What should JPP do with its threadban feature?

  • I am NEUTRAL on this issue. I truly do not care one way or the other.

    Votes: 10 19.6%
  • KEEP threadbans.

    Votes: 24 47.1%
  • ABOLISH threadbans

    Votes: 17 33.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
mason has been banned for 3 days for multi voting in this thread poll. He voted with 3 separate names to abolish. (one of the names I mentioned earlier as being too young of an account was one of his alts, which I didn't know initially)

so that's -3 on abolish now.

I am also completely disqualifying him from voting at all now.

Before anyone says I am being a hardass on this, a lot of people are voting, I don't know every single username, and trying to track all accounts is legitimate is a huge pain in the ass, and I warned everyone up front not to do it. More importantly, this is a feature that effects everyone on the site, and while it is an issue we revisit from time to time, it's still rare enough that multi voting is straight up cheating and trying to enforce your will on other people in an unfair manner.

I literally said in the first post I would ban you if you multi vote. Do you guys just think I am some pushover bitch or something and I wont follow through on what I say I will? Do you think I am retarded or something and wont periodically check for alts? :thinking:

Don't multi vote, if you do, you will be banned and your votes wont count. simple as that.
Also if anyone else has multi voted, now is your time to PM me about it and if you pm me before I find out naturally, you wont be banned. I wont even out you, I'll just minus the votes on the poll. Fairest offer you'll ever get out of me.
mason has been banned for 3 days for multi voting in this thread poll. He voted with 3 separate names to abolish. (one of the names I mentioned earlier as being too young of an account was one of his alts, which I didn't know initially)

so that's -3 on abolish now.

I am also completely disqualifying him from voting at all now.

Before anyone says I am being a hardass on this, a lot of people are voting, I don't know every single username, and trying to track all accounts is legitimate is a huge pain in the ass, and I warned everyone up front not to do it. More importantly, this is a feature that effects everyone on the site, and while it is an issue we revisit from time to time, it's still rare enough that multi voting is straight up cheating and trying to enforce your will on other people in an unfair manner.

I literally said in the first post I would ban you if you multi vote. Do you guys just think I am some pushover bitch or something and I wont follow through on what I say I will? Do you think I am retarded or something and wont periodically check for alts? :thinking:

Don't multi vote, if you do, you will be banned and your votes wont count. simple as that.

Grind always abides
Statistically I would say that Thread Ban wins the day. Again

While there are days left it is highly unlikely these numbers will change. I suspect that those who post regularly and care have already voted. And while there are lots of registered posters there are only about 60 who post regularly and I would have to guess they are accounted for
mason has been banned for 3 days for multi voting in this thread poll. He voted with 3 separate names to abolish. (one of the names I mentioned earlier as being too young of an account was one of his alts, which I didn't know initially)

so that's -3 on abolish now.

I am also completely disqualifying him from voting at all now.

Before anyone says I am being a hardass on this, a lot of people are voting, I don't know every single username, and trying to track all accounts is legitimate is a huge pain in the ass, and I warned everyone up front not to do it. More importantly, this is a feature that effects everyone on the site, and while it is an issue we revisit from time to time, it's still rare enough that multi voting is straight up cheating and trying to enforce your will on other people in an unfair manner.

I literally said in the first post I would ban you if you multi vote. Do you guys just think I am some pushover bitch or something and I wont follow through on what I say I will? Do you think I am retarded or something and wont periodically check for alts? :thinking:

Don't multi vote, if you do, you will be banned and your votes wont count. simple as that.

to be safe, just disqualify everyone who joined since the first amazonerd darkened our doorway......
I cannot imagine this board going to back to pre thread ban days. Especially with the troll infestation over the past handful of years.
That’s never bothered me. I know who the trolls are. I just scroll past them.

I think the threadban works if you’re the type who gets sidetracked by trolls or those who want to vent bile.

Another consideration of mine is that I can imagine missing out on Epic posts and threads by using the feature. I probably would have missed most of Dixie’s greatest posts. Desh has had some most awesome ones I would have missed too...and who didn’t want to ban you when Pete Carroll was at USC...and then i would have missed your humanizing descent into purgatory.

