Tire-gauge gate, part deux

"I shouldn't have to live with people this stupid."

That gets a big "amen" out of me. I can't believe how clear it all is in this election. I swear, when I see McCain & his campaign use distortions & distractions and lie as they did on this tire gauge thing, I almost see a twinkle in their eye - a knowing look that they're doing it, they know they're doing it and they know they're getting away with it, and isn't America a great country because you can dismantle an opponent this way when you don't have a damned thing to run on, and they'll eat it up w/ a spoon and probably elect you for it?

I didn't expect responses as willfully obtuse as what I've gotten from Superfreak & Topspin on this & the other thread, but I should have. It's like half of us are programmed now, and have completely lost the ability to discern. McCain says it, and they take it at face value, and don't look back.

You're right about Obama; I thought he could high road it to November, but he has to hit back, and hit back hard & dirty. He has to pound this guy.
Oncelor, occasionaly you stray from the moveon. play book.
Obama must on drilling 75% and rising support drilling offshore.
WTF he's opening the reserves cause he knows we need supply. DUHHH, do it long term.
Obama could lose the election on this one issue. WHY give it to Mcain on a silver platter.
"I shouldn't have to live with people this stupid."

That gets a big "amen" out of me. I can't believe how clear it all is in this election. I swear, when I see McCain & his campaign use distortions & distractions and lie as they did on this tire gauge thing, I almost see a twinkle in their eye - a knowing look that they're doing it, they know they're doing it and they know they're getting away with it, and isn't America a great country because you can dismantle an opponent this way when you don't have a damned thing to run on, and they'll eat it up w/ a spoon and probably elect you for it?

I didn't expect responses as willfully obtuse as what I've gotten from Superfreak & Topspin on this & the other thread, but I should have. It's like half of us are programmed now, and have completely lost the ability to discern. McCain says it, and they take it at face value, and don't look back.

You're right about Obama; I thought he could high road it to November, but he has to hit back, and hit back hard & dirty. He has to pound this guy.

And he's left himself so open to it. They have given him passes they would never give any dem. They spent an entire week pounding Obama with the lie "he doesn't care about the wounded troops". But they let him get away with not voting for the GI bill. The R's would decimate any Dem with that vote, in any time other than the one we've sunk to - being so dependent on our current volunteers, we have to make sure we don't pass a bill that would give them benefits because then they might not rejoin out of financial need.

They let him slide on that anti-troop vote! And just so much other stuff. I just hope they understand they are going to need to change course here. Nice try, but this is America.
Why is it that nobody can see past the gas gauge?

Open-source the vehicles, get alternate sources of electricity online (nuclear), get nat gas into the pumps at stations as well as ethanol and other sources (remember open-sourced vehicles?) and we can decrease our demand for oil hugely, thus pumping will definitely make a difference and pretending that 3 years worth of oil for the US is a "drop in the bucket" is plainly inane. Do all of that while working on the next generation of alternate energy with a drive to become the producer and supplier of the rest of the world's energy and we can position the US in prominence for another century.
I wish you could understand how retarded you sound.

The point of the article I posted is that Obama's tire gauge comment - which was by no means presented as a "complete solution" and which has been portrayed as such by the right and ridiculed - is not a small or trivial thing when compared to other ideas out there. Even if the "Bush estimate" is way off (god - I barely even noticed that. The fact that you have somehow made it the main focus of your response on this thread speaks volumes. You are a truly retarded person).

So when the article compares Obamas comments to Bush's estimates... and based on that asks... 'who is out of touch'... I can't address that?

Side note... I also addressed the problem with Obamas solution (yes, I agree it is only a part of what he is suggesting overall).

But as you are aware, in an election this type of spin is consistent on both sides. But I know.... it is a lie when McCain or the Reps do it, but not a lie when Obama and the Dems do it.

Good little lemming that you are.
Funny how Republicans like Superfraud never mention decreasing demand as part of the equation. And when someone does mention it, they're lampooned.

LMAO... so essentially you are saying you haven't read a word of what I have stated on the subject??? Or are you instead attempting to create another strawman?

