Tire-gauge gate, part deux

No, Canadian. We get most of our oil from there. Especially here in the West.

So, your contention is that none of the gas you buy from chevron and exxon comes from despotic third world dicatators, like the saudis, the nigerians, the indonesians, or the kuwaitis.

Good luck with that.

I'd rather give my money to the venzuelans than the saudis or nigerians.

But, I understand that you are on a quest to stop "socialism"
So, your contention is that none of the gas you buy from chevron and exxon comes from despotic third world dicatators, like the saudis, the nigerians, the indonesians, or the kuwaitis.

Good luck with that.

I'd rather give my money to the venzuelans than the saudis or nigerians.

But, I understand that you are on a quest to stop "socialism"
There are no Chevrons or Exxons here. At least not that I find. You are again confusing the sources of oil. Most of the oil in the US comes from closer sources.

And I personally don't care about socialism elsewhere. I'd like to stop its encroachment on myself, but that is besides the point here. In a managed economy where the leader allows people to starve it becomes something I'd prefer not to support monetarily.

My contention was, her post was joking, mine was answering in kind.
Much of what is in the US press about Chavez, is propaganda placed by free-traders and big business. I don’t pay much attention to it. I have a friend from Venezuala and she tells me that just like here, there, the right wing business interests despise him, but the people do not.
And I buy from Citgo because it drives the right crazy. I love that.
Much of what is in the US press about Chavez, is propaganda placed by free-traders and big business. I don’t pay much attention to it. I have a friend from Venezuala and she tells me that just like here, there, the right wing business interests despise him, but the people do not.
And I buy from Citgo because it drives the right crazy. I love that.
Honestly I don't attempt to purchase politically, it is a fungible product and they get their cash regardless. The only way to fully ensure we are not funding both sides of the war is to aim to get off the oil teat entirely.

I don't know one source here that sells CITGO gas, 7-Eleven used to, but they don't any longer.
Much of what is in the US press about Chavez, is propaganda placed by free-traders and big business. I don’t pay much attention to it. I have a friend from Venezuala and she tells me that just like here, there, the right wing business interests despise him, but the people do not.
And I buy from Citgo because it drives the right crazy. I love that.

I know its all BS. They have an obsession with chavez, which borders on the ridiculous. He's not saint. But, I'd love any american to explain how venezula is so much worse, than all the other despotic countries we buy oil from.

If I had a choice of buying venezuelan gas, or saudi arabian gas, it would be a no brainer.
Honestly I don't attempt to purchase politically, it is a fungible product and they get their cash regardless. The only way to fully ensure we are not funding both sides of the war is to aim to get off the oil teat entirely.

I don't know one source here that sells CITGO gas, 7-Eleven used to, but they don't any longer.

Well here, we have actual CITGO stations, having nothing to do with the 7-11. What’s perfect for me is, there is one right on my way to work, they always, always, have the lowest price in my area, they are FULL-SERVE! (a real rarity here), and, the mere mention of Hugo Chavez infuriates people like you, and Epic. I mean, where is the downside here?
No, Canadian. We get most of our oil from there. Especially here in the West. Of course, only people who are uneducated on the subject would think your assertion was the case.

Correct Canada is the number one provider, Mexico is second. Saudi is third.
Much of what is in the US press about Chavez, is propaganda placed by free-traders and big business. I don’t pay much attention to it. I have a friend from Venezuala and she tells me that just like here, there, the right wing business interests despise him, but the people do not.
And I buy from Citgo because it drives the right crazy. I love that.

Of course you don't read about their citizens, he's about to Nationalize some banks. THe oil industry there is going down hill fast.:pke:
Well here, we have actual CITGO stations, having nothing to do with the 7-11. What’s perfect for me is, there is one right on my way to work, they always, always, have the lowest price in my area, they are FULL-SERVE! (a real rarity here), and, the mere mention of Hugo Chavez infuriates people like you, and Epic. I mean, where is the downside here?
Like me? I don't really care about him at all. I was just trying to answer in kind. I know how much it "infuriates" you to hear how Chavez is full of teh phail....

