Trump: 34 felony counts, no misdeamors

That's wild speculation. Prosecutors generally HAVE to present credible evidence on both sides if they have it. And they have to make the case that an actual crime was committed.

It would be beyond stupid for a prosecutor to try to cherrypick if he felt it couldn't hold up in court, once the defense can present a case.
No crime is listed on the indictment or the facts and specifications. What are you 'holding up in court'??
Trump is about to be indicted again, btw.
And it will be just as pointless.

You twits don't get it, do you? Every time you do this, Trump's poll numbers increase in his favor. More contribute to his campaign fund. You are shooting yourselves not in the foot, but in the head.
Fallacy fallacy. There was no True Scotsman fallacy that occurred. A circular argument fallacy (which DID occur) is not a True Scotsman fallacy.

A No True Scotsman would be in this sort of thread, the Left's proposition that if you argue in favor of Trump in any way shape or form, and don't totally agree he should go to prison, you are a Trump supporter and anti-American.

No True American would support Trump...
Not a True Scotsman fallacy. A Guilt by Association fallacy and bulverism (also a fallacy).

An example of a True Scotsman fallacy:

"No real communism has ever been tried."

Yes, it is.


To paraphrase the example: Angus declares that Americans think Trump is a criminal to which Lachlan points out that he's an American and doesn't think Trump is a criminal. Furious, like a Scotsman, Angus yells that a TRUE American thinks Trump is a criminal.
Yes, it is.


To paraphrase the example: Angus declares that Americans think Trump is a criminal to which Lachlan points out that he's an American and doesn't think Trump is a criminal. Furious, like a Scotsman, Angus yells that a TRUE American thinks Trump is a criminal.

Corrected. I missed the part where you demonstrated the fallacy correctly. Apologies.
A No True Scotsman would be in this sort of thread, the Left's proposition that if you argue in favor of Trump in any way shape or form, and don't totally agree he should go to prison, you are a Trump supporter and anti-American.

No True American would support Trump...

In fact, almost all the left is glad he got indicted. I agree with that, but I do not say he will be found guilty. That is unknown. The left is waiting for his trial. And his Georgia trial. And his rape trial. and his DC trial. Those are in his near and not-so-near future.
In fact, almost all the left is glad he got indicted. I agree with that, but I do not say he will be found guilty. That is unknown. The left is waiting for his trial. And his Georgia trial. And his rape trial. and his DC trial. Those are in his near and not-so-near future.

Trying to backpedal now? Paradox. Irrational. You are denying your own posts again.
it's uses moral purity and circularity, technically.

a d.a. didn't bring a bad suit because a d.a wouln't bring a bad suit.

moral purity and circularity together.

Conspiracy is going to nail him.

There are recordings with Cohen and others conspiring to cover up the hush money payments to both Daniels, and Pecker.

The Democrat party is a conspiracy. That's not illegal.
Nothing was 'covered up'. The expense was accounted for.