I have consistently said we need to do both you moron. We need to develop alt energy sources to take the place of some of our fossil fuel dependency. We also need to increase supply. Go back to any thread on the topic and you will find that my position on this has not changed. We have to decrease our foreign energy dependency by all means available.
"But as you are aware, in an election this type of spin is consistent on both sides. But I know.... it is a lie when McCain or the Reps do it, but not a lie when Obama and the Dems do it.

Good little lemming that you are."

Man, is that getting tiresome. First, it is the umpteenth time you have fallen back on "they do it too!", as though we can't really point out dishonesty anymore, because if we do, we have to point to ALL the dishonesty, used by EVERYONE, or we're good little lemmings.

Second, it ignores the fact that distortion has been the m.o. of McCain's campaign so far. He has run a dishonest campaign on basically everything for the past month or so, and has misrepresented Obama's positions at every turn. Obama has NOT done this; you have an argument about his use of the "100 years" comment (which, btw, McCain DID say), but that's it. He has not made it systemic as McCain has, and you have blinders on if you are oblivious to that.
The problem is this is not "Obama's solution".

The right is selling it as "obama's solution", and to no one's surprise, you bought it, again. How much do they charge you for this shit SF?

Obama's point was that, if every American checked their tire pressure, we would save more gas, and thereby increase supply, right away, tomorrow, then we would with off-shore drilling ten years from now. That is factually correct, apparently.

And if you really believe that everyone gets tune ups before something goes wrong, and are consistently checking their tire pressure, you live in la-la land. Must be something in the water in Colorado.

Bullshit. I did not for one second believe that his entire solution was to inflate tires properly. I made fun of the faux outrage from the lefties on this board that are cryinig that McCain "lied" about this.... because McCain spun it in this manner. Yet at the same time your side of the aisle uses the same type of bullshit against McCain. YOU included.

I don't believe "everyone" does it. But I would bet most do. You vehicle lasts longer if you follow the routine maintenance. But given the responses on this board I am guessing not to many Dems are smart enough to do so.
Funny how Republicans like Superfraud never mention decreasing demand as part of the equation. And when someone does mention it, they're lampooned.
This has got to be the most disingenuous post so far today.

I've mentioned that we need to get off the oil teat several times on this board and have spoken of it for years now.

Shoot, even in this thread before I saw your silly little inanity, I speak of how we can reduce that demand.

Did you all know that only 40% of the oil we use goes into our vehicles? Did you know that if we open-sourced at the pump we could have actual competition? Did you know that if we used nuclear for electricity we have an already accessible alternative available and that because we were no longer using it for electricity we'd have ample supply for vehicles?

Instead the left can't see past one point, it's like you can't hold more than one idea in your head at once.
" I made fun of the faux outrage from the lefties on this board that are cryinig that McCain "lied" about this.... because McCain spun it in this manner."

Obama suggested checking tires as a means for average Americans to save on their gas bill.

McCain & his minions have been saying that this is his entire plan, and that he thinks it is the way we can eliminate our dependency on foreign oil.

Give me a yes or no on this, Superfreak: is that depiction of Obama's position a lie?
"Obama has an energy plan, and tire pressure isn't on it. What Obama said, was, that McCain's plan to solve our energy crisis by off-shore drilling, is stupid, because it doesn't work. And to show how stupid he was, he pointed out that if we drill off shore, we can expect to save 6 cents a gallon TEN FUCKING YEARS FROM NOW, but that if every american checked their air pressure tomorrow, we'd save 12 cents a gallon immediately. "

Which is a FUCKING LIE (by your standards). You open up all of the off shore drilling and speculation will drive oil prices down. I noticed none of you are bitching about the fact that speculation has driven oil prices down from $150 a barell to below $120 based on supply and demand expectations. You increase supply expectations even further and you drop oil TODAY. Not when the oil is actually delivered. Futures prices (as well as the spot) reflect TODAYS information.

but yes, I know... that is not a lie... that is just Obama spitting out the false data he was told to.
Bullshit. I did not for one second believe that his entire solution was to inflate tires properly. I made fun of the faux outrage from the lefties on this board that are cryinig that McCain "lied" about this.... because McCain spun it in this manner. Yet at the same time your side of the aisle uses the same type of bullshit against McCain. YOU included.

