Totalitarianism on the the left in America

The difference is that Carolla and Prager have proven themselves to be Anti-SJW Trumpcucks, whereas you have no idea what kind of category I could possibly fall into. You just assume that anyone who doesn't buy into the "edgy" points of the Anti-SJW hole is the same. A big part of this new internet Right is viewing anyone who opposes them as being exactly the same.

This is another example of you being brainwashed.
If you fail to do your job, you can get fired. If you fail to do your job and blame it on your religion, you can still get fired.
Freedom of religion does NOT mean you can't get fired, it means you can believe whatever you want and the government can't oppress you.
If you say offensive things to people at work, you can get fired. If you insult customers or sexually harass coworkers and say that you can do it because you have freedom of speech, you can still get fired.
Freedom of speech does NOT mean you can't get fired for the things you say, it means you can say what you want and the government can't oppress you.

The Anti-SJW shills regularly tell their viewers that we lost our free speech and free religion because this person here lost their job. They're lying about what free speech and free religion are. These things protect you from the government, not from social consequences.

Please do yourself a favor and stop thinking in terms of Right vs Left. Examine the individual issues without looking for a political identity.

You're missing the point, which is no surprise, the point is not losing your job over some silly assed complaint from some snowflake, the problem is that snowflakes don't get to dictate what 3rd party bystanders can say, and by extension, what they think.

These trans people were NOT born that way, they chose their own path, they DO NOT get to dictate how other people respond to them, we were not consulted about their choice, they can't change the rules in the middle of the game. Maybe once all the people whose brains were washed into thinking an apple is an orange or that the emperor really does have clothes, fine, but I know that men are men and women are women, and no amount of surgery and bullshit can change that. Anybody who tries to tell me otherwise IS trying to brainwash me as in 1984, so do yourself a favor and quit trying to blow smoke up my ass.
You're missing the point, which is no surprise, the point is not losing your job over some silly assed complaint from some snowflake, the problem is that snowflakes don't get to dictate what 3rd party bystanders can say, and by extension, what they think.

Yes they can, because that's how business works. If you represent your company in a way that upsets the public, thus costing the company money, you can get fired.
But this is besides the point. Losing your job because you failed to do your job correctly is not losing your freedom of speech/religion. Again, this is not happening in America. The Right has no real examples of people being oppressed by the government over speech or religion, so they are forced to use examples of people losing their jobs and blaming it on an alleged lack of freedom.
Freedom of speech/religion does not protect you from social repercussions.

Look, I honestly don't think you're stupid, I think you're human. Plenty of people have fell for the tricks you fell for because of the high-emotion way they're presented. This idea that we're losing our freedom and we can't say anything because the scary Left is coming for all of us. Then we see some screaming SJW dipshit online and it seems like it might be true. But you can still admit that you jumped the gun and start objectively looking at individual issues instead of thinking in terms of "us vs them."
The political spectrum should be grouped into a Triangle or 3 positions.

A.) Right Wing Totalitarians ones who use Government to enforce right wing values.

B.) Left Wing Totalitarians ones who use to use Government to enforce left wing values.

C.) Libertarians basically don't care about anything but freedom.
we're talking about social media censorship, twitter, youtube etc. their business is providing platforms for people.

stop being a willful dumbfuck.

Ah, you see.
This will just rile up more Right-Wingers to use Government to go against them.

That's kind of the point.

Libertarians aren't Right Wing, they're Liberals.

They do nothing, as Capitalist freedom f*cks everything up.
Listen boy, my views on the loony left were formed way back in high school when I learned about totalitarian systems like Animal Farm (some animals are more equal than others) and 1984 (Newspeak is the official language). This was before Fox News and Dennis Prager were even heard of. We didn't call you the loony left back then but you have played the authoritarian line straight out of 1984. Newspeak = political correctness. A blind man can see it with a cane.

Hate to inform you.
But in many ways Stalin would fall in the Right Wing.

- Biggest deportations in recorded history.
- Criminalizing Gays.
- Outlawing Abortion.

Right Wing has nothing to do with cutting taxes, or deregulation.
Listen boy, my views on the loony left were formed way back in high school when I learned about totalitarian systems like Animal Farm (some animals are more equal than others) and 1984 (Newspeak is the official language). This was before Fox News and Dennis Prager were even heard of. We didn't call you the loony left back then but you have played the authoritarian line straight out of 1984. Newspeak = political correctness. A blind man can see it with a cane.

Because Corporations are also spawning it.

Amazon is using watches to track & record its workers.

WTF is that?

That''s Corporate Orwell.
oh yeah, I guess what I said can be read opposite of what I meant.

companies shouldn't be allowed to censor, and yes it would be nice if governments prohibited them from censoring, especially if their service is a publicly accessible expression platform.

Because saving the Union will actually take some level of Authoritarian force.
Yes they can, because that's how business works. If you represent your company in a way that upsets the public, thus costing the company money, you can get fired.
But this is besides the point. Losing your job because you failed to do your job correctly is not losing your freedom of speech/religion. Again, this is not happening in America. The Right has no real examples of people being oppressed by the government over speech or religion, so they are forced to use examples of people losing their jobs and blaming it on an alleged lack of freedom.
Freedom of speech/religion does not protect you from social repercussions.

