's a common in the civilized world - even in New York they are going to be used from time to time.

:lolup: I knew a MAGA would dash in to justify their Messiah paying hush money to porn stars and Playboy models

It seems like FOX didn't tell you these porn star payments were fraudulently reported as business expenses
I'd ask the fake lawyer, but my dog has more legitimate legal expertise than Jarod - so I'll ask you: What is illegal about paying a lawyer to put together a non-disclosure agreement?

NDA's a common in the civilized world - even in New York they are going to be used from time to time.

Are really as stupid as you portray yourself or do you just fake it for the purpose of this forum?
I honestly don't think that trying to cover up an affair with Stormy Daniels
is a heinous transgression against civilized humanity--

tossing a gum wrapper on the sidewalk would be one level above that--

but to bring down Donald "the Pigfucking Orangutan" Trump,
go with anything you've got, right?

I still would have preferred a drone strike, though.
His hand-picked SCOTUS couldn't overturn that.