Three ways for the Jury to convict Trump

You're too stupid to comprehend how outrageous Merchan's behavior has been and is with this nonsense about three possible crimes.

The 6th amendment does not state you can be charged with "possible" crimes dumbass. It clearly states that you must be made aware of the actual crime you are being forced into court over.
Gosh, Poopiehead. You should be a lawyer. Oh.. wait.. Trump has been made aware of the actual crimes he has been charged with. He was made aware of them before he made his first court appearance to plead not guilty.

The NY state appeals court has ruled in previous cases that there is no need to be convicted of the crime that elevates another crime to a felony for that elevation to take place. That means Trump has not been charged with the crime that elevates 175.10 to a felony and he is not being forced into court for that crime. He is on trial for violating 175.10.
A judge whose actions basically placed him behiond the prosecutions table.

I know that subtle analogies are difficult for the IQ impaired to comprehend.
Subtle analogies are not legal arguments. They are attempts to run from the facts. Accusing the judge of being on the side of the prosecution is not a legal argument any more than accusing Judge Cannon on taking Trump's side in Florida is a legal argument.
Apparently you have decided that the only evidence that exists is what you want to exist.

Your projecting again. That is exactly what you are doing.

Cohen called the bodyguard and then talked to Trump on the bodyguard's phone. Pictures from that day show Trump with his bodyguard.
The testimony by Cohen's former attorney was a mess with the judge having to clear the courtroom and reprimand the witness. His testimony is as problematic as Cohen's.

Again, Trump never talked to Cohen and there was ZERO evidence that conversation occurred. Flail on.

Apparently you missed the explanation from Stormy as to why she felt she had to deny the sex out of fear for her daughter's safety.
It's pretty clear what you have missed.

Apparently, you don't like the FACT that she sent that letter through her attorney. So now she's lying again? Yet you think she is credible? That stupid.

Claiming something isn't against the law that someone went to jail for isn't much of an argument and I doubt the jury would consider that proof that the crime doesn't exist.

Arguing that a crime occurred without stating what that crime is, is malpractice. Engaging in suborned perjury as Bragg has done, is malpractice.

Of course Cohen funded the NDA. You don't seem to realize that his fronting the money is evidence of trying to hide it from being listed as a campaign expense at the time.

Yet, Cohen testified it was to hide it from his wife and told his attorney he had nothing on Trump. Was he lying yet again?

I am not the one parroting stupid theories. I am talking about the evidence as a whole. Cohen has lied and committed perjury. That doesn't make his testimony false. It only makes it suspect and what other corroborating evidence exists to support it.

Yes, you are supporting the laughably stupid theories presented by a DA who is nothing more than a pretentious political hack inventing crimes and engaging in malpractice.

Cohen didn't cheat the company out of $60 grand. He cheated the vendor out of their full payment.

Once again you can't get even the obvious facts correct. He admitted under oath that he committed larceny. He didn't pay the vendor and pocketed the balance.

Are you compelled to lie because you know you are lying?

They jury will have heard all the evidence not just the parts you want to highlight. They will make their decision based on all the evidence. You will whine about how they ignored the evidence when it is you that is ignoring the mountain of evidence to concentrate on your molehill.

The jury heard ZERO evidence of any crimes nor what the underlying crime is. No one to this date knows what crime Bragg speaks of.

So, if they finally decide to tell the jury what crime they are claiming in closing arguments, is that not against the 6th amendment? If not. how so?
Gosh, Poopiehead. You should be a lawyer. Oh.. wait.. Trump has been made aware of the actual crimes he has been charged with. He was made aware of them before he made his first court appearance to plead not guilty.

Really? You seem to be the only one suggesting that. What was the underlying felony?

The NY state appeals court has ruled in previous cases that there is no need to be convicted of the crime that elevates another crime to a felony for that elevation to take place. That means Trump has not been charged with the crime that elevates 175.10 to a felony and he is not being forced into court for that crime. He is on trial for violating 175.10.