The only one I’ve ever considered thread banning is Super Freak cause the little cock sucker talks to me just like my father used too...but like my father I learned to ignore his caustic tongue.

So i voted don’t care. I don’t need it but I can see where others like it.
Oh and TTQ needs to be corrected. Thread ban was created at the request of JPP leftists. More specifically Darla, Phantasmal and Christiefan or as I call them The Pussy Posse

Their delicate sensibilities couldn’t handle my toxic masculinity when I first arrived on scene at JPP. They were use to beta cucks like Rune, Jarod and Watermark. As such they immediately lobbied to have me banned. But like Legion, I broke no rules so the Mods didn’t ban me.

That wasn’t good enough for the Pussy Posse. They were triggered snowflakes before triggered snowflakes were cool.

Using the ignore feature wasn’t enough for them because as they explained to Damo “even if I gave him on ignore he can come to my threads and other people respond to him that I don’t have on ignore and I am forced to read his mean posts then”.

Hence the Thread Ban feature was born. Oh and Forced Ignore was created for the Pussy Posse as well although we don’t see that deployed much anymore.

Well the Thread Ban feature was rolled out and the Pussy Posse thought they finally had good ole ILA once and for all. But alas like all plans concocted by stupid leftists they didn’t account for the unintended consequences. You see ANYONE could use thread bans.

So I started using them. And not just the Pussy Posse, but all leftists were struck with the weapon forged to defeat me. I turned their own weapon on them. As you can imagine this caused great consternation amongst the leftists. “how dare ILA use a tool designed to box him in against us”.

And here we are again. This is what the fourth or fifth vote on whether to keep the thread ban? It is usually precipitated by an influx of new leftists who think they have a god given right to participate in any thread they want.

Ironically it is leftists who brought about the thread ban and it is leftists who bitch about it the most. Yes some righties complain about it but not to the extent that leftists do. And the righties that complain at least have the sense not to use it before complaining about it.

All of the above is true

That's the way I used to feel until I began to see how a handful of idiot trolls here do nothing for any thread they post in, other than fuck them up.

There are a small group who need to be thread banned by everyone.

its ok admitting you are weak is the first step.

i voted nuetral though since i dont really care and wont use thread bans but im ok feeling superior to other people who need that security.
its ok admitting you are weak is the first step.

i voted nuetral though since i dont really care and wont use thread bans but im ok feeling superior to other people who need that security.

It's not weak to want to deny a certain few idiots like Truth Deflector, CFM and a couple of others, the chance to fuck up every thread you start just because they're childish, immature assholes and have nothing worthwhile to contribute.

But if you have some desperate, pathological inner need to feel superior to other people, then you just go right ahead.

I won't judge.
That’s never bothered me. I know who the trolls are. I just scroll past them.

I think the threadban works if you’re the type who gets sidetracked by trolls or those who want to vent bile.

Another consideration of mine is that I can imagine missing out on Epic posts and threads by using the feature. I probably would have missed most of Dixie’s greatest posts. Desh has had some most awesome ones I would have missed too...and who didn’t want to ban you when Pete Carroll was at USC...and then i would have missed your humanizing descent into purgatory.

The only one I’ve ever considered thread banning is Super Freak cause the little cock sucker talks to me just like my father used too...but like my father I learned to ignore his caustic tongue.

So i voted don’t care. I don’t need it but I can see where others like it.

We all come to this board for different reasons. I enjoy hearing differing perspectives and ideas and seeing that I live in a very large bubble I appreciate hearing opinions from those in the other parts of the country.

Now granted I'm a slow learner but around the 500th time Desh called me evil and a racist I was starting to catch on to what she thought of me. Of course we have the ignore button but it just fvcks up threads. Same with folks like CFM who no matter what the topic just can't help themselves from dropping n*bombs. I spend way too much time on this board as it is but that doesn't make it enjoyable for me.

But to each his own on how they feel about it.