What should JPP do with its threadban feature?

  • I am NEUTRAL on this issue. I truly do not care one way or the other.

    Votes: 10 19.6%
  • KEEP threadbans.

    Votes: 24 47.1%
  • ABOLISH threadbans

    Votes: 17 33.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Here you are admitting to getting personal info in a PM while claiming everything in a PM is sacrosanct. :D

But he never revealed what the personal info was about or who, so keep hopelessly trying to defend Owl.

Your memory's shot. I never posted to Darla until I came to JPP. We didn't post on the same AOL forums.

And I was not a member of the Kennel Klub Kabal, as you keep lying about. That was your name for Darla, Rana and Prak.

Bull shit; because everyone laughed at Prak, for Darla cheating on him.

Stop compounding your lies, with more lies.

How about the fact that you're asking her to doxx her family and post their personal info on a forum, you stupid fool.

Once again, seeing as how your ability to understand is limited:

UH, maybe because she's the one who just had to mention it and since the JPP liberals are always demanding proof, it seemed appropriate.
General Forum Rules

1. No posting private information without consent. :nono:

You keep referring to this; but other then Owl, who else revealed anything??

Really. Like the PM I just got from Lesion wanting to know the "juicy details" about Toxic's many, many lies. As if anyone would be so stupid to discuss shit with JPP's biggest snitch. :laugh: :rolf2:

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Bull shit; because everyone laughed at Prak, for Darla cheating on him.

Stop compounding your lies, with more lies.

Stupid. Your answer doesn't make sense although few of them do. The fact is that I never posted with Darla on AOL. If you think I did then post something you think I talked about with her.
There seems to be some hope though. Us Amazonians seem to be working a few things out. Hopefully we won't have anymore Amazon drama discussions. I know the board was getting sick of it. You could tell Grind was over them.

That's because Grind, like me, is a JPP pureblood, and only cares about past drama that took place on P.Com and FP.