What should JPP do with its threadban feature?

  • I am NEUTRAL on this issue. I truly do not care one way or the other.

    Votes: 10 19.6%
  • KEEP threadbans.

    Votes: 24 47.1%
  • ABOLISH threadbans

    Votes: 17 33.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Wrong; you ban anyone who would disagree with your moronic claims and arguments and make you look like the ignorant asshole we know you to be. Dullards like you prefer echo chambers.

Nope, any cursory perusal of my threads indicates that a substantial number of rightwingers who can act reasonably civilized and practice a modicum of social ettiquette freely participate in my threads. I do not ban teabaggers for disagreeing. I ban them for being racists, bigots, belligerent trolls, blatant liars and libelers, misogynists, and sociopaths.

I am not obligated to provide safe harbor to sociopaths and racists and allow these subhumans to participate in civilized conversation.
Quote Originally Posted by tsuke View Post
its ok admitting you are weak is the first step.

i voted nuetral though since i dont really care and wont use thread bans but im ok feeling superior to other people who need that security.

I have to laugh at anyone this full of themselves. Are you really going to feel like a champion, because of a backwater forum, of maybe 50 people wasting time online? As far as achievements go, I think that's on the level of being one of the kids, that can make armpit farting noises. Bragging about anything on that level makes a person look silly. Not banning people is fine for politics, but it never works in other categories. Of course even in politics, I've come across a few people that turn it personal, and about you instead. :yurtandpoet:
Quote Originally Posted by Truth Detector View Post
Wrong; you ban anyone who would disagree with your moronic claims and arguments and make you look like the ignorant asshole we know you to be. Dullards like you prefer echo chambers.

A large portion of his list don't even post here anymore due to perma-ban. Most of the others are trolls, or just petty conversationalists. You for instance only occasionally use language in debate, and even then you're normally just mouthing off, and wasting time. I save that for trolls, and bs libelers.
It's not weak to want to deny a certain few idiots like Truth Deflector, CFM and a couple of others, the chance to fuck up every thread you start just because they're childish, immature assholes and have nothing worthwhile to contribute.

But if you have some desperate, pathological inner need to feel superior to other people, then you just go right ahead.

I won't judge.

There are certain obsessive trolls around here who glom onto an individual and follow them around the forum doing nothing but personal attacks and adding zero to the discussion. I'm fine with thread-banning them.
mason has been banned for 3 days for multi voting in this thread poll. He voted with 3 separate names to abolish. (one of the names I mentioned earlier as being too young of an account was one of his alts, which I didn't know initially)

so that's -3 on abolish now.

I am also completely disqualifying him from voting at all now.

Before anyone says I am being a hardass on this, a lot of people are voting, I don't know every single username, and trying to track all accounts is legitimate is a huge pain in the ass, and I warned everyone up front not to do it. More importantly, this is a feature that effects everyone on the site, and while it is an issue we revisit from time to time, it's still rare enough that multi voting is straight up cheating and trying to enforce your will on other people in an unfair manner.

I literally said in the first post I would ban you if you multi vote. Do you guys just think I am some pushover bitch or something and I wont follow through on what I say I will? Do you think I am retarded or something and wont periodically check for alts? :thinking:

Don't multi vote, if you do, you will be banned and your votes wont count. simple as that.

:good4u: :D
Also if anyone else has multi voted, now is your time to PM me about it and if you pm me before I find out naturally, you wont be banned. I wont even out you, I'll just minus the votes on the poll. Fairest offer you'll ever get out of me.

You are a very benevolent overseer, Grind.

mason has been banned for 3 days for multi voting in this thread poll. He voted with 3 separate names to abolish. (one of the names I mentioned earlier as being too young of an account was one of his alts, which I didn't know initially)

so that's -3 on abolish now.

I am also completely disqualifying him from voting at all now.

Before anyone says I am being a hardass on this, a lot of people are voting, I don't know every single username, and trying to track all accounts is legitimate is a huge pain in the ass, and I warned everyone up front not to do it. More importantly, this is a feature that effects everyone on the site, and while it is an issue we revisit from time to time, it's still rare enough that multi voting is straight up cheating and trying to enforce your will on other people in an unfair manner.

I literally said in the first post I would ban you if you multi vote. Do you guys just think I am some pushover bitch or something and I wont follow through on what I say I will? Do you think I am retarded or something and wont periodically check for alts? :thinking:

Don't multi vote, if you do, you will be banned and your votes wont count. simple as that.

mason has been banned for 3 days for multi voting in this thread poll. He voted with 3 separate names to abolish. (one of the names I mentioned earlier as being too young of an account was one of his alts, which I didn't know initially)

so that's -3 on abolish now.

I am also completely disqualifying him from voting at all now.

Before anyone says I am being a hardass on this, a lot of people are voting, I don't know every single username, and trying to track all accounts is legitimate is a huge pain in the ass, and I warned everyone up front not to do it. More importantly, this is a feature that effects everyone on the site, and while it is an issue we revisit from time to time, it's still rare enough that multi voting is straight up cheating and trying to enforce your will on other people in an unfair manner.

