Trump: 34 felony counts, no misdeamors

I am on Team Vivek Ramaswamy but let me be clear, if the test of my loyalty that the Revolution demands is do I or do not not support the Dissident Trump, then the answer is yes I do, of course.
Bragg's no Paul Simon.....

But Trump is just a lying pedophile traitor.

Just putting stuff out there to see what plays?

I really think that's the case. Bragg's case is so weak as to be non-existent. It certainly doesn't help him that he claims Trump committed unnamed, unspecified "felonies" that were the reason behind these bookkeeping entries and the reason he's being prosecuted. It also doesn't help Bragg that he hints they were federal in nature.

A further hit is Bragg wanting the case to move forward just as the first presidential primaries begin. That, again, looks like a setup and bad, unless Bragg has some really valid reason he hasn't bothered to give for it.

I'm just saying it's looking more and more like a political hit job, not less and less. Aside from that, where the hell are you going to find a jury now?

While I certainly hope Trump isn't the eventual Republican nominee in 2024, his opposition using the courts to get him politically looks horrible. When the President of a Central American 'banana republic' says the whole thing is politically motivated, that sure as hell shouldn't sit right with any American. We're a better country than that, I'd hope.
I really think that's the case. Bragg's case is so weak as to be non-existent. It certainly doesn't help him that he claims Trump committed unnamed, unspecified "felonies" that were the reason behind these bookkeeping entries and the reason he's being prosecuted. It also doesn't help Bragg that he hints they were federal in nature.

A further hit is Bragg wanting the case to move forward just as the first presidential primaries begin. That, again, looks like a setup and bad, unless Bragg has some really valid reason he hasn't bothered to give for it.

I'm just saying it's looking more and more like a political hit job, not less and less. Aside from that, where the hell are you going to find a jury now?

While I certainly hope Trump isn't the eventual Republican nominee in 2024, his opposition using the courts to get him politically looks horrible. When the President of a Central American 'banana republic' says the whole thing is politically motivated, that sure as hell shouldn't sit right with any American. We're a better country than that, I'd hope.

I think it's a case, but it's not incredibly serious. As I said on your other thread, I'm glad the career grifter is finally being held accountable for SOMETHING, and I also think most Americans feel the same.

There isn't anything banana republic about it. When I hear people on the right say that there needs to be a higher standard for a President, all I hear is that they don't think people are really equal under the law. People have been arrested, charged and convicted for what is alleged about Trump.
Justin Amash

After reading DA Bragg’s indictment of Trump and accompanying statement of facts, I’m stunned any prosecutor would move forward with this. It’s even flimsier than we were led to believe. Thirty-four stacked counts, bootstrapped to an unstated crime, to manufacture felony charges.

I've never seen anything presented by any prosecutor that is so flimsy. These 'facts' and 'specifications' are basically conjectures. I don't even see a crime listed. Just general griping and conjectures.
Bragg is exposing himself to a malicious prosecution lawsuit.
I think it's a case, but it's not incredibly serious.
There is no case. Neither the indictment nor the facts and specifications list any crime.
As I said on your other thread, I'm glad the career grifter is finally being held accountable for SOMETHING, and I also think most Americans feel the same.
So you convict without trial and without a specified crime. Gotit.
There isn't anything banana republic about it.
There certainly is!
When I hear people on the right say that there needs to be a higher standard for a President, all I hear is that they don't think people are really equal under the law.
Lawlessness is not law.
People have been arrested, charged and convicted for what is alleged about Trump.
Specify the case. What people? What case?
I think Donald Trump is now at a point, where he is going to have to take this case seriously, because of all the things at stake.

And one thing he has overlooked, in all of his lies, deceptions, and deflections, is the status of his marriage.

Up until now, Donald Trump has been telling everyone, including his wife, that this is a witch hunt, and that he never had sexual encounters with either Stormy Daniels or Karen McDougal.

Now, both Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal has been listed as witnesses, that will be used in the trial.

And you can bet your ass, they will both be asked to explain their relationships with Donald Trump, and if they were sexual in nature.

And this will give Melania something to think about now, and that may have been what she has been waiting to hear all along, as well!

Sorry, but this is just the way it works- ASK BILL AND HILLARY CLINTON- AND JOHN EDWARDS!

Melania knows Trump cheats on her.
For anyone who care this is what I am doing just now:

My Chat with Political Scientist Dr. Eric Kaufmann - On Cultural Socialism
Why are people dumb enuff to think that even if they are successful at removing the leader of a movement it means the movement will die? The Romans and the Pharisees thought that once a long time ago too and were proven to be horribly incorrect. ;) On top of all that,.....this movement didnt begin with Trump by a long shot, as it has been in the making for decades. Trump was/is the HAMMER we used to beat the left over the head with,....and he was good at it. Thus the reason the left hates him so. With or without Trump the movement will go on.
Yes it will.

You guys can play dress up and hang pictures of Hitler in your bedrooms.

You'll just be hiding under rocks again once trump is gone.

Preferrably dead.