That is a pile of nonsensical word salad. It is obvious you have ZERO clue what you are bloviating about and merely parrot the nonsense Brag is feeding you.
Subtle analogies are not legal arguments. They are attempts to run from the facts. Accusing the judge of being on the side of the prosecution is not a legal argument any more than accusing Judge Cannon on taking Trump's side in Florida is a legal argument.

You really are an insufferable, uneducated boor. :laugh:
Hmm.. who should we rely on? Dershowitz or the NY appeals court?

The People rely on Peaple 1. Thorpson, 124 AD3d 448 1st Dept 2015] and Peaple v. McCumiskey, 12 AD3d
1145 [4th Dept 2004). In Thompsor, the defendant was convicted of Falsifying Business Records in
the First Degree for making a false entry on a form. The court upheld the conviction finding that
the prosecution did not have t¢ establish that defendant committed or was convicted of the crime
he intended to conceal. McCaummskey also held that evidence of infent to commit a crime is sufficient
to satisfy the requirements of PL §175.10 even if defendant was not convicted of the “other crime.”

It seems Dershowitz isn't aware of the precedents from the appeals court that would show this isn't an appealable an error since it follows previous rulings by the appeals court.
actually, neither......its dependant on the law as determined by the USSC.....
There is nothing honorable about Merchan - nothing even remotely honorable.


Then YOU are an Antisemite for attacking Alan Dershowitz.

Such a cowardly attempt. Pathetic.
When did I attack Alan Dershowitz? When did I say he paid off prosecutors which is what you accused Soros of doing which is the antisemtic trope of accusing Jews of buying people and outcomes.
every decision in the courtroom is subject to appeal.......I know you hate America, but that's the way we roll.....
LOL. I notice you said the DECISION made in the courtroom is subject to appeal. Dershowitz isn't in the courtroom. Decisions made by a judge that align with higher court rulings are less likely to be appealed or overturned on appeal.
actually, neither......its dependant on the law as determined by the USSC.....
The USSC doesn't normally determine anything about state laws unless that state law conflicts with federal laws or the US Constitution. This law certainly doesn't appear to conflict with either and decades old state court opinions have upheld it.
The USSC doesn't normally determine anything about state laws unless that state law conflicts with federal laws or the US Constitution. This law certainly doesn't appear to conflict with either and decades old state court opinions have upheld it.
you are crazy if you think the Supreme Court won't take a case of convicting a presidential candidate by a state court.......
When did I attack Alan Dershowitz?

When he pointed out that the lynching of Trump is a complete fraud.

When did I say he paid off prosecutors which is what you accused Soros of doing which is the antisemtic trope of accusing Jews of buying people and outcomes.


Such a pathetic little weasel. Hitler's little love muffin Soros is not immune to exposure because it gives you a sadz. That you demand Soros is immune from his evil acts because he is Jewish is blatantly Antisemitic.
LOL. I notice you said the DECISION made in the courtroom is subject to appeal. Dershowitz isn't in the courtroom. Decisions made by a judge that align with higher court rulings are less likely to be appealed or overturned on appeal.


Your rules are NO ONE can say anything against someone who is Jewish. To criticize or disagree makes you an Antisemite. Clearly you are Hitler!
you are crazy if you think the Supreme Court won't take a case of convicting a presidential candidate by a state court.......
On what basis will they take the case? It first has to go through the appeals court and will require an actual federal issue that can be appealed.
If you are arguing that a GOP candidate gets special treatment under the law then clearly you are opposed to the US system.
When he pointed out that the lynching of Trump is a complete fraud.


Such a pathetic little weasel. Hitler's little love muffin Soros is not immune to exposure because it gives you a sadz. That you demand Soros is immune from his evil acts because he is Jewish is blatantly Antisemitic.
I see you have decided to continue with your antisemitism.

Your rules are NO ONE can say anything against someone who is Jewish. To criticize or disagree makes you an Antisemite. Clearly you are Hitler!
You are free to criticize someone who is Jewish for things they actually do. When you make claims of them buying/owning people then you are simply being antisemitic. Soros is not Hitler's little love muffiin so that statement is antisemitic.