Trump: 34 felony counts, no misdeamors

You had to know this was going to be something to watch...around here especially... The meltdowns are exceeding my expectations, though...;)

You're delusional! Fact you're not the center of the universe, let alone here!
You're a sad old women looking for attention, any attention! Go shovel the dog shit out of your yard!
I liked NPR's take on the Toadstool. Some of his stooges here follow the same victim-y, bigoted, playbook:


The victimization part is the most telling and also the biggest differentiation between the GOP and the Party of Trump. The GOP stood for individual accountability and fiscal responsibility. Trump is neither.

Also note that his biggest fans are all "victims"; losers and wackadoodles who failed to launch and now want to blame the "Globalists" AKA the Jews, African-Americans, "woke" transgenders and everyone but themselves for their failures in life.

Another fact is that a supposed billionaire is sucking up the hard-earned dollars of these Americans to fritter away as he pleases. A man who stands by their beliefs and has the assets to do so wouldn't need to beg for money much less accept money from those far poorer than himself.
You're claiming she held a gun to Trump's head to stick his cock inside her?
Or was it the magazine spanking was against his will?
You have no evidence that he did. Trump is a germaphobe whether he would stick his dick in a Whore who sleeps with men and women for money who themselves have sex with others for money is doubtful. We know for a fact she is willing to extort money. An extortionist would not hesitate to lie for money. It is funny that SHE was stolen from by her lawyer and now she owes Trump hundreds of thousands of dollars.
You really need to start looking at facts before you make yourself look like an idiot.
Trump signed 11 checks. Each of those checks is a business record. I suppose you could argue that others conspired to move Trump's hand without his knowledge.

oh, I get're throwing away the other 23 indictments without blinking an, lets get rid of those signed electronically, shall we?.....

I love the concept though.......paying your lawyer's monthly bills with the intent to commit some unidentified felony.......I wonder if we can apply that to any of the bills Hunter paid for the Big Guy......
The victimization part is the most telling and also the biggest differentiation between the GOP and the Party of Trump. The GOP stood for individual accountability and fiscal responsibility. Trump is neither.

Also note that his biggest fans are all "victims"; losers and wackadoodles who failed to launch and now want to blame the "Globalists" AKA the Jews, African-Americans, "woke" transgenders and everyone but themselves for their failures in life.

Another fact is that a supposed billionaire is sucking up the hard-earned dollars of these Americans to fritter away as he pleases. A man who stands by their beliefs and has the assets to do so wouldn't need to beg for money much less accept money from those far poorer than himself.

A person who possesses honor, integrity, and a sense of self-worth would be ashamed to beg for their dollars.
The law IS the law. Do you think Trump should be exempt from it?

And no worries. More indictments are on the way. Georgia is really the biggie.

Doktor ExLax hawked HCQ and Ivermectin as COVID cures. His own BIL died of COVID. Is there any doubt that ExLax played a part in that death?
you are smart to reduce expectations from New York......Bragg has shown he's holding a royal straight flush.......of blank cards....

We really don't care. It brings negative attention to your #MalignantMessiah. It has turned away two-thirds of independent voters. Despite the ardor of you Toadstool stooges, the corrupt piece of shit cannot win without the indies. It has marked him down forever in history as the first president to be indicted for crimes. So he uses it for fund-raising. He still isn't bringing in the big donors, and he never will again.

But you go on worshiping at his throne... his infamous golden toilet that he holds court on as he types at you gullible losers. :laugh:
We really don't care. It brings negative attention to your #MalignantMessiah. It has turned away two-thirds of independent voters. Despite the ardor of you Toadstool stooges, the corrupt piece of shit cannot win without the indies. It has marked him down forever in history as the first president to be indicted for crimes. So he uses it for fund-raising. He still isn't bringing in the big donors, and he never will again.

But you go on worshiping at his throne... his infamous golden toilet that he holds court on as he types at you gullible losers. :laugh:

oh we know that after six years....."fuck the law, fuck the truth.......all that matters is negative attention"....people like you are we can't keep nice things....
oh, I get're throwing away the other 23 indictments without blinking an, lets get rid of those signed electronically, shall we?.....

I love the concept though.......paying your lawyer's monthly bills with the intent to commit some unidentified felony.......I wonder if we can apply that to any of the bills Hunter paid for the Big Guy......

I am not throwing away the other 23 indictments. I am pointing out how your argument is ridiculous since Trump signed some of the checks for 11 of the indictments making it impossible to argue he had no knowledge of it. The other 23 indictments rely on the checks being written in order for the false records to occur.

Paying the fake bills to hide the campaign finance violations and to be able to commit tax fraud isn't the same thing as paying your lawyers bills for work he actually did.

Which bills did Hunter pay for the Big Guy?