Three ways for the Jury to convict Trump

when the law is it has been for four weeks........I've come with a real reason for an appeal.......Alan Dershowitz has.....even Jake Tapper has......pretty much everyone except the View, Rachel Madcow and the JPP lib'ruls has a list.......
When the law is abused? Can things be appealed? Of course. Appeals can always happen. Does the appeal have a chance of winning? Not really based on the law when it isn't being abused by people like you claiming that felony convictions are fake. I challenge you to file an appeal claiming a jury verdict was "fake." See how far that gets you.
every decision in the courtroom is subject to appeal.......I know you hate America, but that's the way we roll.....
Usually the juries actual decision is not subject to appeal. Almost always you have to find a procedural mistake to get an appeal.

A real lawyer knows that.
when the law is it has been for four weeks........I've come with a real reason for an appeal.......Alan Dershowitz has.....even Jake Tapper has......pretty much everyone except the View, Rachel Madcow and the JPP lib'ruls has a list.......
When have you idiots EVER been correct about the law.

We had you scream about abuses during the Letisha James, documents fraud civil trial. You scream about abuses in the E Jean case. You are wrong on all counts 100% of the time.

You simply never learn and that is because you are stupid.
every single idiots are clueless......
Who was the one talking about fake felony convictions? Can you clue is in on how a jury convicts someone of a fake felony? Can you provide us the USSC ruling where they said felonies can be fake?
Alan Dershowitz says yes......Poor Richard Sundered says fucking lose.....
The NY Appeals court also say no. Dershowitz loses to the court.
Who was the one talking about fake felony convictions? Can you clue is in on how a jury convicts someone of a fake felony? Can you provide us the USSC ruling where they said felonies can be fake?

The NY Appeals court also say no. Dershowitz loses to the court.
half the country is talking about fake felony convictions......and the smarter half at that.....and the NY Appeals Court hasn't considered this case yet.....
If this does not say it all about where we are in American political debate, I do not know what will.

It says all there is to say about you Marxists.

Out of context mockery that you sneak in days after the fact in an attempt at complete intellectual dishonesty.

Have you no shame, comrade?
These are the same people that claim there was massive election fraud with no evidence. I wouldn't consider them the smarter half or even half of the country.

You are the same people who claim that there were court hearings on the massive fraud that was engaged in 2020.

Then a little ballot box stuffing by the democrats...

Hmmm - rumble tags not working

Verdict reached. 20 mins until released.

Terrible news for Trump that they got to decision so easily.
Great news for the rest of us!
He could invade Poland and they would love it.
Whatever Donald wants, Republicans will give to him.

Dangerous Republicans hold DJT to no standard.

They trash the Constitution. They are trashing America.

This is exactly what Benjamin Franklin was concerned about when he said: "If you can keep it."