What should JPP do with its threadban feature?

  • I am NEUTRAL on this issue. I truly do not care one way or the other.

    Votes: 10 19.6%
  • KEEP threadbans.

    Votes: 24 47.1%
  • ABOLISH threadbans

    Votes: 17 33.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
one of the people that voted for abolish did not meet the qualifications for voting, so abolish is -1 off it's stated total
If the vote is close I am switching. I want to be able to post in Rana and Christie threads again. Just like old times.
Quote Originally Posted by evince View Post
you owning this site doesnt mean you are respected

an unassailable truth......Grind's respect is not contingent upon ownership of the board.......of course, its not like anyone is silly enough to find him respectable anyway.......
Oh and TTQ needs to be corrected. Thread ban was created at the request of JPP leftists. More specifically Darla, Phantasmal and Christiefan or as I call them The Pussy Posse

Their delicate sensibilities couldn’t handle my toxic masculinity when I first arrived on scene at JPP. They were use to beta cucks like Rune, Jarod and Watermark. As such they immediately lobbied to have me banned. But like Legion, I broke no rules so the Mods didn’t ban me.

That wasn’t good enough for the Pussy Posse. They were triggered snowflakes before triggered snowflakes were cool.

Using the ignore feature wasn’t enough for them because as they explained to Damo “even if I gave him on ignore he can come to my threads and other people respond to him that I don’t have on ignore and I am forced to read his mean posts then”.

Hence the Thread Ban feature was born. Oh and Forced Ignore was created for the Pussy Posse as well although we don’t see that deployed much anymore.

Well the Thread Ban feature was rolled out and the Pussy Posse thought they finally had good ole ILA once and for all. But alas like all plans concocted by stupid leftists they didn’t account for the unintended consequences. You see ANYONE could use thread bans.

So I started using them. And not just the Pussy Posse, but all leftists were struck with the weapon forged to defeat me. I turned their own weapon on them. As you can imagine this caused great consternation amongst the leftists. “how dare ILA use a tool designed to box him in against us”.

And here we are again. This is what the fourth or fifth vote on whether to keep the thread ban? It is usually precipitated by an influx of new leftists who think they have a god given right to participate in any thread they want.

Ironically it is leftists who brought about the thread ban and it is leftists who bitch about it the most. Yes some righties complain about it but not to the extent that leftists do. And the righties that complain at least have the sense not to use it before complaining about it.

All of the above is true
I voted "I do not care" but there should have been a choice to threadban desh only. That I would have voted for.

The reason thread bans will stay is that even people who may not like the feature in general have that one person they think warrants keeping it

What cracks me up are the douche bags who say “I don’t like it but limit it to six people”. They are such sophists
To each his own.

But lets be clear....this thread ban crap started with the racist right because they don't like hearing the truth...….it's how they operate.

We tend to adopt their crap instead of banning them or holding them accountable for their nefarious actions, then they can claim "both sides"

It's a cycle we need to break from. ……….just saying.

And once again you show that you have no idea what you're talking about; because it was the JPP liberals who campaigned for the Thread Ban, until it became apparent that it was also able to used against them.

Now, go still in the corner and shut up. :D
well since you agree that I have all the info and that you do not

I will tell you that there are no russo bots on this site.

Remember, you said I had all the info, so you should believe me on this.

If you don't believe me, then name the names that I am wrong about in thinking they are not russo bots.

otherwise it's just more pointless babble out of you.

But I now agree with Desh and you should get rid of the scum, so perma-ban Desh. :good4u:
And once again you show that you have no idea what you're talking about; because it was the JPP liberals who campaigned for the Thread Ban, until it became apparent that it was also able to used against them.

Now, go still in the corner and shut up. :D

To be more accurate I don’t think that they clamored for the functionality specifically although I wasn’t party to the conversations

I think it was more of the Pussy Posse constantly bitching to Damo about me and that was what he came up with. The last part is correct. Once they realized it could be used against them and WAS used against them they had a hissy fit.

Also remember that Rana was made a Mod to try to appease the left because they constantly complained that they were being discriminated against by Billy and Grind. I remember when it was announced, many lefties thought that Rana would immediately be able to ban me
And once again you show that you have no idea what you're talking about; because it was the JPP liberals who campaigned for the Thread Ban, until it became apparent that it was also able to used against them.

Now, go still in the corner and shut up. :D

Whether one agrees with the thread ban option or not anyone who was on the board at the time knows why the thread ban feature was instituted. Funny to see someone who wasn't posting on the board at the time trying to make up a story (read: lie) about it.
To be more accurate I don’t think that they clamored for the functionality specifically although I wasn’t party to the conversations

I think it was more of the Pussy Posse constantly bitching to Damo about me and that was what he came up with. The last part is correct. Once they realized it could be used against them and WAS used against them they had a hissy fit.

Also remember that Rana was made a Mod to try to appease the left because they constantly complained that they were being discriminated against by Billy and Grind. I remember when it was announced, many lefties thought that Rana would immediately be able to ban me

Don't forget that she tried to recruit Guille to goad my into making a comment she could then bam me for.