Times Retracts Lies and Smears

The vast majority of people would read the headline, and only the headline. This is what creates what I am speaking of, the distraction.

Again, how much time do you think we would have spent on this had RP's campaign given the money back without fanfare? Do you think time spent denying claims of racism gives his campaign good momentum or bad?

It is not preposterous to consider how such a thing can effect your campaign and act accordingly.

I think the people will have to wise up before a candidate like Paul can win. The MSM is going to blast away at him now that they see him as a real threat that can't be laughed off. You only validate their practices by jumping through those hoops and playing their game.
I think the people will have to wise up before a candidate like Paul can win. The MSM is going to blast away at him now that they see him as a real threat that can't be laughed off. You only validate their practices by jumping through those hoops and playing their game.
I'm not talking about winning. I am talking about keeping on message. Any time spent by his campaign addressing this issue is wasted time. He isn't going to be in the race forever and the ideas he brings to the table need to be aired. He is already battling against the wind. There is no need to throw obstacles in the road too.
Giving back the money would have been a capitulation. An easier way to deal with it is to point out the double standard, because no dems are being asked to refund the NAACP and Nation Of Islam money. That's simple too.
Giving back the money would have been a capitulation. An easier way to deal with it is to point out the double standard, because no dems are being asked to refund the NAACP and Nation Of Islam money. That's simple too.

Yeah that would be a great tactic. [/sarcasm]
I just have an alternative idea of how to deal with the situation. Giving back the money is not the ideal solution, in my opinion. And you're right, there is no reason to reread the thread.
Your alternative "solution" only exacerbates the issue, allowing it to centralize and become the only issue spoken of. This would do the exact opposite of what should be done.
The NAACP does not compare to this Stormfront group and only a dumbass skinhead would think so. Nation of Islam is a little closer but still not in the same league.
The point is, ignoring perception in politics will kill you every time. It doesn't matter that you think it doesn't imply an endorsement of the group to take their money, it matters what the average "voter" thinks about the association.
The point is, ignoring perception in politics will kill you every time. It doesn't matter that you think it doesn't imply an endorsement of the group to take their money, it matters what the average "voter" thinks about the association.

Sometimes education is a better policy than pandering to the brainwashed tendencies of the majority. This is a case where that is the case.
Sometimes education is a better policy than pandering to the brainwashed tendencies of the majority. This is a case where that is the case.
Again, it depends on the goal of the campaign. In this case, the goal is not to create a whirlwind dervish on racism. It is to present the idea of smaller, constitutionally limited, government.

I know that your personal agenda would be better served by such an imperfect analogy as NAACP = White Supremacist Group, however the actual goal of the campaign would not be served.
I have to sort of agree with AHZ. The average american thinks trade and labor saving devices kill jobs. Paul is not going to win and we will never get to better government by playing to the stupidity of voters.

Look at how they are getting him off message with this Lincoln nonsense. As if it has a fucking thing to do with anything today. What is he supposed to do there? We can all play Monday morning campaign manager and pretend we could do it better, but the MSM is going to bash away at him and do its best to get him off message. Hopefully, the energy for him will continue to build anyway.