I literally said in the first post I would ban you if you multi vote. Do you guys just think I am some pushover bitch or something and I wont follow through on what I say I will? Do you think I am retarded or something and wont periodically check for alts? :thinking:

Don't multi vote, if you do, you will be banned and your votes wont count. simple as that.

LOL, Mason is such a dumbass.
I told you what my conditions were. Can’t you read?

Did I say if a douche bag tells me to fuck myself I will change my vote?

Is your tampon in sideways again?

PMP just kicked your ass six ways to Sunday, just sit down and take your beating like a man.
I have to laugh at anyone this full of themselves. Are you really going to feel like a champion, because of a backwater forum, of maybe 50 people wasting time online? As far as achievements go, I think that's on the level of being one of the kids, that can make armpit farting noises. Bragging about anything on that level makes a person look silly. Not banning people is fine for politics, but it never works in other categories. Of course even in politics, I've come across a few people that turn it personal, and about you instead. :yurtandpoet:

Why do you constantly diss this forum? If you don't like it, leave.
I probably made this argument before, however, I'm making it again. Probably fruitless as thread ban holds the lead by 6.

If you go on the internet to a public message board, why ban anyone from your thread? Start a blog or your own board. The great thing about message boards is that you interact with various people and people whom don't hold your same beliefs. Banning people is basically creating an echo chamber.

I can't stand having to use the feature and would prefer it didn't exist. I would rather just allow the troll to troll. Let them show themselves for who they truly are.

Also, most people who thread ban do so simply to spite someone they don't like. So someone can make a good thread, and then ban someone (not for trolling or doing something offensive) but solely to spite that person. It is childish and IMO goes against the ethos of a message board.
mason has been banned for 3 days for multi voting in this thread poll. He voted with 3 separate names to abolish. (one of the names I mentioned earlier as being too young of an account was one of his alts, which I didn't know initially)

so that's -3 on abolish now.

I am also completely disqualifying him from voting at all now.

Before anyone says I am being a hardass on this, a lot of people are voting, I don't know every single username, and trying to track all accounts is legitimate is a huge pain in the ass, and I warned everyone up front not to do it. More importantly, this is a feature that effects everyone on the site, and while it is an issue we revisit from time to time, it's still rare enough that multi voting is straight up cheating and trying to enforce your will on other people in an unfair manner.

I literally said in the first post I would ban you if you multi vote. Do you guys just think I am some pushover bitch or something and I wont follow through on what I say I will? Do you think I am retarded or something and wont periodically check for alts? :thinking:

Don't multi vote, if you do, you will be banned and your votes wont count. simple as that.

Would you be mad if someone used a bunch of alts to vote neutral? :D
I probably made this argument before, however, I'm making it again. Probably fruitless as thread ban holds the lead by 6.

If you go on the internet to a public message board, why ban anyone from your thread? Start a blog or your own board. The great thing about message boards is that you interact with various people and people whom don't hold your same beliefs. Banning people is basically creating an echo chamber.

I can't stand having to use the feature and would prefer it didn't exist. I would rather just allow the troll to troll. Let them show themselves for who they truly are.

Also, most people who thread ban do so simply to spite someone they don't like. So someone can make a good thread, and then ban someone (not for trolling or doing something offensive) but solely to spite that person. It is childish and IMO goes against the ethos of a message board.

Awww look at Butthurt Yurt trying to lecture people

Let me break it down for ya OCD boy. There are MANY reasons for coming to a message board and each person has their own. You have yours and I have mine.

The beauty of JPP is it is one of the last bastions of free expression and freedom of association on the inter webs.

Just don’t call someone a pedo (some water heads can’t even manage that) and you are free to say what you want.

Did you ever stop to think that nobody cares what you think about a topic? Did you ever think that for some, you are the reason they voted to keep it?

You are one of the worst offenders of tarding up a thread with you OCD flame wars. Whether it is is Rune, Zappa’s or now Jade you can fuck up a thread faster than Deshtard.

So if you think people come her to watch you be a massive douche bag, water head spaz you are dumber than I thought.
Why do you constantly diss this forum? If you don't like it, leave.

How many times have you rage quit and come back?

There aren't many here to lack the self awareness that you do. Jade is one. Maybe that is why you two have such bitchy slap fights all the time. You are both so much alike
Awww look at Butthurt Yurt trying to lecture people

Let me break it down for ya OCD boy. There are MANY reasons for coming to a message board and each person has their own. You have yours and I have mine.

The beauty of JPP is it is one of the last bastions of free expression and freedom of association on the inter webs.

Just don’t call someone a pedo (some water heads can’t even manage that) and you are free to say what you want.

Did you ever stop to think that nobody cares what you think about a topic? Did you ever think that for some, you are the reason they voted to keep it?

You are one of the worst offenders of tarding up a thread with you OCD flame wars. Whether it is is Rune, Zappa’s or now Jade you can fuck up a thread faster than Deshtard.

So if you think people come her to watch you be a massive douche bag, water head spaz you are dumber than I thought.