I don't believe "everyone" does it. But I would bet most do. You vehicle lasts longer if you follow the routine maintenance. But given the responses on this board I am guessing not to many Dems are smart enough to do so.

But it is a lie isn't it? And isn't it also a lie that Obama is to blame for high gas prices as John McCain's recent ad suggests?

Show me something similar from Obama. Something specific, not some general statement about Democrats "using the same type of bullshit." Show me an example of Obama personally, or his campaign, lying about John McCain.
Obama has his head up his ass on energy and yours too.
Why is the gap going from 12 to 2, he's trying to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
IT'S CLEAR AS FUCKING DAY. Americans overwhelmingly want drilling.
It's not a republican point you moron, Mcain was against it a month ago. IT'S AN AMERICAN ECONOMY POINT. And Barack can still have it, but he's baffooning himself Pelosi style into this corner. Take from the strategic reserve. Bahhahahah
Get a band aid when heart surgury is needed.
Your Junior college english 101 was obviously not sufficient.

Actually he has shifted his position as well.... slightly anyway. He said now he will support "limited offshore" drilling if it was part of a more encompassing approach. Which means he is accepting McCains "all of the above" strategy.
Actually he has shifted his position as well.... slightly anyway. He said now he will support "limited offshore" drilling if it was part of a more encompassing approach. Which means he is accepting McCains "all of the above" strategy.
And wow. I believe that I predicted several times that this would be the case.
But it is a lie isn't it? And isn't it also a lie that Obama is to blame for high gas prices as John McCain's recent ad suggests?

Show me something similar from Obama. Something specific, not some general statement about Democrats "using the same type of bullshit." Show me an example of Obama personally, or his campaign, lying about John McCain.

RE read Darlas post.... she stated one right there. The left is acting like offshore drilling is "McCains plan". McCains wants off shore drilling as PART of his "all of the above" plan. But that isn't the picture painted by the left now is it?

Do please ignore Obamas "McCain wants 100 years of War" campaign... because THAT never happened... right???
"Do please ignore Obamas "McCain wants 100 years of War" campaign... because THAT never happened... right???"

I said in my post that this is all you have, and that's it. It is not the pervasive, daily distortion we see coming out of the McCain camp. This is ALL YOU HAVE.

There is no comparison. But do please continue to ignore that, and keep calling us good little lemmings for pointing it out.
" I made fun of the faux outrage from the lefties on this board that are cryinig that McCain "lied" about this.... because McCain spun it in this manner."

Obama suggested checking tires as a means for average Americans to save on their gas bill.

McCain & his minions have been saying that this is his entire plan, and that he thinks it is the way we can eliminate our dependency on foreign oil.

Give me a yes or no on this, Superfreak: is that depiction of Obama's position a lie?

Dude, you can go round and round with this idiot all day. He'll say humans have hardly anything to do with global warming, and then he'll claim he's not a global warming denialist five minutes later.

You're beating your head against a brick wall with this hack. You sure that's a productive use of your time? There's actually some informed, non-partisan hackish posters here who are worthwhile to invest time engaging with.
And wow. I believe that I predicted several times that this would be the case.

It had to be. It is why both he and McCain are now shifting towards a "lets do everything we can".

An ever increasing majority of Americans are thinking along these lines now. They don't give a shit about the partisan bickering. They want lower energy prices as fast as possible. Blocking alt energy expansion or domestic fossil fuel production expansion is no longer acceptable.

I think that has been the biggest benefit of Pickens ads... once you put it into dollar terms.... $700 billion a year being shipped overseas.... people take notice.
Actually he has shifted his position as well.... slightly anyway. He said now he will support "limited offshore" drilling if it was part of a more encompassing approach. Which means he is accepting McCains "all of the above" strategy.

McCain's "all of the above" strategy, beyond drilling and heavily subsidizing nuclear power, is pretty weak tea.