SuperRush are you the gatekeeper now. Cause last time I checked I didn't care what cold calling old lady robbing arm chair nazi's thought.

Well as long as you are here you are going to hear exactly what I have to say to ignorant pieces of shit like you and gumby.
I know its all BS. They have an obsession with chavez, which borders on the ridiculous. He's not saint. But, I'd love any american to explain how venezula is so much worse, than all the other despotic countries we buy oil from.

If I had a choice of buying venezuelan gas, or saudi arabian gas, it would be a no brainer.

Right... the food shortages are just BS. That isn't really happening. Nor is the hyper inflation. Chavez good. right gumby???

Side note tool... the top two providers of oil to the US are Canada and Mexico. Most countries try to buy as close to home as they can. Which is why Venezuela is fourth on the list. (yes Saudi is third... for now)
Well as long as you are here you are going to hear exactly what I have to say to ignorant pieces of shit like you and gumby.

Superrush, bring it I love making fun of Arm Chair Generals.
Lets see 1. where you a cheerleader like bush in school or
2. did you play lacrosse
Right... the food shortages are just BS. That isn't really happening. Nor is the hyper inflation. Chavez good. right gumby???

Side note tool... the top two providers of oil to the US are Canada and Mexico. Most countries try to buy as close to home as they can. Which is why Venezuela is fourth on the list. (yes Saudi is third... for now)

I don't think you guys are concerned about starving venezuelans.

If you were so concerned about oil and human rights, you'd be more concerned about the atrocious mistreatment of women in saudi arabia, and you'd refuse to buy their oil.

What this is really about, is that you guys spend your lives shadow boxing the phantom threat of encroaching "socialism".

If venezualans were starving to death because of Chavez, they had three fair, and internationally monitored elections to throw him out.

And yet, they elected him all three times with overwhelming, record majorities.

Why is that superfreak?
Superrush, bring it I love making fun of Arm Chair Generals.
Lets see 1. where you a cheerleader like bush in school or
2. did you play lacrosse

Top, I could care less if you use your normal cold caller etc.... but there is a line you don't cross and in that case you crossed it.
I don't think you guys are concerned about starving venezuelans.

If you were so concerned about oil and human rights, you'd be more concerned about the atrocious mistreatment of women in saudi arabia, and you'd refuse to buy their oil.

What this is really about, is that you guys spend your lives shadow boxing the phantom threat of encroaching "socialism".

If venezualans were starving to death because of Chavez, they had three fair, and internationally monitored elections to throw him out.

And yet, they elected him all three times with overwhelming, record majorities.

Why is that superfreak?

1) So once again you attempt to project your opinion of what my position must be? You are such a complete hack. But a master at strawmen creation.

2) As Damo already told you and you subsequently ignored.... it doesn't matter where you buy oil/gas.... as long as the country buys any oil from Venezuela or Saudi, we are supporting them. The only way to not support them is to get off of oil (especially from foreign). But let me guess... you would rather buy from Venezuela than drill off our coasts and in ANWAR and using the shale oil. Right?

3) I did not say they were currently starving to death you twit. I said that the food shortages were getting worse. Which they are.

4) It was Chavez's nationalization of resources and clamp down on business that began in earnest in 2004 that led to this situation. Yes, he got re-elected in 2006 by a 20 point margin (or pretty close to that). How did he do it? By promising the poor that he would create a nice dependency upon the government. Something you should know all about as a dem. Yet the food shortages really became apparent after his election and have been getting worse since 2006. So to act as though they elected him three times after the problems began is yet another dishonest attempt on your part.
Again, I believe that "next to nothing" is more than has been currently implemented, and ignoring that it is there because it isn't enough for you is pretense based on partisanship. Nor does it change the fact that I believe that it is the nod towards the compromise that will eventually be reached that will be between the two plans.

I believe that you read both plans with partisan glasses, ones which I do not have on. I've found that I can look at things much differently once I had decided not to vote for the candidate from my party.

I also believe that Obama appears to be desperately following, especially with the "some drilling okay" at least a month after McCain conceded that something needed to be done to bridge to the future... and finally began to relate that alternative energy needed to be researched.

