What should JPP do with its threadban feature?

  • I am NEUTRAL on this issue. I truly do not care one way or the other.

    Votes: 10 19.6%
  • KEEP threadbans.

    Votes: 24 47.1%
  • ABOLISH threadbans

    Votes: 17 33.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Even if thread bans are eliminated, I will still have APP.

It is like having thread bans without typing in the names. APP is like kryptonite to leftists. They can't deal with the super duper moderation.
How many times have you rage quit and come back?

There aren't many here to lack the self awareness that you do. Jade is one. Maybe that is why you two have such bitchy slap fights all the time. You are both so much alike

Are you crying?
You're one to talk....

When I have an issue with the forum, I do leave. When I get over it or someone reaches out to me, I come back.

I just stay, totally baffled as to why a site devoted to discussion should have thread bans. When some of the right-wing weirdoes list most of the human race, it is often too hard to find your own name, and you waste time answering, only to be censored. What on earth is the point of it?
I just stay, totally baffled as to why a site devoted to discussion should have thread bans. When some of the right-wing weirdoes list most of the human race, it is often too hard to find your own name, and you waste time answering, only to be censored. What on earth is the point of it?

It is the will of the people, Welsher.
I just stay, totally baffled as to why a site devoted to discussion should have thread bans. When some of the right-wing weirdoes list most of the human race, it is often too hard to find your own name, and you waste time answering, only to be censored. What on earth is the point of it?

Maybe you should cancel your account and save yourself the trouble of posting. :D
Nope, any cursory perusal of my threads indicates that a substantial number of rightwingers who can act reasonably civilized and practice a modicum of social ettiquette freely participate in my threads. I do not ban teabaggers for disagreeing. I ban them for being racists, bigots, belligerent trolls, blatant liars and libelers, misogynists, and sociopaths.

I am not obligated to provide safe harbor to sociopaths and racists and allow these subhumans to participate in civilized conversation.

So evince, Domer76, Nomad, characterassasin, Katzgar and Guno act reasonable and civilized? STFU you dishonest partisan hack. You're a coward who prefers echo chambers and lying.

Members banned from this thread: lying rules, AssHatZombie, The Anonymous, I<3Possums, USFREEDOM911, Havana Moon, PostmodernProphet, Legion, Truth Detector, Legion Troll, Boris The Animal, Cornelius, Teflon Don, J Craft, Dark Soul, Darth Beto Omar, CFM, DBCooper, chink, Superfreak, RB 60, PraiseKek, TOP, excommunicated, AnnieOakley, Tommatthews, Q-Tip, volsrock, Grugore, Rob Larrikin, BodyDouble, ptif219, Loving91390, fandango, United76America, Yurt, Into the Night, Tkaffen, gfm7175, Enlightened One, Anarchon, Proud Boy, Earl and Nate Higgers
A large portion of his list don't even post here anymore due to perma-ban. Most of the others are trolls, or just petty conversationalists. You for instance only occasionally use language in debate, and even then you're normally just mouthing off, and wasting time. I save that for trolls, and bs libelers.

You pathetic lying dunce. MOST still post here and MOST on his list are Conservatives and Libertarians; AssHatZombie, USFREEDOM911, Havana Moon, PostmodernProphet, Legion, Truth Detector, Teflon Don, J Craft, Dark Soul, Darth Beto Omar, CFM, Superfreak, RB 60, TOP, volsrock, Grugore, Yurt, Into the Night, Tkaffen, Loving91390, gfm7175 and Earl.

He bans anyone who disagrees with him and makes him look like the low IQ partisan hack he is. Trolls would be Rune, Evince, CharacterAssasin, Guno, Nomad, Domer76 and Katzgar. Are they on his list? Of course NOT. He's a partisan hack who loves echo chambers. Stop the dishonesty and lying. You're no better.

Members banned from this thread: lying rules, AssHatZombie, The Anonymous, I<3Possums, USFREEDOM911, Havana Moon, PostmodernProphet, Legion, Truth Detector, Legion Troll, Boris The Animal, Cornelius, Teflon Don, J Craft, Dark Soul, Darth Beto Omar, CFM, DBCooper, chink, Superfreak, RB 60, PraiseKek, TOP, excommunicated, AnnieOakley, Tommatthews, Q-Tip, volsrock, Grugore, Rob Larrikin, BodyDouble, ptif219, Loving91390, fandango, United76America, Yurt, Into the Night, Tkaffen, gfm7175, Enlightened One, Anarchon, Proud Boy, Earl and Nate Higgers
There are certain obsessive trolls around here who glom onto an individual and follow them around the forum doing nothing but personal attacks and adding zero to the discussion. I'm fine with thread-banning them.

Most are your Marxist pals snowflake; grow a brain and some honesty.
That's the way I used to feel until I began to see how a handful of idiot trolls here do nothing for any thread they post in, other than fuck them up.

There are a small group who need to be thread banned by everyone.

Yes we agree, you'd should be near the top of the list along with Desh, McSquawker, Reagan's Bellend, Jade, Bowel Woman, Character Assassin and Center Loony.
I just stay, totally baffled as to why a site devoted to discussion should have thread bans. When some of the right-wing weirdoes list most of the human race, it is often too hard to find your own name, and you waste time answering, only to be censored. What on earth is the point of it?

You do have to laugh, the Welsh Windbag has been banned from most sites. This is one of the few that tolerates his bullshit.
His bullshit isn't tolerated; it is allowed. ;)

Which just goes to show how tolerant JPP is, unless someone is a complete idiot and challenges the few rules that will get you sent to the corner and forced to wear the pointy cap.


Once again, we are revisiting the issue of whether or not JPP should have threadbans.

  • This poll will be open for 10 days. It's starting 12:00amish monday so It will close 12:00amish thursday next week. I want everyone to have the opportunity to vote. Walls might be spammed O_O

  • If the vast majority of people vote rather quickly it may be closed earlier.

  • If the vote appears to be an obvious runaway it may be closed earlier.

  • VOTE WILL BE ANONYMOUS, even after votes are in. That way, if you wanna be two-faced and claim you hate threadbanning but secretly you want to support it, you will be allowed to do so. The mod team will not out you.

  • We might however provide general stats if people are interested, and in the name of transparency.


Rule 1 - Only those that meet the following qualifications are allowed to vote -

- must have 500 or more posts
- must have a JPP account for at least 6 months

Rule 2 - DO NOT multi-vote

We might have to count up 50+ votes, I dont' want to IP check everyone. If you multi vote and we catch you, none of your votes will count, and it may lead to a ban of an unspecified length. If you end up voting twice on different names because you are a retard and can't help yourself, let us know before we find out on our own.

With 9 days to go, the results at this time are:

24 to keep the Thread Ban
17 to get rid of the Thread Ban
9 who choose :dunno:

I wish Grind would have made the voters viewable; just to see how many voted for what. :D
With 9 days to go, the results at this time are:

24 to keep the Thread Ban
17 to get rid of the Thread Ban
9 who choose :dunno:

I wish Grind would have made the voters viewable; just to see how many voted for what. :D
Is it actually 3 less on the "get rid of"?;)