Look, I honestly don't think you're stupid, I think you're human. Plenty of people have fell for the tricks you fell for because of the high-emotion way they're presented. This idea that we're losing our freedom and we can't say anything because the scary Left is coming for all of us. Then we see some screaming SJW dipshit online and it seems like it might be true. But you can still admit that you jumped the gun and start objectively looking at individual issues instead of thinking in terms of "us vs them."

I give up, you are not even talking about the same thing I am talking about, and you won't, because if you did you'd have to admit there is something to what I am saying.
I give up, you are not even talking about the same thing I am talking about, and you won't, because if you did you'd have to admit there is something to what I am saying.

What you're saying is that because people receive social backlash for the things they do, they don't have freedom of speech or religion, and apparently that's the fault of THE LEFT.
That's not what freedom of speech/religion is.
What you're saying is that because people receive social backlash for the things they do, they don't have freedom of speech or religion, and apparently that's the fault of THE LEFT.
That's not what freedom of speech/religion is.

The LEFT created the problem, they always do.
What the actual fuck? The book is a required read in school.


By the way, the first time I read this post I had pictures disabled so I didn't see that you had the cover for 1984 in your post. My bad.
No, the identity politics problem. You are missing the point purposely and it's starting to get on my nerves.

"Identity politics" is common on both the Left and the Right, and is not the same as Totalitarianism. If a bunch of people get mad over something because of their politics, and decide to boycott it, that is not Totalitarianism.
"Identity politics" is common on both the Left and the Right, and is not the same as Totalitarianism. If a bunch of people get mad over something because of their politics, and decide to boycott it, that is not Totalitarianism.

No it isn't "common" on both sides. Your side invented it - half of the problems we have today were invented in the last 50 years by the left, usually by comparing today's whine du juor with slavery. We didn't vote on what the response to so called "trans people", we've had it shoved up our asses by the political left. That's not democracy.
No it isn't "common" on both sides. Your side invented it - half of the problems we have today were invented in the last 50 years by the left, usually by comparing today's whine du juor with slavery. We didn't vote on what the response to so called "trans people", we've had it shoved up our asses by the political left. That's not democracy.

When the Right says that Democrats aren't real Americans, or that Obama is a Muslim, or that Bernie is a Communist, that's identity politics. The Right does this constantly. They present themselves as the real Americans, they claim Christians are under attack, and anyone who opposes Trump is part of "the Left" even if they aren't a Leftist.
And yes, the Left does this too. My only argument is that Cancel Culture doesn't exist and nobody gets arrested for saying things. We do not have Totalitarianism in America.

So you're half right. We are a Democracy but we're also a Republic. In most Republics, including this one, minorities are protected. When Catholics started immigrating to America, and some Protestants wanted to kill them, killing Catholics was still illegal. We didn't take a vote on it because in America, there are certain rights we all have, even if the majority wants to violate those rights.
So yes, we didn't vote on what to do with trans people because trans people have human rights in America.
No it isn't "common" on both sides. Your side invented it - half of the problems we have today were invented in the last 50 years by the left, usually by comparing today's whine du juor with slavery. We didn't vote on what the response to so called "trans people", we've had it shoved up our asses by the political left. That's not democracy.

You might want to take off your blinders and take a closer look at your side, kiddo. Which political party constantly caters to the evangelists, promotes the "War on Christmas" meme, scares its adherents with lies about "the left," pushes the idea that illegals are ___ (fill in the blank with your pejorative of choice... dirty, diseased, criminal, lazy, job-stealing, etc.). Which party makes up pretend problems and then tries to convince you that only THEY have the solution? Which party promotes white supremacy and racism and bigotry against non-white non-Christians? Which party thinks that white males are persecuted and trod upon by uppity women who don't know their place? Which party pushed a drunken sexual assault guy for SCOTUS, while its supporters issued death threats to his accusers? Speaking of that, which party is okay with its supporters issuing death threats to *anyone* who dares to speak out against the IMPOTUS?

If that's not "identity politics" then what is?
You might want to take off your blinders and take a closer look at your side, kiddo. Which political party constantly caters to the evangelists, promotes the "War on Christmas" meme, scares its adherents with lies about "the left," pushes the idea that illegals are ___ (fill in the blank with your pejorative of choice... dirty, diseased, criminal, lazy, job-stealing, etc.). Which party makes up pretend problems and then tries to convince you that only THEY have the solution? Which party promotes white supremacy and racism and bigotry against non-white non-Christians? Which party thinks that white males are persecuted and trod upon by uppity women who don't know their place? Which party pushed a drunken sexual assault guy for SCOTUS, while its supporters issued death threats to his accusers? Speaking of that, which party is okay with its supporters issuing death threats to *anyone* who dares to speak out against the IMPOTUS?

If that's not "identity politics" then what is?

Question for both you and Stoned by Stoned:

What do "Evangelists" have to do with anything other than they vote and you hate them?

Illegal aliens are just that: illegals. What laws do I get to break with immunity?

The party that makes up pretend problems and claims they alone have the solution are the Democrats. They made up "global warming" and used it until it was found that it doesn't exist, THEN, they started calling it "climate change", because they want to control how we get from point A to point B, they want to take from us the cheapest fuels we can use to heat our homes, cook our food, and wash our clothes. Before that it was overpopulation, we were all supposed to have starved to death by now, and what is our problem now? Obesity.

They also want single payer for further control of our lives, has your doctor asked you if you own a gun yet?

And the rest of your hate filled screed is BS also.