What should JPP do with its threadban feature?

  • I am NEUTRAL on this issue. I truly do not care one way or the other.

    Votes: 10 21.7%
  • KEEP IT - There may be a few problems with it, but it is overall a positive feature for JPP

    Votes: 10 21.7%
  • GET RID OF IT - It may have it have a few benefits, but it's overall a negative feature for JPP

    Votes: 7 15.2%
  • KEEP IT - The threadban feature must be kept, it is awesome

    Votes: 15 32.6%
  • GET RID OF IT - The threadban feature must go, it is terrible.

    Votes: 4 8.7%

  • Total voters
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Quite different, my boys, husband, brothers friends can tell me to be a woman, or woman up, but they best not tell me to be a woman and keep my mouth shut. Try it out on your wife, tell her to be a woman and keep her mouth shut! Report back to me.

or what? women can't do anything. women only exist in our world because men allow them to.
To call out racist white men like you.

Could care less about exchanging dialogue with racist, lying fucks. You people really don't deserve serious conversation.

Now shoo..

So you complain about being thread banned yet say some people aren't worthy of discussion.

Which is it sambo?

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I'll never get over myself, I'm the best thing since sliced bread.

Banning someone from a thread means you don't accept diversity....which doesn't surprise me, you losers live in a fantasy world.

Keep being a coward.......make me no difference.

As for Chrisiefan, she is using the tools available to her that those on the right instituted.

Funny how you racist right wingers always seem to come up with one or two bad examples on the left to justify your hatred and racism.

Sorry Sambo but thread banning was created for lefties on this board because they were the original snow flakes

Thanks for showing your hypocrisy. You will be forever thread banned Aunt Jemima
what a bunch of pussies and IHA jizz slurpers

fuck the stupid thread ban.

How does it make you feel that your girlfriend is the reason thread banning was started because her delicate feels couldn't deal with big, bad ILA. Deal with it fucker.

Look at the poll cuckold boy, I am not the only one who wants to keep it.

But, I guess that is too much for your teeny tiny brain to comprehend isn't it.
poor chicken shits

I have my ways arround you putting your fingers in your ears and screaming lalalalalalalalalalalala

I have handled it for years without banning anyone (but my self) and never even using the neg reps
Actually, I need to revise

GazzaQueen is banned and therefore can't vote
Mott is dealing with the Big C according to Tom (that means job issues in case you were wondering)

That means only 55 people are eligible to vote and 25 have voted so far

With 45% of the votes cast (25/55) Keep is crushing Dump 80% to 20%
I'll never get over myself, I'm the best thing since sliced bread.

Banning someone from a thread means you don't accept diversity....which doesn't surprise me, you losers live in a fantasy world.

Keep being a coward.......make me no difference.

As for Chrisiefan, she is using the tools available to her that those on the right instituted.

Funny how you racist right wingers always seem to come up with one or two bad examples on the left to justify your hatred and racism.

Typical IHA arrogance and misogyny in that post: "She doesn't like being called a cunt. I say stop acting like a cunt and I won't call you a cunt."

And still the poor sap doesn't understand why he's so reviled here.
Typical IHA arrogance and misogyny in that post: "She doesn't like being called a cunt. I say stop acting like a cunt and I won't call you a cunt."

And still the poor sap doesn't understand why he's so reviled here.

Your honor, this is Exhibit A.

I completely understand why many "revile me". I never said or acted like I don't understand. I say everything with a purpose. What you fail to comprehend is that I don't give a fuck if you "revile me". Who are you to me? You are a nothing. Outside of this forum, I don't give a shit if you live, shit or die.

You post is why I think you are a dumb cunt. Stop acting like a dumb cunt, and I will stop calling you a dumb cunt.
The thread ban was conceived to deal with trolls and flame wars; it has effectively become the Daesh button.

...unless you are a leftist dunce like Christiefan; then you ban nearly any and all voices who would disagree with you so you can have a leftist circle jerk with your fan club.
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