Trump: 34 felony counts, no misdeamors

This one is just good practice for Donald, since the next few indictments will be far more serious. He needs to move back to NYC, as he will be spending a whole lot of time in lower Manhattan.

its good you are lowering your expectations......then, when you get disappointed, you won't have as far to fall....
Fox hasn’t reported on the tape of Trump confessing everything huh

true....they haven't reported that......but obviously, since you can't find a link for it, no one else has either.......must have been too many Bloody Marys for you this morning.......
Sure, but since nobody can state what crime(s) he committed, nor are there any he was tried and convicted of, I can see that the indictments brought have no substance behind them. You need an underlying crime--one that's charged, not made up or unspecified--to make the charges of the indictment work. The crime leads to the cover up and the charges are about covering up the accounting that went with the crime. No crime charged = no basis for the indictment.

34 felonies,I guess the Grand Jury that actually SAW the evidence disagrees with you!
Three Dog Night?......Pink FLoyd?......they don't have any evidence or it would have been leaked years ago.......

No evidence?? Why would the grand jury indict 34 times because some jerkoff on the internet who's to dumb to spell "liberal", claims there's no evidence? Even though the grand jury SAW the evidence!
It's starting to look like you're just like Trump a lying bullshiter

Nobody cares about your fantasies.

It's time for Washington to be led by adults.

When trump is gone, the inbreds will stay home on election day.

It will take some time, but the MAGAmorons will be ousted from office

MAGA isn't a person, moron.
Trump hasn't gone anywhere.
I liked NPR's take on the Toadstool. Some of his stooges here follow the same victim-y, bigoted, playbook:


Trump isn't making things up here.

As far as blasting opponents, you are also describing the Democrat party (and yourself).
As far as making things up, you are describing the Democrat party (and yourself).
As far as an air of victimization, you are describing the Democrat party (and yourself).
You try to discredit anyone that challenges your tyranny.
I am not throwing away the other 23 indictments. I am pointing out how your argument is ridiculous since Trump signed some of the checks for 11 of the indictments making it impossible to argue he had no knowledge of it. The other 23 indictments rely on the checks being written in order for the false records to occur.

Paying the fake bills to hide the campaign finance violations and to be able to commit tax fraud isn't the same thing as paying your lawyers bills for work he actually did.

Which bills did Hunter pay for the Big Guy?

Writing a check is not illegal.
Cohen, Pecker, McDougal, and Weisseberg will provide testimony. They were directly involved. Weiseelberg and Cohen got jail sentences for doing Trump's dirty deeds. Weiselberg has changed his representation away from Trump company lawyers. This is no easy case for Trump. All he needs though is one Trumplestilksin to ooze onto the jury.

Still waiting for that list of felonies. None were in the indictment nor in the facts and specifications.
The MAGA maggots have to be destroyed to save this country , protecting us from the hate driven reasoning of this new right wing . It has to be totally destroyed so that conservatives , Real ones, will have to put together a party that speaks for them and their side of the aisle. But this hate group that is by far this country's biggest threat and enemy has to go, and every patriot should be working in that direction. They will never be the noble Opposition again, and I think 90% of the controller of that party knows it. They are too cruel and hateful and will without a doubt bring down this country constitution and government to stay IN POWER, they have to go!

MAGA isn't an insect.

Your hate speech isn't conservatism.