Dude, you said that the "Lexington Project" wasn't just "more than has been currently implemented" (Aside: why is it more than currently implemented? Because the Republicans filibustered the alternative energy expansion bill) but that it was a "'Manhattan Project'-style project that . . . has far more meat on it than any previous plan." Which isn't even close to true. It's substantially less than the Democratic bill that passed the House this Congress that McCain's Republican allies filibustered and, more importantly, way way less than what Obama has proposed.

McCain has proposed $2 billion annually in additional investment in alternative sources aside from some general tax breaks. That's it. $2 billion per year. And the $2 billion is fr clean coal! Obama has proposed $150 billion plus tax breaks. Do the math you fucking hack. Better yet, read up about what each candidate is actually proposing.
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Dude, you said that the "Lexington Project" wasn't just "more than has been currently implemented" (Aside: why is it more than currently implemented? Because the Republicans filibustered the alternative energy expansion bill) but that it was a "'Manhattan Project'-style project that . . . has far more meat on it than any previous plan." Which isn't even close to true. It's substantially less than the Democratic bill that passed the House this Congress that McCain's Republican allies filibustered and, more importantly, way way less than what Obama has proposed.

McCain has proposed $2 billion annually in additional investment in alternative sources aside from some general tax breaks. That's it. $2 billion per year. And the $2 billion is fr clean coal! Obama has proposed $150 billion plus tax breaks. Do the math you fucking hack. Better yet, read up about what each candidate is actually proposing.
So, are you saying that the plan wasn't implemented? That maybe what I said actually did relate to actual reality?

Thanks, I'm glad you admit that I am right. And again, Obama did not, until very recently, elect to speak on drilling. Now it is "limited drilling" and later even more compromise will be reached. Your pretense and attempt at spin notwithstanding. How I described it, is exactly what you repeat.

Thanks for playing it, but the pretend outrage suit isn't the trump this round.

As I said before, I think both plans show that they understand that they'll give ground on the side each plan overstates (McCain in Drilling, Obama in the tax breaks for alternate energy) while they also understand that the other side will be strengthened. This shows that both are investing completely in the political reality of compromise. When it is first introduced neither will pass, but after it is changed by compromise what will result will be between the two plans, it will include drilling, it will include investment in alternate energy at a high level.

And if we are smart it should include the following:

1. Open-sourced vehicles that can begin an actual competition at the pump.
2. Nuclear energy for electricity that will lower the demand for Nat. Gas for electricity and allow that Nat. Gas to be used in vehicles.
3. A drive to lower demand for oil itself through bridged alternatives (usually still carbon-based in the interim before the next gen sources are discovered or invented).
4. A national program drive towards alternative energy sources and a plan to reduce dependency on the bridge sources once the alternative has been reached.

I will also note that $2 billion ANNUALLY is $20 Billion over the same decade that Obama says we'll spend $150 Billion, I stated that it is smaller than Obama's plan but also stated that it is larger than any plan ever implemented (note that word there, it is important), but I believe that he understands it is the starting point that will end larger after the compromise has been reached....

I will also note that the permanent tax credit also adds to the amount he is investing without simply directly handing the money to them after the fact. That tax credit is for R&D towards alternative energy specifically.

I'll also note that he proposes a cap and trade system of his own....
Dude, you said that the "Lexington Project" wasn't just "more than has been currently implemented" (Aside: why is it more than currently implemented? Because the Republicans filibustered the alternative energy expansion bill) but that it was a "'Manhattan Project'-style project that . . . has far more meat on it than any previous plan." Which isn't even close to true. It's substantially less than the Democratic bill that passed the House this Congress that McCain's Republican allies filibustered and, more importantly, way way less than what Obama has proposed.

McCain has proposed $2 billion annually in additional investment in alternative sources aside from some general tax breaks. That's it. $2 billion per year. And the $2 billion is fr clean coal! Obama has proposed $150 billion plus tax breaks. Do the math you fucking hack. Better yet, read up about what each candidate is actually proposing.

Dung, I like the 150b in alt funding propesed by Obama. But it's not in anything I read can you link it or direct me to his plan details?